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 Post subject: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:00 pm 
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Welcome to my first comedy RP! This is…all I’ve got left on my plate for quite some time. My brain isn’t as creative as it once was a few months ago…

So enjoy!

First, I’d like to give you a nice, friendly little welcome to Camp Elk - known to some as “Camp for Idiots”. As you may have guessed, it is not uncommon for the children who attend there to be idiots; aka do really stupid things for no absolute reason other than the fact that they are bored.

Camp Elk, unlike many other summer camps, houses both male and female scouts, aging from thirteen to seventeen. Male scouts, led by Scoutmaster Tom Williamson, are known as “Buck Scouts”. Female scouts, led by Scoutmaster Rose Allon, are known as “Doe Scouts”. Both Buck and Doe Scouts complete activities together. They do not compete against each other.

However, there is a form of competition among the Elk Scouts as a whole - badges, and stars. Badges are gained by completing tasks that the badges require. For example, the Badge of Athletics would be gained by winning a certain athletic event. The Badge of Bravery for some sort of brave event, and so on. For a list of badges, see below. Badges are pinned on sashes given to every Elk Scout in the beginning of the summer.

Stars are gained by performing good deeds. Each Scout has their stars posted under their name on the bulletin board in the cafeteria. Whoever has the most stars by the end of the summer gets a special prize…


Note that badges can be lost by doing bad deeds.

Badge of Honor
Requirements: Perform an act of great generosity.

Badge of Athletics
Requirements: Win an athletic event.

Badge of Organization
Requirements: Report to the cafeteria earlier than required.

Badge of Fishing
Requirements: Catch the biggest fish of the day.

The Roleplay

This roleplay is a comedy based on summer camp. Do funny stuff. It’s meant for funny stuff. Will there be serious parts? Sure, be definitely not a whole lot of them! We need personalities of all kinds - cool, arrogant, nerdy, flirtatious, idiotic, smart - it’ll all add to the funny! Have a blast at Camp Elk, people!


There are numerous activities at Camp Elk. The day’s activities will be posted on the bulletin board in the cafeteria. The activities are





Bird Watching

Football (Americano)



Field Trips (all-day activity - if it’s not on the list, you simply can’t do it due to the lack of a bus)

Some will be listed on the bulletin board one day, and not on the next. You are not allowed to do activities that are not on the bulletin board. But who follows the rules at Camp Elk???

Camp Rules (the rules of the Camp)

-Report to the cafeteria by 8 in the morning

-Never take part in an activity that is not on the bulletin board

-Be kind and generous

-Show respect to the scoutmasters and staff

-Never be away from your cabin after 9 at night

-You MUST take a shower at least once a day

-No feeding the wildlife unless given the permission to do so

-No cell-phones or iPods allowed on the campgrounds.

-No sneaking out of the detention room!

-Any breakers of the rules will be held in the detention room in your scoutmaster’s cabin.


Boys’ uniforms consist of a tan, button-down shirt with a matching pair of pants or shorts. They have a handkerchief tied around their necks. Buck Scouts have the option of having short or long sleeved shirts. They also have the option of having either pants or shorts.

Girls’ uniforms consist of a tan, button-down shirt with a matching pair of shorts or a skirt. They too have a handkerchief tied around their necks. Doe Scouts have the option of having short or long sleeved shirts. They also have the option of having either a long skirt, a short skirt, long short, or short shorts.


I will sort your characters into their cabins.

Character Sheets


Gender (Girls are Doe Scouts, boys are Buck Scouts):

Age (must be within the range of 13-17):

Hair Color:

Eye Color:



Physical Appearance (not including uniform):

Uniform (short sleeved or long sleeved shirts, for boys either pick pants or shorts, for girls either pick long skirts or long shorts, long shorts or short shorts):

Badges (which badges you have):

Stars (amount of stars you have):




Map of Camp Elk
Map of the camp's docks
Map of the lands surrounding Camp Elk


1. I’m GM. You iz not GM! I am!

2. Each cabin has its own shower, FYI.

3. I’ll sort your characters into their cabins.

4. Romance is allowed, of course. It’s a comedy RP!

5. Be funny. There will be serious moments, but about 94% of this will be funny.

6. You can pretty much do anything you want in this. No limitations.

7. I’ll control the Scoutmasters. You have permission to control other members of the staff.

9. Camp Elk is located in the Northern USA. Not sure which state though…

10. Have fun, people!

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:14 pm 
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Here's mine. This is the first nerdy character I've ever made. So feel free to mock him and stuff, or feel bad for him. :lol:

Name: Chris Michaels

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5’7

Weight: 115

Physical Appearance: A body covered in freckles, numerous pimples dotting his face, braces, a pair of thick, black glasses, and curly red hair. He has a small nose with big eyes, his eyes looking extra large behind his glasses. He is not muscular…at all, and has noticeably skinny legs. His hair is very long as dirty.

Uniform: Long-sleeves shirt with shorts.

Badges: Badge of Honor, Badge of Organization, Bade of Fishing

Stars: 113

Bio: Chris is…not an attractive kid. No, I mean really…you almost feel bad for him. He has never had a girl like him - not even as a friend! He has attended Camp Elk since he was thirteen. He is one of the only campers who actually takes camp seriously, and therefore he often gets on others’ nerves. He is a big time mommy’s boy, and he is the mirror image of his father. His parents don’t let him go to camp unless he has an overall average above 98 throughout the entire year.

Personality: Highly annoying, crushing on any attractive girl he sees, and a huge know-it-all. He is constantly correcting others’ grammar and bragging about his badges and unusually high amount of stars. Very intelligent, very annoying, very worth picking a fight with.

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:27 pm 
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First off welcome back to the forums Acunasti

im shall sign up for for this RP...wait for it... wait for it... NOW

Character Sheets

Name: Max Johnson

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 6,1

Weight: 200

Physical Appearance (not including uniform): Tall, muscular and handsome (takes pride in handsomeness) but also knows how to take and dish out some serious jokeage

Uniform: short sleeve shirt and long pants

Badges: anything involving hiking,fishing,shooting, and computers

Stars: 5/10
i was never a boy scout so Idk what to do know

Bio: Goes to camp cause its fun and has friends there, nothing special, nothing important


The Mountain Dew Guy of the UESP beverage club


Last edited by Sonixboom on Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:48 pm 
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If you have lots of stars, you're a good kid. If you have only a few, you're pretty much bad. I was never a scout either. :lol:

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:11 pm 
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Dang King I was hoping to make the nerd character. So I'll be the Hulking dumbo.

Character Sheet

Name:Dom Mortoe


Age: 17

Hair Color: brown

Eye Color: hazel

Height: 190cm

Weight: 90 kg

Physical Appearance: Draw a rectangle, put a square on top and another smaller rectangle on the bottom... There you go. Just think of a brick with half a brain cell.

Uniform:Short shirt and short pants. Tries to avoid the prissy scarf whenever possible.

Badges: Badge of athletics (he like his weights)

Stars: 13, he considers himself lucky

Bio: Sent here by his parents to improve whatever grades he's ever acquired. Has never risen above 'C' level.

Personality: The longest word he's ever said is "whatever". His most common being "err...". Honestly you could throw a brick at him at he will continue on without a bother. Though he may be a tank, he enjoys nature and a good hike through the bush. He unfortunately get stereotyped as a bully, which he's not.

Aquatic Beauty

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:19 pm 
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I've got to admit, this is the best idea my cousin's had in a while. I think that instead of making my usual handsome, flirtatious guy, I'll make a hot, flirtatious girl instead. That'll be a real game-changer. :lol:

I'll get to work.

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:28 pm 
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Okay, so we've got the nerd, the handsome/cool kid, the friendly giant, and when my cousin is done, we'll have a hot chick.

Man, this is already awesome. Keep posting characters everyone! The more, the better!

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:30 pm 
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King Acunasti wrote:
the friendly giant

Can my nickname be "FG". Pleeaaaaaaaase...

Aquatic Beauty

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:31 pm 
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Is it alright to play if you aren't very funny?

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:33 pm 
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Spiney wrote:
King Acunasti wrote:
the friendly giant

Can my nickname be "FG". Pleeaaaaaaaase...

I don't care.

Also note that we can have more than one nerd, tough guy, flirt master, crazy kid, etc...I've been to a summer camp before and there were some crazy personalities there. I mean it ranged from the kid who'd take three days to figure out the answer to 2 + 2 to the kids who were part bloody fish and could be under water for unbelievable amounts of time.

Veck wrote:
Is it alright to play if you aren't very funny?

Of course!

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:04 pm 
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This one is based on a girl that I've known and secretly wished to date since middle school.

Name: Andrea Colombo

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5’11

Weight: Hmm…….I’m not sure how much her real-life counterpart weighs. Put it this way, this looks great in a bikini.

Physical Appearance: Long, straightened black hair. She is fair skinned, but gains a tan very easily during the summer time. A virtually ideal body. She is very good-looking, and she damn well knows it.

Uniform: Short sleeved shirt with a short skirt

Badges: Badge of Athletics

Stars: 31

Bio: Her parents have always spoiled her since birth, but they never really paid attention to her. She has attended summer camps since she was a toddler, and has been attending Camp Elk since she was fourteen. She is in no way arrogant, however. She has been part of many romantic relationships. Her two best friends, Sarah Pilscenski and Ali Warren, had gone to Camp Elk up until last year. The three were known as the Angel Faces. But, Sarah and Ali both moved the previous year, leaving Andrea without her two closest friends at Camp Elk. She hates the Camp and can’t wait until the summer is over so that she can go home.

Personality: Smart, sarcastic, athletic, boy-loving, and popular. She knows very well that she is good looking, and she often teases unattractive boys with her looks. She is often very moody. She is by no a means a girly girl, and often hung out with guys instead of girls because of the fact that she found girls to be annoying.

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:15 pm 
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Duh wrote:
This one is based on a girl that I've known and secretly wished to date since middle school.

Name: Andrea Colombo

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5’11

Weight: Hmm…….I’m not sure how much her real-life counterpart weighs. Put it this way, this looks great in a bikini.

Physical Appearance: Long, straightened black hair. She is fair skinned, but gains a tan very easily during the summer time. A virtually ideal body. She is very good-looking, and she damn well knows it.

Uniform: Short sleeved shirt with a short skirt

Badges: Badge of Athletics

Stars: 31

Bio: Her parents have always spoiled her since birth, but they never really paid attention to her. She has attended summer camps since she was a toddler, and has been attending Camp Elk since she was fourteen. She is in no way arrogant, however. She has been part of many romantic relationships. Her two best friends, Sarah Pilscenski and Ali Warren, had gone to Camp Elk up until last year. The three were known as the Angel Faces. But, Sarah and Ali both moved the previous year, leaving Andrea without her two closest friends at Camp Elk. She hates the Camp and can’t wait until the summer is over so that she can go home.

Personality: Smart, sarcastic, athletic, boy-loving, and popular. She knows very well that she is good looking, and she often teases unattractive boys with her looks. She is often very moody. She is by no a means a girly girl, and often hung out with guys instead of girls because of the fact that she found girls to be annoying.


I know who this is based on. She's pretty much genetically perfect. It's unbelievable. Dude...she is waaay out of your league.

Anyway, here's the list so far.

1. Chris Michaels [Me!!!]

2. Max Johnson [SonixBOOOOOOM]

3. Dom Mortoe [Spinacolus]

4. Andrea Colombo [Duuuuuuuuuuuh]

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:26 pm 
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Name: Angela Dawtson

Gender (Girls are Doe Scouts, boys are Buck Scouts): both :P Female

Age (must be within the range of 13-17): 16

Hair Color: Auburn

Eye Color: Grey

Height: 5'4

Weight: 120 lbs

Physical Appearance (not including uniform): Interestingly muscular legs, with a long auburn braid running down her back. Thick eyebrows and a sarcastic expression. Fairly good looking, pretty in an unusual and modest way. Doesn't wear makeup.

Uniform (short sleeved or long sleeved shirts, for boys either pick pants or shorts, for girls either pick long skirts or long shorts, long shorts or short shorts): Short sleeved shirt and long shorts

Badges (which badges you have): Badge of Organization

Stars (amount of stars you have):1

Bio: Grew up with a normal childhood, next to a forest and stream in her backyard. Since she's homeschooled, her parents put her in summer camp so she could socialize, "get herself a boyfriend and make connections for life." Not fond of anyone at the camp so far, mostly seen hanging out with the geeks, who she's bonded with the most. Keeps a far distance from all popular people, due to her personal dislike of anyone remotely flashy.

Personality: Generally quiet and reserved, but doesn't hesitate to make scathing remarks to anyone she doesn't like or disagrees with. Not particularly fond of most people, though she seems to bond easily to those unpopular and reserved. Warms to people quickly if approached in a mild way.


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:30 pm 
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I like how I'm the only one to post my protagonists measurements in metric. Just to annoy you imperialists. :lol:

Aquatic Beauty

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:31 pm 
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YEAH! VT sidin' with the dorks! :lol:

And yes, Spiney. Your measurements annoy me greatly. :)

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:32 pm 
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King Acunasti wrote:
And yes, Spiney. Your measurements annoy me greatly. :)

Score one for the Aussie!

Aquatic Beauty

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:33 pm 
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I like this as a bit of an improv idea, yeah sure I'll sign up!


Name: Jake Black

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Hair colour: blue-black (Italian black)

Eye colour: Blue

Height: 6' 1

Weight: 65kg

Physical appearance: Jake's always been an athletic guy, but keen on not overloading his figure either. He's sculpted and toned like a model, and although his frame leaves little to the imagination, he doesn't emphasize or flaunt it - "I am what I am". His hair is short, and in an english military style, (that's Alistair's haircut in dragonage for those of you who don't reckognise the style immediately) and seems to sit perfectly in place despite whatever activity he's currently engaged in. His face is quite sculpted and angular, but strong and sturdy, which relates to a muscular neck that fits perfectly with his head size and jaw. All of his clothes seem more revealing than normal because of the muscle they have to contain, so his shirt only covers half his bi-ceps rather than all, for example, and his shorts go a relitively short distance down his thighs.

Uniform: Short sleeve shirt and shorts, although you'd be too busy staring at what his clothes don't hide.

Badges: Badge of Athletics, Badge of Honour

Stars: 12, he dislikes the system and any stars he has are there purely by him doing his own thing.

Bio: His parent's thought Jake to cynical and world-weary for his own good and age, so sent him to camp to see the "wider world" in the hopes of enlightening him to what good the world can offer. So far they've failed. There's a surprise.

Personality: The epitamy of the strong silent type, with one exeption, he only breaks his silence to deliver one liners and cynical, satyrical comments about the world, current activities, or his fellow camp-mates. Imagine Jango Fett at summer camp, that's the personality I was going for.

"Go to hell, Carolina!"

"If a tree falls in the forest, but I'm not there, and I don't hear it, but someone records it and plays it back to me at a dinner party, am I still in the forest?"

Last edited by Goldbrand on Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:45 pm 
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Angela is a geek, not a dork :P That's basically how I was like a kid. Still am, but slightly more popular.

And Goldbrand, you know what's funny? I was thinking Jango Fett before you even said that >.>


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:46 pm 
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This...this is just fantastic, I'm not gonna lie. :wink:

Keep em' comin!

And VT, geeks aren't bad. I was a geek up until about 5th Grade. And then people started thinking I was cool...and my personality had never (and still has never) changed... :?

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:56 pm 
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Vivec's Tears wrote:
Angela is a geek, not a dork :P That's basically how I was like a kid. Still am, but slightly more popular.

And Goldbrand, you know what's funny? I was thinking Jango Fett before you even said that >.>

Then that shows that my character is a good likeness, thanks Vivec :D Most of my rp character's have blue eys because I secretly have an adoration (or even a fetish it could be said) for blue eyes. I've been told by girls that my eyes are awesome brown but I just don't care I want bluuuue! :(

"Go to hell, Carolina!"

"If a tree falls in the forest, but I'm not there, and I don't hear it, but someone records it and plays it back to me at a dinner party, am I still in the forest?"

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:58 pm 
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Would anyone like to know a fun fact? Megan Fox actually has brown eyes, but she wears blue contact lenses so that she looks hotter. I just found that out not too long ago. Interesting, eh?

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:18 pm 
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I'm gonna play as a girl again, because, as anyone in the College of the Nine Divines will tell you, it's actually really funny. Also we're probably going to need more girls.

Name: Suzie Ashton

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Hair Color: Brunette

Eye Color: Green

Height: 5'9''

Weight: 49kg

Physical Appearance: Extremely good looking :wink: Light build, but not weak. Shoulder length hair. Never wears makeup (she doesn't need it)

Uniform: Short sleeved shirt and short shorts.

Badges: Umm... None.

Stars: Also none.

Bio: Growing up in the suburbs of Birmingham, Suzie learned from a very early age how boring life could be. Her mother was a librarian and her father a box inspector, and they were too busy with their jobs to do anything with her. She spent most of her time poitering in the shopping centre, so her parents finally looked up from their thick rimmed glasses and drafted her into the scouts. She hates it there, and makes a point of never making a positive contribution to the group. She was sent to the camp in the hope that she would shape up and change her attitude.

Personality: Lively and highly strung. She is quite intelligent, but too rebellious to put it to good use. She mostly does not get along with the scout leaders.

+10 points to whoever can guess why I made her extremely attractive :lol:

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:22 pm 
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to see whether you can do a repeat of Clara? :wink:

"Go to hell, Carolina!"

"If a tree falls in the forest, but I'm not there, and I don't hear it, but someone records it and plays it back to me at a dinner party, am I still in the forest?"

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:24 pm 
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To get some pazazz sparking between the characters? Female players always make it more interesting, College of the nines for example. But my guy wouldn't know what to do even if you flaunted it right in front of him (a bit to adult maybe?).

Aquatic Beauty

 Post subject: Re: Camp for Idiots (Comedy RP)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:25 pm 
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Goldbrand wrote:
to see whether you can do a repeat of Clara? :wink:

+10 points to Goldbrand and Spiney :D

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