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 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:33 pm 
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Even playing since beta, I've been one of the lucky ones. I haven't encountered many bugs that I couldn't work around. It actually made me feel kind of useless because when I test, I expect to file bugs. I wouldn't use beta software if I didn't, and I use quite a bit from my web browser to one of my operating systems.

Anyway, I did find a really weird one that involved falling through the world, but without my character moving. Most of us know about falling through Windhelm, which is a pretty common occurrence. Something very similar to that happened to me in the EP Silver vet missions in Glenumbra while I was at a crafting table, except this time it didn't kill me like the Windhelm one does and as soon as I landed, I was immediately back in the crafting screen. Had I not been paying attention I would have never noticed.

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 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:36 pm 
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I've actually never fallen through the world in Windhelm.

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 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:22 pm 
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Deandra wrote:
I've actually never fallen through the world in Windhelm.

It's obviously quite rare. I've been playing since 5 day early access (30th March 2014) and the first day I fell through the wayshrine was 22nd December 2014. You know it when it happens:

All these pictures can be clicked on to make them full size.

I do enjoy my screenshots of what the world looks like when the players load and the scenery doesn't. Mostly because it's so surreal.

Also, wolves floating in the air!
I have a couple of shots of horse weirdness.
Bjornolfr is stuck on the stairs:

Martin has a broken leg. (In Cyrodiil, so on the lowest graphics settings possible).

And talking about low graphics settings, have you ever wondered what the game looks like when the graphics card is barely coping?

A PvP glitch - we were on the AD side, and an EP character got stuck in the floor. He didn't bother to respawn because he was keeping us there...
Image Image :mrgreen:

Where is High King Emeric?

Martin's hand is on fire. HIS HAND IS ON FIRE!
Image Image
All I needed was a couple more people to glitch with red and yellow smoke and then we could have an RAF Red Arrows-style formation team.

ARGH! Two Vikord Skullcleavers on top of each other! (Actually, almost everyone in the Hollow City Fighters Guild was doubled when I went in there the other day).

And I almost forgot this one: Press WHICH key now?


 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 2:40 am 
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Deandra wrote:
I've actually never fallen through the world in Windhelm.

Really? I thought everyone has at least a few times. It used to happen to me so much that every time I'd go to Windhelm if I was close to broke I'd dread spending the 90 or so g to get my Armor fixed from the inevitable falling death that would happen as I'd step off the wayshrine toward the crafting area.

The game just likes you better than me Deandra. Its kind of moody with me sometimes. But then again, my computer could be the problem, hard to say really.

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 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:53 am 
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As usual, all pictures may be clicked to enlarge.

How do you shop from a Guild Trader who's stuck in the floor? Not sure, but you can!

He didn't answer me, so I never did find out how he was walking around with his own personal dirt mound.

I "love" it when dungeons don't load properly. Reinhold's Retreat (Craglorn) and Del's Claim (Auridon), respectively.

My Khajiit friends like to get stuck in things. @Spookycat got stuck in the stairs in Wayrest Sewers.

@DarthVella got stuck in... a Daedroth (?!). Notice how @Wicked_Shifty and @Spookycat decided to bury him with shovels.

I don't know how the Green Lady got stuck in a sofa, but she didn't even get out of it to talk.

FAVOURITE PICTURE EVER: Riding a horse indoors! Note that this bug is not fixed even now (patch 2.0.2) and you can quite happily ride your mount around the UPSTAIRS of this building in Craglorn. I hope they never fix it because it's awesome.


 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:49 am 
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By popular demand, here is how Lifts-Her-Leg was treated on her triumphant return from the campaigns in Cyrodiil ...

"Hey, it's windy here."
http://www.mediafire.com/view/lvkywqany ... 212802.jpg

http://www.mediafire.com/view/17z0gqznn ... 212805.jpg

"Ah sweet Hist, we are together again."
http://www.mediafire.com/view/7r70ohwqm ... 212816.jpg

Playing since the beta, had this happen a few times, but not in many months. Perhaps Zenimax is too busy with them thar consoles to worry about intermittent PC issues.

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 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 7:52 pm 
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So I was wandering around Mournhold, stuck in a pit of lag, when a part of the wall (I'm assuming that's what it was) decided to take a vacation.




 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:18 pm 
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Yesterday, while I was doing the quests in Mzulft, I happened to notice Kireth doing something strange...


 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:40 pm 
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So Lifts-Her-Leg was valiantly doing the Argonian sorc-healer thing in a group. As she approached Arrius Farm, her crimson eyes grew wide with wonder. A huge melee between EP and DC made the air around the flag glow with energy.

Diving in, she discovered she could not be seriously injured, so long as she remained near the flag. The fight continued for at least ten minutes, and Lifts was only vulnerable when she wandered away from the center - far away.

Very odd, and here are pictures.

http://www.mediafire.com/view/1dpd99971 ... 161341.jpg

http://www.mediafire.com/view/6n91n28t9 ... 161606.jpg

http://www.mediafire.com/view/ym967cd83 ... 161845.jpg

Apologies for the clumsy postings of photos, but I cannot determine how all the cool people manage to hide embedded photos using the api here.

"Just because you're paranoid, that does not mean they are not out to get you."
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 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:02 am 
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I just upload images to Imgur, then use the rimg tag to post them (under hide, of course).

Anyway, I seem to be chasing things out of their normal place quite a bit. Especially in the Alik'r Desert. This Imperial was the worst case of it (and the only one I have a screenshot of).


She was supposed to be on the building, but I knocked her off during combat... She briefly fell onto the ground before she popped back up into the air and proceeded to walk towards the rocks.

 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 6:24 am 
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NyarlathotepJr wrote:
Apologies for the clumsy postings of photos, but I cannot determine how all the cool people manage to hide embedded photos using the api here.

You can always quote a post to see its markup.

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 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 6:46 pm 
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Not really weird, but a test of the system - and a nice picture of a Fatima al-Haram at the beach.


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 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:12 am 
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I'm not entirely sure this is a glitch. Walked into the Fighter's Guild in Marbruk looking for safeboxes to loot and saw an odd occurrence. An NPC was strutting around with his sword drawn, occasionally slashing at the air. As I watched he approached Merric at-Aswala from behind and started training on him. Like so:


Who knew Merric was so tolerant of some random guy repeatedly slashing at him and then stabbing him where the sun don't shine?

Everybody's dead now!

 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 1:54 pm 
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I'm going to throw this into the "really annoying" category.

Ever since the patch, I've had the game randomly go into a load screen after loading a character. Sometimes that can happen several times in a row. It isn't my internet lagging, and it doesn't seem to matter where I am (either in a heavily populated zone or a fairly empty one). As far as I can tell, it's like the UI is reloading itself multiple times when I load a character.

That's annoying enough on its own. Last night, when Rashira'Zra was trying to do the Daughter of Giants quest, she was having all sorts of issues. It started with long load screens, but after I got lag kicked while trying to recover Lyris' armor, it got worse. As soon as I loaded into Coldharbour, I was tossed into another load screen and when I reappeared...


Yeah. I suddenly found myself outside of the playable area. The first thing I tried was the /stuck command. It worked, but... It placed me behind the wall that Lyris smashes after she gets her axe. There was no way I could get back to where I was supposed to be. Even better: when I opened the map, it wouldn't go back to the Tamriel map. In the end, I wound up using the "show on map" option for the quest to meet Raz at Mathiisen. I had to travel out of Coldharbour and then run all the way through it again just to get back to Lyris. All because of a completely necessary load screen.

 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 3:05 pm 
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Death, as it seems, is a rather sticky thing... And I mean people keep getting stuck as dead while I'm in Cyrodiil, even though they're actually alive and doing normal things. It's funniest when they ride a horse, but unfortunately, I haven't managed to get a screenshot of that. The horse appears lying on the ground next to them and they slide to wherever their destination was.

When I first noticed they were stuck dead and still running around.

They're still showing as dead...

And then somebody else got stuck like that the next day.

 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 1:44 am 
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Apparently I get a lot of lag related glitches.

Yesterday, after lagging to death twice at a Dolmen in Glenumbra, I tried to swap weapons a few times during a lag spike and wound up with sword-staffs.
The model was stuck on the swords, but the actual weapon was the staff I keep for ranged attacks. Had some fun shooting fire from my swords for a bit. It returned to normal after I fast traveled to the Baelborne Rock Wayshrine to continue farming the Dolmens.

Today, I encountered a nasty lag spike on Rashira'Zra while she was fighting a Strangler for one of the Grahtwood quests (rescuing people outside of Haven).
When I happened to open my character screen, I noticed something that seemed a little off. Not sure if it's actually a bug, but...


That duration, though. It's like 136-ish years. Slightly ridiculous.
Fortunately, it disappeared after I logged back in (since the lag spike got me kicked off).

 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:27 pm 
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Saw this on the official forum and laughed my arse off.

Glitch from your nightmares...


 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:39 pm 
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Oh, gods. THAT. I had that happen the last time I did that quest (with my newest character). That was [&@%!] freaky.

Then again, that same character also has problems with his face... Every time he has his weapon drawn, his eyes randomly start popping out of his head. He's an Argonian, and I have one other Argonian character. I gotta check and see if it happens with her, too.

Anyway, since I've finally managed to get this uploaded...

YouTube Link

Super scooter. Fell into a little bit of water while I was riding my horse in Cyrodiil (the night of Orsinium's release) and I wound up getting stuck like that until I traveled back to Craglorn.

 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 12:24 am 
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Since baratron was curious to see this:

Let it be known, from this day on (well several days ago), that Zandadunoz has reunited with his long lost identical twin.



— Ravyn Sedrethi of Stormhold, Former Scholar on Ayleid Culture at the College of Winterhold, Former Student of the Shad Astula, Spellwright of Great House Telvanni, and the Grandmaster of House Sedrethi

Last edited by Sedrethi on Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 5:01 am 
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Double the danger, double the fun?

Anyway, I just ran into this earlier... Evidently, there's one spot (at least) in Grahtwood where the air is so thick that a Giant Bat can cling to it as if it were a tree.

And one little incident from the Kill Your Friends event on the 27th... It seems as though leveling up on death (or while dead) makes it so you can't respawn or be resurrected. I'm not actually sure how I managed that, but it was fixed by relogging... Which is nice, otherwise that would've been really annoying.

 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 7:14 pm 
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Goodness, you have a complicated UI, Sedrethi!

Also that is hilarious, thanks for sharing :).


 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 3:17 pm 

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I saw this happen at the Guar Rampage those few days ago... XD
Already had given out the link in guild chat once but here it is for everyone else..

Had things happen like this to the terrain not very often and never very glitchy, maybe one random stretched texture going up into the sky, but never before with a player or NPC or had it happen this bad to anything. I forgot I'd ever had the glitch happen until I saw this.

 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:43 am 
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I still reckon there were 2 characters intersecting, Demiryu. At a guess from the hair and ears, Martin was on top of @Malevan's character Brelyna Indaren, who is a Dunmer female. I guess your game or graphics card freaked out because the two characters were literally on top of each other. Still weird, though.

UESP Guild member @Egon_Haystavk would like to share this beauty. I've seen The Forgotten Seneschal glitch like this on the official forums before, but I've no idea why.

Also @likelolwhat caught my character Martin glitching out in falling pose. On my screen, he was standing on the stairs normally. Everyone else in the group saw him apparently falling forever. Very weird.
As always with a rimg post, click to see the picture full-size :) Image


 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:16 am 
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I don't remember seeing another character standing on top of Martin. Then again, I don't exactly trust my memory... All I remember is standing there wondering exactly how Martin was glitched, since he looked totally normal on my screen.

Anyway, I was having issues with Ralaena last night. The Sorcerer's summons are usually a pain anyway, but my Twilight Matriarch was being worse than usual... Along with the quest NPCs. Several times in a row, during A Change of Heart (in Rivenspire), I had both my summon and the quest NPC spawn in the roof of the buildings we have to enter.


There's one point in particular with that quest, where the NPC has to read a book we can't interact with, at which I was forced to relog. The blasted fool and my summon were both stuck in the roof, and nothing I tried would get them down.
That repeated itself with my summon every time I entered a building, and once more with Adusa-daro during her last quest. At least Adusa-daro actually popped out of the roof, unlike my cursed summon... I'm seriously starting to consider changing Ralaena's build so she doesn't use the Daedric minions.

Not sure if it would be worth switching to the bound armor or not... Bleh. Maybe I'll just abandon Daedric summoning entirely once I've got it leveled and focus more on Storm Calling or Dark Magic.

 Post subject: Re: Post funny, stupid or weird glitches that happened to yo
PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:54 am 
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Ever wonder what Dead Man's Drop looks like from beyond the normal playable area?




I really need to stop using Critical Rush in confined spaces... Except it normally follows the terrain. That time, its sent me up.
Same thing happened once in Nikolvara's Kennel.

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