My last attempt at a Mass Effect roleplay went down quickly, but I'm going to try again.
NOTE: You do NOT have to play Mass Effect to join this roleplay! I will provide concise guides for both the races and setting, and I will be happy to guide newcomers to the universe. Despite the amount of backstory to the games, it is dead easy to pick up.The Mass Effect Wikia is a reliable source of information on the universe, and I would recommend checking it out. Now, on to the story!
Story: The game takes place in the year 2197, around a decade after the events of the games. It is assumed that Commander Shepard defeats the Reapers, and the galaxy carries on as normal. The RP takes place on a Space City called Omega, in a far off star system. Omega is a lawless place, filled with criminals and mercenaries. It is here where your character will rise to power.
Some notes on the Universe:
The Mass Effect- This was discovered by humanity in 2148, and is essential to space travel. Without going into too much detail, an element known as Element Zero is used to propel shipsat faster than light speeds. It is used to power the Mass Relays and Biotics (more on them later).
The Citadel and Council- The most important place in the galaxy, the Citadel is a huge space station that houses the most important people in the galaxy, known as the Council. The Council are made up of four races, the Asari, Turians, Salarians and Humans, and represent the interests of all the races to join the Citadel. Although not every race falls under their influence, they are extremely powerful, and the Citadel is an enormous hub of different races.
Mass Relays- These are huge space objects powered by Element Zero, that propel starships across the galaxy at amazing speeds. Most important star systems have one, and space travep would be impossible without them. The moon Charon in our solar system is actually a Relay covered in ice.
Protheans- An ancient race that disappeared many years ago. They are the supposed creators of the Citadel and Mass Relays. A Prothean station on Mars waswhere Humanity first discovered the Mass Effect.
Biotics- Some members of races are exposed to Element Zero when they are young. In some cases, this can cause them to develop special nodules in their nervous system, allowing them to react to Eezo and create small Mass Effects. If fitted with a special bio amp, it is possible for these "Biotics" to turn their powers into a combat ability. Think of biotics as similar to magic, though based around physics. Biotic energy is blue.
Omega- This immense space station is built into the husk of an asteroid. It is completely devoid of law and government, and it is a dangerous and dirty place. One of the moat important locations is the Afterlife Club, where many important people spend their free time and conduct business. Omega is located in the Terminus Systems, an area outside Citadel Space.
Now on to a brief summary the races (I would advise that you search for pictures of races before playing):
Asari- Arguably the most important of all races, the Asari have an appearance similar to humans, although they are blue, with a head crest rather than hair. The most noticable feature is that they are unisex- all Asari are female. They can reproduce with any race of any gender by joining minds with them and using their partner's mind to recreate genes. Due to this, all Asari are capable of biotics naturally. They have extremely long lives, and are capable of living for more than 1000 years. On Omega, they mostly serve as biotics in the Eclipse mercs, as dancers in Afterlife, and as advisors and bodyguards. Nocturnal's avatar is an Asari, for now.
Salarians: An intelligent and amphibious race, the Salarians have long faces, are tall, and somewhat resemble the classic "little green men". They are quick thinking, fast and have extremely fast reactions. However, they only live for around 40 years. Salarians are often employed as technicians, and doctors, and make up a large part of Eclipse.
Turians- Turians appear similar to a humanoid bird of prey, and they are a proud and milataristic race. They are skilled fighters, but they harbor some dislike towards humans after a brief war with them. However, the wounds are healing and Turians will normally tolerate humans now. On Omega, they mostly serve in Aria's army, as private security or in the Blue Suns. Nixon's avatar is a Turian.
Humans- No physical description needed. Humans have risen to power very quickly, and are seen as agressive and dangerous by many other races. On Omega, they mostly serve As Eclipse grunts, Blue Suns soldiers, and as peacekeepers.
Batarians- Humanoid in appearance, but with tanned brown skin, four eyes and various igly features. They are often rude and agressive, and despise humans after an incident on the Citadel. They are abundant on Omega, and serve as Grunts in both Aria's army and the Blue Suns.
Krogan- Enormous humanoid reptiles. They are extremely violent, and quick to anger. Their race is currently under the effects of a disease called the genophage, which stops them reproducing properly, so they are slowly becoming extinct. On Omega, they mostly serve as mercs, both in the Blood Pack and freelance.
There are other races to play, but they're more for the hardcore fans, soI'll leave it to those players to pick them.
The aim of the game:
Take your faction to the top of the Omega food chain, and keep it there! There will be plenty of combat and violence along the way, and it may not all take place on this city...
Aria's army- Soldiers serving under Aria T'Loak, an Asari. They are currently the most powerful faction in Omega, and are well organised. Their focus is on infiltration and sabotage.
Blue Sun- A powerful mercenary group, their moneyspinner is security and combat. They are led by a Turian called Raltus Garron, and their focus is on big guns, and high tech military equipment.
Eclipse- The most criminal mercenary group, they make money from smuggling and trafficking. They are led by a Salarian named Tade Bran, and they have a focus on Biotics and Tech.
Blood Pack- The most violent mercenary group, they are made up of Krogans and Vorcha, and provide the muscle on the station. They are led by a Krogan named Grask, and have a focus on armour and close combat.
Lawmen- Newcomers to the Omega mercs, they are attempting to install a government on the station, and bring law to it. They are led by a Human called Chuck Yeaston, and have a focus on tech and long range combat.
Freelancers- A group of opportunists, these lone mercs latch on to any group they want, and will often leave them to join another group. That is, if the other group wants them. They are on their own, so they use whatever they want.
Character template:
Name: Make it catchy!
Gender: Doesn't apply to Asari, who are always female.
Race: Very important. Choose wisely!
Age: Asari/Krogan: up to 1000. Human/Turian/Batarian: up to 150. Salarian: up to 40
Equipment: You can make equipment and armour names up, but don't make them too high or low tech.
Personality: Try to make it suit your race.
History: What has your character been through?
Other: Anything else we should know.
-If you're having trouble with anything, check the wiki or PM me.
-Combat will be decided by a dice roll from me (or possibly other methods). Your character can only die in one on one combat with another character. Both players must agree before one on one combat, so your character never has to be in danger.
-The big battles will be decided as the battle carries on, mainly by one side's tactical decisions.
-As this is Mass Effect, romance is allowed.
-Afterlife Club is neutral ground. You may meet there for peaceful chats with other characters, and no combat will take place there, unless I say.
-Friendships in Omega are odd. You may be sharing a drink with a man, thentrying to kill him 5 minutes later. For that reason, friendships with people from rival factions are allowed.
-You do not have to join the factions I suggested for your chosen race. They are just guidelines.
If you're unsure of anything, just check the wiki. I'll keep the story moving, and add to it as events change. It may not sound like it, but I do have a plan for this RP, jus bear with me. Now, join and have fun!