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Sat Nov 02, 2019 9:15 pm
Hi there,
I am a bit struggling with my DK and expect advice to improve it, if possible at this point.
The goal of my build is to allow both (mostly solo) pve and (non-CP) pvp, with minimum skill or gear swap.
My current setup (U24 / Dragonhold):
- dark elf, lover mundus, 32 points each in stamina and magicka
- medium 5/1/1 - Shacklebreaker+NewMoonAcolyte+ValkynSkoria (4 impenetrable, 2 infused, 1 reinforced heavy, all Prismatic enchants)
- jewelry = infused magicka recovery, bloodthirsty stamina recovery, infused weapon damage
- tri-stat food, "Bewitched sugar skulls" by default
- various potions depending on mood, tri-stat refill by default, but can swap to invisibility or immovable buffs
Main bar (2h sharpened nirned sword):
- Noxious breath (dot + major breach)
- Race against time (minor force + cc breaker + psijic order passives)
- Flames of Oblivion (major savagery + nice projectile)
- Stampede (dash + dot)
- Executioner (execute)
- Take flight (cheap and hits hard)
Off bar (powered resto staff):
- Molten armaments (major and minor brutality + major sorcery, for all the party)
- Volatile armor (major resolve + dot + damage returned)
- Radiating regeneration (nice heal after heavy attack, may benefit teammates too)
- Venomous claw (cheap dot)
- Molten whip (synergize well with claw - For BG, I'd use Fossilize instead)
- Shooting star Reviving Barrier (30s of almost-invincibility, and an extra 10% magicka regen)
I tried different setups before, with several issues:
- Really don't like destro staff gameplay, so a full magicka setup is not even considered
- Dual wield is nice, but lacks a dash move (and "Empowering chains" costs an arm in magicka)
- Sword and shield is fun, and allows a lot of bashing, but lacks "dot" and execute skills
- Often felt a lack of self-healing (used to rely on "Vigor" until I took the resto staff way)
- Full damage setup (ie. Relequens + Hundings sets, 64 points in stamina) runs short on ressources, especially magicka (most buffs I use)
- Cured vampirism after getting burnt to death too many times in vMA (and got first clear as human, so no regrets)
So, is it the end of the road (until next update) ?
Isn't there a skill I overlooked that would be fun to play with ?
Isn't there a gear set that would fit better without going back to previous flaws ?
[edit 18/12/2019] small changes:
- added food and potions detail
- nirn sword over sharpened, better burst damage
- figured out Barrier is even better than Magma armor for survivability