Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:44 am Posts: 477
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So, as you (probably) saw in the title, this is Camp For Idiots whatever-number-it-is. (Sorry Matt, Art Of Warfare will have to wait.) But, as there is only one person who can explain it. And that, is King A. I'm reusing the old Camp For Idoits Numero Trieos(how do spell lolz) opening post, but modified, as I suck at parodies and the likes.
So, here it is:
The previous summer has passed and a new one has dawned. And with every passing year, Scoutmaster Rose get prettier and Scoutmaster Tom gets grumpier. But this does not hinder the sheer idiocy of their fine campers.
First, I’d like to give you a nice, friendly little welcome to Camp Elk - known to some as “Camp for Idiots”. As you may have guessed, it is not uncommon for the children who attend there to be idiots; aka do really stupid things for no absolute reason other than the fact that they are bored.
Camp Elk, unlike many other summer camps, houses both male and female scouts, aging from thirteen to seventeen. Male scouts, led by Scoutmaster Tom Williamson, are known as “Buck Scouts”. Female scouts, led by Scoutmaster Rose Allon, are known as “Doe Scouts”. Both Buck and Doe Scouts complete activities together. They do not compete against each other.
However, there is a form of competition among the Elk Scouts as a whole - badges, and stars. Badges are gained by completing tasks that the badges require. For example, the Badge of Athletics would be gained by winning a certain athletic event. The Badge of Bravery for some sort of brave event, and so on. For a list of badges, see below. Badges are pinned on sashes given to every Elk Scout in the beginning of the summer.
Stars are gained by performing good deeds. Each Scout has their stars posted under their name on the bulletin board in the cafeteria. Whoever has the most stars by the end of the summer gets a special prize…
Note that badges can be lost by doing bad deeds.
Badge of Honor Requirements: Perform an act of great generosity.
Badge of Athletics Requirements: Win an athletic event.
Badge of Organization Requirements: Report to the cafeteria earlier than required.
Badge of Fishing Requirements: Catch the biggest fish of the day.
Badge Of Failure(NEGATIVE BADGE, NOT GOOD): Requirements: Get put in detention 5 times.
The Roleplay
This roleplay is a comedy based on summer camp. Do funny stuff. It’s meant for funny stuff. Will there be serious parts? Sure, be definitely not a whole lot of them! We need personalities of all kinds - cool, arrogant, nerdy, flirtatious, idiotic, smart - it’ll all add to the funny! Have a blast at Camp Elk, people!
There are numerous activities at Camp Elk. The day’s activities will be posted on the bulletin board in the cafeteria. The activities are
Bird Watching
Football (To Clarify: American Football, as much as it sucks.)
Field Trips (all-day activity - if it’s not on the list, you simply can’t do it due to the lack of a bus)
Camping(Of Course.)
Some will be listed on the bulletin board one day, and not on the next. You are not allowed to do activities that are not on the bulletin board. But who follows the rules at Camp Elk?
Camp Rules (the rules of the Camp)
-Report to the cafeteria by 8 in the morning
-Never take part in an activity that is not on the bulletin board
-Be kind and generous
-Show respect to the scoutmasters and staff
-Never be away from your cabin after 9 at night
-You MUST take a shower at least once a day
-No feeding the wildlife unless given the permission to do so.
-No cell-phones, iPods, or any other form of entertaining technology is allowed on the campgrounds.
-No sneaking out of the detention room!
-Any breakers of the rules will be held in the detention room in your scoutmaster’s cabin.
Boys’ uniforms consist of a tan, button-down shirt with a matching pair of pants or shorts. They have a handkerchief tied around their necks. Buck Scouts have the option of having short or long sleeved shirts. They also have the option of having either pants or shorts.
Girls’ uniforms consist of a tan, button-down shirt with a matching pair of shorts or a skirt. They too have a handkerchief tied around their necks. Doe Scouts have the option of having short or long sleeved shirts. They also have the option of having either a long skirt, a short skirt, long short, or short shorts.
I will sort your characters into their cabins.
Character Sheets
For those of you who participated in the first or second Camp for Idiots - Yes, you can use the same character as you did before. Or, you can use a completely different one. It’s all up to you.
Name: (Last name is REQUIRED)
Gender (Girls are Doe Scouts, boys are Buck Scouts):
Age (must be within the range of 13-17):
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance (not including uniform):
Uniform (short sleeved or long sleeved shirts, for boys either pick pants or shorts, for girls either pick long skirts or long shorts, long shorts or short shorts):
Seecret Passcode:
Name: (Last name is REQUIRED) Danielle Thomas
Gender (Girls are Doe Scouts, boys are Buck Scouts): Girl
Age (must be within the range of 13-17): 15
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Weight: 336
Physical Appearance (not including uniform): Besides her 63 inch belly, she is very beautiful. Curly golden hair down to her shoulders, taunting green eyes, and a generally perfect face.
Uniform (short sleeved or long sleeved shirts, for boys either pick pants or shorts, for girls either pick long skirts or long shorts, long shorts or short shorts): Short sleeve Short shorts
Bio: Her father owning a large amount of money, she was raised on the slogan that 'money is everything'. Money is how she has a roof over her head, money is how she has a house on the beach. Money is how she gets to dine like a queen every night, and does so. Once she got older, she began to notice that the world isn't as perfect as she thought it should be. She was a firm believer that the ones who aren't as rich as her are to blame, but she expresses it kindly. Even though she isn't the healthiest as in weight, she isn't one that stays indoors and does nothing, though she still does nothing. But, it is outdoors. Most of her life was lying down on the sands of the luxurious beach, having large meals, and going to school. She asked her parents to go to camp to do something different for a change this summer.
Personality: She is a bubbly, kind and loving person. Though, she is in firm belief that everyone loves her. She sees everyone as her best friend, and thinks that she can do most of anything she wants, because she thinks everyone likes her.
Secret Pass code: Om Nom Nom
name:Bob Jefferson.
weight:250 lb
height:4 foot 5
looks:extremely fat:bright blue hair(died):shorts and t-shirt:ugly
Uniform: Short shirt, and shorts. Bob likes to show off his chubby limbs.
Bio: Born in hospital 3 weeks late, for he was too fat to come out. Attends Camp Elk to get "Exercise," but Bob doesn't know what that is.
personalty: he is a big spoiled jerk, his parents are really rich so he eats and plays video games all day and gets pretty much whatever he wants,he was forced to come here because his parents said that "you need to leave that couch" so he is bragging to the other campers pretty much all the time and if they are doing a activity like going swimming he will ask stupid questions like "is there sharks in that pond?" he treats every one like "lesser beings" because they don't have as much money as him. he also believes in things like Santa, the tooth fairy, etc.
badges:fishing, to fat to complete any others
Name : Adam Sartawi
Gender : Male Age : 14
Hair Colour : Brown
Eye Colour : Brown
Height : 6ft 1
Weight : 85 Kilograms Looks : Has darker skin than some , due to his middle eastern father , but is still visibly caucasian . has a small scar above his right eye . Wears rectangular tan Glasses . has an early sprouting goatee and Moustache and slight hairs on the cheecks . has a few spots on his forehead and next to his nose . His hair is short and combed .
Uniform : Wears a Long sleeved shirt but with the sleeves folded up to his elbows , and Trousers (or Pants , as you call them )
Bio : Born in the middle eastern country of Jordan , and having newly moved to the ( im assuming this is where the camp is) United States , he is not used to this country yet , and is Bilingual and speaks fluent English and Arabic . his father is palistinean , and works as a Doctor and owns a clinic in the city . His mother is Scottish (Glasweigan to be specific) and used to work as a nurse in Saudi Arabia , and now stays at home, he also has 5 brothers, he is not well liked by his family . he has done some questionable things when he was a young child , like getting Expelled from kindergarten for Smacking the principal across the face, and stabbing a fellow student in the neck with a pen in the sixth grade . he doesnt really want to be at the camp , but he doesnt get along well with his family and thus has been sent to this camp to give them a break . Personality : He is very shy , and is of Average intelligence . he isnt afriad of a fight but will try to avoid it if he can . he doesnt like sports very much but is actually quite a good defender in Football (or Soccer , if you insist on that name) , he loves playing video games , and sees them as an escape from the troubles of real life . he is very stubborn and slow to embrace new things . in general he is a nice person , but still a little bit ''off''
Post subject: Re: Camp For Idiots: 3: The Reidioting
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:57 pm
Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:44 am Posts: 477
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Cardbird wrote:
You brought this on yourself.
name:Bob Jefferson.
weight:250 lb
height:4 foot 5
looks:extremely fat:bright blue hair(died):shorts and t-shirt:ugly
Uniform: Short shirt, and shorts. Bob likes to show off his chubby limbs.
Bio: Born in hospital 3 weeks late, for he was too fat to come out. Attends Camp Elk to get "Exercise," but Bob doesn't know what that is.
personalty: he is a big spoiled jerk, his parents are really rich so he eats and plays video games all day and gets pretty much whatever he wants,he was forced to come here because his parents said that "you need to leave that couch" so he is bragging to the other campers pretty much all the time and if they are doing a activity like going swimming he will ask stupid questions like "is there sharks in that pond?" he treats every one like "lesser beings" because they don't have as much money as him. he also believes in things like Santa, the tooth fairy, etc.
badges:fishing, to fat to complete any others
Yeah, that's right. One of the worst character's in RP history is back, thanks to me.
Denied, didn't read rule 7. Read rule 7 and then repost "your" sheet.
Post subject: Re: Camp For Idiots: 3: The Reidioting
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:17 am
Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:26 pm Posts: 201 Location: Eastern Connecticut State University
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I will make a sheet sometime soon.
Name: (Last name is REQUIRED) Danielle Thomas
Gender (Girls are Doe Scouts, boys are Buck Scouts): Girl
Age (must be within the range of 13-17): 15
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Weight: 336
Physical Appearance (not including uniform): Besides her 63 inch belly, she is very beautiful. Curly golden hair down to her shoulders, taunting green eyes, and a generally perfect face.
Uniform (short sleeved or long sleeved shirts, for boys either pick pants or shorts, for girls either pick long skirts or long shorts, long shorts or short shorts): Short sleeve Short shorts
Bio: Her father owning a large amount of money, she was raised on the slogan that 'money is everything'. Money is how she has a roof over her head, money is how she has a house on the beach. Money is how she gets to dine like a queen every night, and does so. Once she got older, she began to notice that the world isn't as perfect as she thought it should be. She was a firm believer that the ones who aren't as rich as her are to blame, but she expresses it kindly. Even though she isn't the healthiest as in weight, she isn't one that stays indoors and does nothing, though she still does nothing. But, it is outdoors. Most of her life was lying down on the sands of the luxurious beach, having large meals, and going to school. She asked her parents to go to camp to do something different for a change this summer.
Personality: She is a bubbly, kind and loving person. Though, she is in firm belief that everyone loves her. She sees everyone as her best friend, and thinks that she can do most of anything she wants, because she thinks everyone likes her.
Secret Pass code: Om Nom Nom
To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace- General George Washington
If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near- Sun Tzu
When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target
Post subject: Re: Camp For Idiots: 3: The Reidioting
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:18 pm
Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:50 am Posts: 1305 Location: Irbid, Jordan
ES Games: Morrowind , Oblivion , Skyrim
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Status: Sick and tired, tired and sick.
UESPoints: 0
Ok , i want to apply for this :
Name : Adam Sartawi
Gender : Male
Age : 14
Hair Colour : Brown
Eye Colour : Brown
Height : 6ft 1
Weight : 85 Kilograms
Looks : Has darker skin than some , due to his middle eastern father , but is still visibly caucasian . has a small scar above his right eye . Wears rectangular tan Glasses . has an early sprouting goatee and Moustache and slight hairs on the cheecks . has a few spots on his forehead and next to his nose . His hair is short and combed .
Uniform : Wears a Long sleeved shirt but with the sleeves folded up to his elbows , and Trousers (or Pants , as you call them )
Bio : Born in the middle eastern country of Jordan , and having newly moved to the ( im assuming this is where the camp is) United States , he is not used to this country yet , and is Bilingual and speaks fluent English and Arabic . his father is palistinean , and works as a Doctor and owns a clinic in the city . His mother is Scottish (Glasweigan to be specific) and used to work as a nurse in Saudi Arabia , and now stays at home, he also has 5 brothers, he is not well liked by his family . he has done some questionable things when he was a young child , like getting Expelled from kindergarten for Smacking the principal across the face, and stabbing a fellow student in the neck with a pen in the sixth grade . he doesnt really want to be at the camp , but he doesnt get along well with his family and thus has been sent to this camp to give them a break .
Personality : He is very shy , and is of Average intelligence . he isnt afriad of a fight but will try to avoid it if he can . he doesnt like sports very much but is actually quite a good defender in Football (or Soccer , if you insist on that name) , he loves playing video games , and sees them as an escape from the troubles of real life . he is very stubborn and slow to embrace new things . in general he is a nice person , but still a little bit ''off''
Secret Passcode : OM NOM NOM
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Post subject: Re: Camp For Idiots: 3: The Reidioting
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:20 pm
Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:50 am Posts: 1305 Location: Irbid, Jordan
ES Games: Morrowind , Oblivion , Skyrim
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Status: Sick and tired, tired and sick.
UESPoints: 0
Cardbird wrote:
You made yourself, right?
I didnt see a rule against it ?
_________________ My Pokemon signature : ''I HAVE ARRIVED , AND I'M FABULOUS''
Post subject: Re: Camp For Idiots: 3: The Reidioting
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:28 pm
Joined: Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:50 am Posts: 1305 Location: Irbid, Jordan
ES Games: Morrowind , Oblivion , Skyrim
Platform: PC
Status: Sick and tired, tired and sick.
UESPoints: 0
Cardbird wrote:
But you shouldn't. That means any criticism of your character will be of you, and things will get personal.
dont worry, i wont be offended
Just fugg-ed abaoud id
now ... did i just kill this RP with my thingy ? seems topics have a bad habit of dying out after i post in them
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