Post subject: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:52 pm
Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:34 am Posts: 111 Location: Florida
Status: The quest for the tower never ends.
UESPoints: 0
Please read everything. I know, it's a lot, but you will be rewarded. Thanks
Earth-that-was got used up.
We moved out -- terraformed and colonized hundreds of new earths; some, rich and flush with the new technologies; some, not so much. The central planets -- them as formed the Alliance -- decided all the planets had to join under their rule.
There was some disagreement on that point.
After the Unification War, many of the Independents who had fought and lost drifted to the edges of civilization, far from Alliance control. Out here, people struggle to get by with the most basic of technologies. A ship will bring you work; a gun will help you keep it.
When Earth became overpopulated, the two biggest superpowers, the U.S. and China, launched an expedition to terraform, or make earth-like for human habitability, and eventually colonize a new solar system. They were successful. Mostly. The center five planets around the largest solar system, known as the Core Planets, formed a space-faring law-keeping organization known as the Alliance. The planets surrounding the Core Planets, known as the Border Planets, didn't necessarily want to be ruled all under one government. And many men were willing to die for their right for this belief. This resulted in a war known as the Unification War. It was waged between The Alliance, and the Independents, or otherwise known as the Browncoats. Many men died in this war, and both sides fought many long bloody battles, but in Serenity Valley, on the Border World Hera, the Browncoats surrendered and the Alliance ruled the 'Verse. Now, the Alliance still boasts a strong, tyrannical, military amongst the Core Worlds and of less notability, the Border Worlds.
But out on The Rim Worlds, new earths revolving in 4 smaller solar systems than the central one their presence is less noted. The Rim Worlds are dangerous and filled with criminal scum from across the galaxy. These outback earths are tough places of hardship, mostly because of the lack of attention they receive from the Alliance. Most Rim Worlds were founded by settlers with only one shot at life, given nothing but a few weeks worth of supplies, and sent out on a one way trip to these new worlds. Some make it. Some don't. And those that do usually become breeding grounds for murders, menacing mercenary regimes, thieves, and other criminal scum. The Rim Worlds now-a-days have the worst the 'Verse has to offer. Well, not exactly.
In the deep reaches of space, beyond Alliance control, are Reavers. Cannibals by nature, they're men who "went to the edge of space, and saw nothing," as once said by a certain holy man. These men who don't even deserve the title of 'men' are savages who kill anything in sight. They maim, slaughter, and eventually eat any man who stands in their way, and who isn't fortunate to be holding a gun with enough lead to stop a normal man five times over. They don't eat their targets as they find them usually, they prefer to drag em' back to their ships where they preform torture method after torture method on the unlucky soul, until there is just enough life left in ya' to be considered alive. Then, they eat you. Reavers, although vicious, don't often leave the black reaches of the edge of space. Occasionally though, they will reign from the sky in masses and attack defenseless Border Settlements. Although there are local law-keeping groups on these planets, in addition to (though rare) Alliance soldiers stationed on these worlds, they are usually no match for the violent Reaver invasions. It's been told that entire ships have been slaughtered by Reavers docking in their malign spacecraft in mid-flight between worlds.
With the tyrannical Alliance, malicious criminals, and cannibalistic Reavers, life would seem almost impossible out in the black. But humanity survives. And those who aren't born in to slavery or poverty on the more primitive outer worlds, drafted into the Alliance on the Core Worlds, or find themselves killed by the various violent existences of space, will often find themselves looking for work wherever they can find it, preforming tasks for employers from every corner of the 'Verse so they can earn their pay and live to see the next day.
This is the story of a captain, a crew, a ship, and their struggle to keep flying.
Out To The Black-A Firefly/Serenity Roleplay
This is a Roleplaying Game set in the Science-Fiction/Western universe created by Joss Whedon for the short lived T.V series Firefly and the 2005 film Serenity. It is the year 2523 A.D., several years after the events of the film.
Important Note!: You do not necessarily need to have seen the film or the T.V series in order to play in this roleplay. I can personally explain to you everything you need to know about Firefly/Serenity, or you can visit this website to learn about it yourself. Because of the nature of the storytelling in this roleplay, I will not make any knowledge used in the show/movie necessary for playing; I will only make (comedic or otherwise) references to it. It is entirely your decision on whether you know the storyline of the show/movie, and no spoilers or plot based events from the show/film will be told of in the RP.
This is the map that will be used throughout our journey. I recommend you become somewhat familiar with it.
The specifics of this RP
Your character will be journeying on the Hildebrandt, a freelance Mantis Class Transport, as a crew member for the ship. Now remember that some people here will have less duties than others on the ship, (I.E. the ship's engineer will be doing more work than the cook, generally) but in terms of authority all are equal. With the exception, of course, the Captain, Andrew Thompson (roleplayed by me), his second in command, Nikolai (roleplayed by Dark Lord) and the ship's pilot, Aiden Ward (roleplayed by Biotechnic). As a crew member, you will help in completing the many jobs that comes with being a freelance crew for hire. You will be preforming tasks from simple and mundane, like transporting cargo, to high-profile crimes, like burglarizing a politician's luxurious home. Although one disadvantage of being a freelance crew is you don't know how work will turn out for you, one thing is certain: if you don't get paid, you don't live.
About the Hildebrandt It's a Mantis Class Transport. They were used by the Independents during the Unification War for moving non-combat cargo, like food, clothes, and other supplies of the like. The ship is 78 meters in length and 26 meters tall, from it's highest point. This is slightly bigger than Serenity. It's Cargo Bay is slightly larger also, but without the catwalks present on Serenity. Instead there are two parallel ladders which ascend towards the bow of the ship. They climb to either side of the Common Area, which overlooks the Cargo Bay. Adjacent to the Common Area is the Kitchen and Dining Room. To the port and starboard sides of the Kitchen and Dining Room are several rooms for crew members to stay in. Towards the bow from there is a long hallway, which on either side are a pair of rooms; one is the Captain's Quarters, the other for Nikolai, the first mate. Past the long hallway is the Cockpit. Back in the Cargo Bay (residing on the stern of the ship), towards the bow is the sick bay, equipped with two medical bunks, a medical rest, a curtained area, and several shelves worth of medical supplies. More towards the bow is the Engine Room. There is a ladder which connects the Engine Room to the long hallway, making access from the Cockpit to the Engine Room easier.
About your Role on the ship You live in a 'Verse where there is both extremes of social status; rich, powerful people, who live in comfort yet under constant monitor of the Alliance in the Core Worlds, and poor, deprived settlers and criminal scum on the Rim Worlds. Of course the Border Worlds are a combination of both. This means that your character can be from any background and of any profession. Just because your character isn't combat oriented or isn't a medical expert, doesn't mean your going to be left out. Pretty much any occupation or trade of work can be incorporated here, so don't worry if you think you wont fit in. This is discussed later. But you will be accompanying other crew members assigned to the various jobs, and you will help out in many different ways. Also this is just generalizing, but will be explained better later.
Gilbert-Cort Roleplaying System Mechanics
This roleplay features a new system unlike most others, called the "Gilbert-Cort System". It features several mechanics and "rules" so to speak which hopefully can be a foundation for future roleplays. Although there is no defined combat system in the Gilbert-Cort System, (though later I will outline one for this specific RP) it does feature many aspects which badly need to be addressed which are often overlooked in normal RPs.
Load On/Off
This is a mechanic which can have uses in multiple contexts. It is a means of allowing players in the RP to more freely enter and exit the RP. Basically, the storyteller/moderator designates a time in which the group will hit a checkpoint (it can be in a city, or a village, a war-torn military outpost, ect), and when they do the group members can choose to leave the group, and likewise if someone wanted to join after the RP had started, they can join at that time. Now remember that not every time you hit an acceptable checkpoint for Load On/Off will you be able to use it. Your party could be on a mission that directly involves your character, or you could be fleeing from pursuing police, or many other possibilities. Whenever there is an opportunity for Load On/Off, the Storyteller will announce it. Note that this is the most convenient way of leaving the RP, for the Storyteller, the other players, and to cohere with the RP's plot line. So if you plan on leaving to go out of town for several days, or wont have internet access, or whatever else, please use the Load On/Off mechanic to leave. A good example of leaving could include, at the given the checkpoint, your character saying his/her sincere (or not so sincere) farewell, followed by a brief explanation to justify they're departure.
How will it be implemented in this RP: During our journey through the 'Verse, the Hildebrandt will make many stops on planets in the Core Worlds, Border Worlds, and even some Rim Worlds. This can be to acquire a new job contract, to fulfill a job itself, or to simply take a breather from the constant grind of running a freelance ship preforming odd-jobs across the 'Verse.
Mission-Based Storytelling
This mechanic also varies in accordance to the setting of the RP. The means that the RP doesn't run in one straight path, with one goal in mind. (Such as a team of Paratroopers on a mission to raid a German Missile Research Facility, and afterwords rejoicing in total victory) Rather, the RP picks up many objectives as it goes on it's way throughout the given setting. (The same Paratrooper unit is assigned to ambush a platoon of German Stormtroopers. After a great success, they report back to command, to discover they're needed on Hill 162 to help defend against a blitzkrieg counter-attack. Shortly after the battle is over you receive a radio transmission, ordering your unit to attack a squad of advancing Panzer IV tanks advancing from the East. And then....) This leaves much more open-ended roleplaying for the group and the Storyteller.
How will it be implemented in the RP? You are a crew member or passenger on the Hildebrandt. You and your crew take jobs as they come, from transporting some sketchy cargo through Alliance controlled space to being contracted to take down a gang of ruffians on a Rim World. Jobs will be assigned to the Captain via Storytelling prospect.
Character Creation
Yes, there is a specific way of creating a character for this system. It ensures there aren't any (non plot related) surprises regarding the character's abilities. You create your character using the following template:
Name: This is pretty obvious, if you ask me. Please, be original. Remember that the two nationalities that colonized the 'Verse were U.S. and China. So be sensible, but not limited.
Date of Birth: Remember we are in year 2523 A.D. If your character was born into such poverty or other unfortunate circumstance that he/she doesn't know they're birthday, generalize. (I.E.: "Close to 22, but unsure") To give some comparison, here is a time line of the events of Firefly, giving the year of birth of some of the characters in the show and film.
Height: In inches and feet. (I.E.: 6'1")
Weight: In pounds. (I.E.: 184 Lbs.)
Skin Tone: Fair, tan, dark, or you can be less vague and put black, white, hispanic, etc.
Appearance: Be as specific or as vague as you want, but please put something that paints a clear picture of your character.
Place of Birth: Choose a home world; remember the locales of the 'Verse, the Core Worlds being the most "shiny", the Border Worlds of both nobility and poverty, and the Rim Worlds being mostly seedy and poor. Once again, it is possible for your character to not know his home world, or to have been lied to regarding their birthplace.
Occupation: This can be not just how you make money, but what your role as a crew member/passenger of a freelance ship is. Can be anything from musician to medic. Although it can't be anything related to authority, such as Alliance Soldier, Rim World Sheriff, etc.
Combat Training: This is a very touchy subject. This can be anything from simply once having gone to the shooting range with your father. It is perfectly acceptable to not have any combat training at all. In fact, the less combat trained characters, the better. A good example to put for this, if you have a character who is a software engineer for a living "Has been in a few fist fights in his younger years while growing up in the poorer parts of Persephone." Just remember, be creative and original.
Possessions: Weapons, gadgets, and medicine; your characters valuable possessions. You're living on a spaceship now, and nothing is provided to you, except basic things like toiletries. Clothes, personal affects, amount of money (covered later), foot ware, and stuff like that. Remember that you can't be totin' an unrealistically large amount of cargo either onto the ship, as you are just one person. Just try and make good judgments.
Weakness: An option you can take voluntarily. Something that makes your character especially vulnerable, physically, mentally, or otherwise. It must be something legitimate and practical. Good examples would be "Heavily nearsighted, thus being unable to see without glasses or contact lenses" or "Is unusually and especially shy around females; unable to concentrate normally in their presence." Your weakness will double checked before the Storyteller confirms you to the roleplay. If you take a Weakness, you will be permitted to take a...
Strength: A perk to your character, that makes him/her stand out in ways others don't. Two good examples would be "Perfect Ambidexterity" or "Lip Reading". Like Weaknesses, they will be checked before you can play in the RP. Make your Strength something relatively minute, something that isn't normally noticed. Note: Your Weakness and Strength, should you take them, can't conflict. In example if your Weakness is "Missing right index finger", you can't take "Perfect Ambidexterity" as a Strength. It is possible, but it wouldn't make much sense. So please be mindful of this. Also keep in mind that weaknesses and strengths were made to help define your character, not necessarily make him/her more effective or efficient.
History: Make a short but detailed entry regarding your character's history. Be specific, try to use locales from the 'Verse, and be creative. Mind that you should only tell what you feel is public knowledge about yourself. For example, in the show everyone on Serenity knew Captain Reynolds was a Browncoat during the war. But only Zoe knew Mal's history, about what happened at Serenity Valley, why he was the way he was, and why he believes in his beliefs. So make a history accordingly.
Note the conspicuous lack of a "Personality" section. I do this because I feel it is the responsibility of the other players to determine a characters personality, based on his/her actions and they're history. So roleplay accordingly.
This character creation template, like the entire "Gilbert-Cort System", is interchangeable with other roleplays, without many adjustments being made to it to fit almost any scenario.
Rules, hints, tips, and thoughts
- The three moderators for this roleplay are myself, Dark Lord, and Biotechnic. What we say goes. Simple. This will be probably the most watched thread by at least one of us at any given time, so there will always be a response available to anyone with questions or needing a reply for plot advancement, combat, etc.
- Our chief objective with this RP is to make it fun for not just us but the players. We want the experience to be as entertaining as we can make it. That said, we request your fullest cooperation when asked for it.
- I can't stress enough that if you plan on playing in the RP, you need to be active. I don't want to put you on the spotlight, then have the entire RP waiting on your reply. Though that kind of situation will occur seldom, it is still important your active.
- If your having trouble creating a character's occupation, think of the setting we'll be in. You'll be living on a spaceship. The ship needs someone to keep it in running order. We need someone who knows how to use a surgical scalpel. We need someone who can talk sweet to people, and blend in with crowds. We need someone who knows how to use a sniper rifle. Use your imagination, but be limited. I will be checking these as well. If you need some tips, you can PM me or and of the other moderators of the RP, or you can look at what other jobs have been taken. There is no limit on how many of each occupation is allowed, but be sensible, diverse, and mostly creative.
- Combat works rather simple. Depending on your weapon, you declare what type of attack your making, and one of us will tell you the results. Example:
Dark Lord wrote:
Nikolai saw the reaver charge him with inhumane speed. He drew his signature handgun and shot two rounds at it.
One of us would reply with something like
Biotechnic wrote:
As two shots were fired at the reaver, one tore into it's scarred chest. The other whizzed past it's vile head. The reaver shrugged the round off and slammed into Nikolai. The reaver tore off Nikolai's head, and began to play volleyball with it with other reavers.
Drethelis wrote:
Two bullets ripped fiercely through the reaver's skull as it charged Nikolai, and it dropped to the ground in a twitching spasm, before ceasing lifelessly. But while Nikolai wasn't looking, a reaver had sneaked behind him and ripped his head off and began to play volleyball with it with other reavers.
In all seriousness though, we will try to be as fair as possible with combat. The above situation is completely comical, so don't think we'd put you in that kind of a predicament. The jist of this system is, don't call your own kills. You say where, when, who and you're shooting, and we'll tell you the results. This prevents a simple longshoreman from becoming the worlds greatest gunslinger, as I have seen in many RPs before, but also can give the intelligent educated software programmer a fighting chance in a combat scenario. Though this RP will not be entirely combat based, there is a good deal of combat situations that will happen, and now your ready for em.
- In a similar way to combat, I expect to see dialogue and action posts to be brief and precise, giving a chance for someone to interrupt you, so to speak, in dialogue, and also to see how something will turn out if you plan on being stealthy and sneaking into someone else's room and stealing their things. Example of what not to do:
Drethelis wrote:
Andrew slithered down the hallway of the Alliance Barracks. He knew the armory was only a few rooms away. He then made a daring attempt and ran to the next room. From there he looked around and saw no one. He continued his way through the complex, and came across a guard, and caught him by surprise and snapped his neck. He continued for several more yards and reached the armory. He picked the lock and opened the door. Andrew was in.
Whats wrong with that post? If that was real life, there's a million and ten things wrong with that whole scenario. To name a few,
1. Made no attempt at searching for security cameras. 2. Made no regard of his footstep noise. 3. How does he (Drethelis, in this case) know the guard didn't hear/see him? Last time I checked, the RP moderators ran this RP, not him! 4. Someone could have sneaked up on him while picking the lock.
To avoid situations like this, post in smaller segments, allowing adequate time for a moderator to check your actions. Example:
Drethelis wrote:
Andrew crept into the hallway, came upon a door. He knew behind it would lead him closer to his objective. He looked around, and no one was in sight. He opened the door.
A moderator would respond with something like
Dark Lord wrote:
The Alliance had been watching him ever since he entered the Barracks. They were waiting for him to come into the room. As soon as Andrew opened the door, he was blasted by two Alliance Sonic Rifles, sending Andrew to the floor. Several Feds quickly swarmed his sprawled, unable body, and placed him in handcuffs.
Although the above situation is unlikely to begin with, it is an example of how things can be kept in check, fair, and fun.
- This RP is extremely open ended. With that in mind, don't think that while playing, if unfortunate circumstance happens to you, it is the end. It is not. In fact, it is probably the beginning of what could be a very exciting plot twist. So bear with it and you'll be fine.
- If you need to make a post that is out of character, please do so using 'Spoiler' embedding. Being OOC is discouraged, but I understand it is sometimes necessary.
-Often certain words might be used that don't seem to make sense. That is probably because they are slang and lingo of the 'Verse. This page shows almost all the unusual terms you need to know about the Firefly/Serenity universe.
- Once again remember this isn't serious business, it is supposed to be fun, and we will do our best to ensure that. Although, we would appreciate, should you join us, that you remain active in this RP as much as possible. I don't see it possible to be too involved, albeit your certainly welcome to try, so please have yourself a good time with us.
- Any questions regarding the RP (history of the ship, supplies, etc.), feel free to PM me. Once we have a crew, the Captain will make an announcement containing all the information you need to know, and anything you PM me about I can include in said announcement.
If you have read all this, bravo!, and you are ready to create your character and embark on an epic adventure with the Hildebrandt. Prepare to experience a classic tale of hope, love, action, and heroics, retold in the amazingly rich universe of Joss Whedon's Firefly and Serenity.
Moments after leaving Boros' atmo, Mantis Class Transport Hildebrandt, captained by Andrew Thompson, is on course for Persephone to do some business with an old...friend...
Captain Andrew Thompson feels that he is going to be starting a new chapter in his life, and experience things he has not experienced in many a year.
The Gunslinger
Last edited by Drethelis on Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:53 pm
Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:34 am Posts: 111 Location: Florida
Status: The quest for the tower never ends.
UESPoints: 0
Name: Andrew Thompson
Date of Birth: 8/11/2476
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 179 lbs.
Skin Tone: Mildly tan, and not freckled.
Appearance: Cropped, jet black hair, with a lean figure. He has a wiry strength about him.
Place of Birth: Osirus
Occupation: Captain of the Mantis Class Transport Hildebrandt
Combat Training: Professionally trained by the Colonial Investigations Bureau (CIB), but atrophied by the many years in the 'Verse.
Possessions: A Nagant M1895 Revolver, a 5" all purpose finely serrated knife, a dark green jacket, several sets of belted work pants, two pairs of blue denim jeans, a muscle shirt, several nylon button shirts, a dark blue jumpsuit, two pairs of work boots, a pair of combat boots, several inhalers, several assorted books, a watch which has a small storage compartment in it, and a set of night vision goggles.
Weakness: Has asthma.
Strength: Exceptional situational awareness.
History: Raised on Osirus by an aristocratic family, son of an Alliance military commander. He was a high ranking member of the CIB, until his career was ruined for a great failure, in which men who shouldn't have died, died. He was socially banished by both his family and his community. He bought the Hildebrandt off a former Browncoat, and assembled a crew for it and has been living his life in that way ever since.
The Gunslinger
Last edited by Drethelis on Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I haven't seen the show but I could probably pick up on it, and it looks pretty solid, so I'll gladly join. Tell me if I've written anything I shouldn't have. Name: Carlos Cragan Date of Birth: Most likely 28
Height: 6'
Weight: 192lbs
Skin Tone: African American
Appearance: Heavy features. Brown eyes, clean shaven, short hair. Slightly muscular. He tries to look presentable.
Place of Birth: He was born on a ship, and has spent his entire early life travelling between border worlds.
Occupation: Ship's doctor. Can conduct experiments or perform in the role of a scientist, if needs be.
Combat Training: Due to his constant travelling between border worlds, Carlos has learned to defend himself. He is confident with his pistol and his bare hands, but he would be no match for a professional combatant.
Possessions: He carries 2 credits and 9 platinum. He is armed with a Schofield Revolver, and some small scientific supplies he has collected over the years. Other than that, he simply has the clothes on his back, some food and a tiny model spaceship of moderate value that he claims is a personal item. He wears a white shirt with a set of jeans and some sleek trainers, which he purchased shortly before joining the crew, so as to look like a presentable doctor and not just some worthless beggar.
Weakness: Due to his childhood of constant space travel, he has ironically underdeveloped his immune system, making him slightly more prone to infection and disease than the average human. It was an infection he contracted due to this condition that drove him towards medicine. Strength: He is intelligent and quick thinking.
History: Little is known about Carlos by the crew. It is known that he somehow learned about science and medicine despite his lack of formal education; it is possible he learned them during his travels. Nothing is known about his family or former friends, apart from the fact that he was born in space and has been a nomad ever since. He has tried to avoid criminal activities as much as possible, but has admitted to stealing multiple times in order to keep himself alive. He joined the crew around a year ago and has since demonstrated his abilities with medicine to great success.
Just tell me if I've given him something that doesn't conform the the universe or if I've missed anything out. I look forward to the RP.
Last edited by Veck on Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:27 pm
Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:23 am Posts: 105 Location: Alabama
ES Games: 1. Morrowind/GOTY 2. Oblivion + DLC 3. Oblivion GOTY
Platform: 1. XBox 2. XBox 360 3. PC
Status: Trampled Under Hoof.
UESPoints: 0
Name: Aiden Ward
Date of Birth: 2499 A.D.
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 172lbs.
Skin Tone: Caucasian descent, with a fair tan.
Appearance: Athletic build. Chiseled face covered in a thick beard, nearly three inches long. Dark brown hair running down to his neck. Bright blue eyes.
Place of Birth: Beylix
Occupation: Pilot
Combat Training: Ship-to-ship combat expert. Minor handgun training.
Possessions: A single dirt-stained pair of denim jeans with a ripped left knee; Dirty white button-up shirt; A rusted metal lighter; Three packs of cigarettes; A black Stetson with frayed edges; Original "Red 9" Mauser C96; A Colt M1861 Navy; A Colt "Whitetailer"
Weakness: Trusting; Aiden is very trusting, sometimes dangerously.
Strength: Womanizer; Women have a natural attraction to Aiden.
History: Aiden was born on a small ranch on the northern hemisphere of Beylix. He grew up learning to ride the horses his family kept on their plot of land. At age 10, Aiden's father bought him a small Mule. This purchase feuled Aiden's love for speed, and eventual hiring onto Hildebrant. At age 13, Aiden's father gave him his family's heirloom, an original Mauser C96, a German-made automatic handgun passed down for eight-hundred years. At age 15, Aiden piloted his first ship, an Armitage class transport found among the many scraps of Beylix. At 18, Aiden flew the Armitage to Persephone, where he immediately sold it to afford his Colt "Whitetailer", a double-action revolver with a mounted scope. From here, Aiden took many jobs piloting various vessels on legal, and less than legal, trips throughout the 'Verse, until he took up a job flying the Hildebrant.
And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:14 pm
Joined: Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:15 am Posts: 450
Status: Watching. Always Watching.
UESPoints: 0
Name: Nikolai Date of Birth: 8/13/2473
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 214 lbs.
Skin Tone: Light
Appearance: Big. Somewhat muscular. Has blond hair and brown eyes.
Place of Birth: Hera
Occupation: Second in Command of the Hildebrandt.
Combat Training: Learned his fighting skills working with the Gradenko Family. A "Russian" mafia style group responsible for many raids and murders. Nikolai also learned how to pick pockets and pick locks.
Possessions: 2 Mateba Autorevolvers, 1 modified PPSH 41, a machete, a dark brown jacket, several sets of blue jeans, 3 muscle shirts, 3 sets of suits, 3 pairs of dress shoes, 3 black gloves, two pairs of work boots, a pair of combat boots, a small library of books, an old black watch, and several knives
Weakness: Is a very slow runner.
Strength: Is extremely resourceful.
History: Grew up on Hera under the Gradenko Family. Was raised to steal, cheat, and do anything to get the job done. Nikolai was given a job he wouldn't complete and was forced to run when the Family turned on him. He spent many years finding little work until he eventually came upon the Hildebrandt and it's captain. Got the job as Second in Command by saving the captain's life.
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:33 am
Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:48 pm Posts: 1080 Location: UK
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Online
Platform: PC
UESPoints: 0
'Mantis Class Transport'. Now that I like.
Name: Gordy Adrian
Date of Birth: 01.17.2498
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 192 lbs
Skin Tone: Light English tan
Appearance: Ancient Western European (French) descent, medium build, some muscles but not particularly strong. Shoulder-length blond hair tied back when working
Place of Birth: St. Albans
Occupation: Ex-Alliance chef.
Combat Training: Standard Alliance combat training - sonic rifles use, body armour training, interrupted sniper training but reasonably proficient. (Can throw pies.)
Possessions: 2x ex-military 8-shot revolvers (circa 5200 A.D.), 1x Alliance sonic stun rifle, 1x 7.62 Alliance sniper, 3 pairs of durable rim boots, 4 plain button shirts, 1 core-planets dress suit, 4 pairs of work trousers, 2 aprons, 1 set of Alliance military armour, 1 holo-watch with communicator, 2 complete cutlery sets, ice planet-making kit, fold-out kitchen sink.
Weakness: Partial deafness after gas oven explosion.
Strength: Steady sniper aim after training.
History: Gordy was born at the bottom of a St. Albans mineral mine on 17th January 2498 to a miner and a bandit. Not knowing who his real mother was, he turned to the one love he could count on - food. After seeing a recruitment video in 2512 on how bad Alliance food really was, he decided that he would put his love of food to the test and apply as a chef in the military. Not really a soldier, the only thing he was ever proficient at was long-range sniper combat, and was used as a backup on a couple of operations but never fired a shot, though he maintains the highest score on the Ariel shooting ranges, a fact he attributes to his steady cocktail-making hands. The Alliance started cutting costs, however, and gourmet food was the first to go. Disgusted, Gordy took his training weapons and hitched a ride on a Mantis-class transport, where the captain was so impressed with his strawberry sundaes that he persuaded him to stay/ Gordy agreed, pleased that he had at last found someone to appreciate his food. He has yet to test his skills as a backup sniper, however...
Edited so Sonix doesn't kill me!
Though I'm a massive Firefly fan, I'm kinda new to this roleplay thing, so if I do something wrong please tell me. Should be able to pick it up fairly quickly, though.
_________________ "All right people, we created this multi-billion dollar facility under Cheyenne Mountain so that we can use this thing. Anyone know how?"
Last edited by The Tom on Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:15 am, edited 3 times in total.
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:43 pm
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:22 am Posts: 609 Location: East Coast
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Name: Lucas (luke) "cool hand" Jackson
if u can make the reference... 10pts
Date of Birth: 09.23.2501
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 225lbs
Skin Tone: Some what tan. Has many scars and a few burn marks from hot machinery and pointy objects
Appearance: Tall and well built due to hours lifting heavy machinery and
Place of Birth: Haven
Occupation: Expert Mechanic and decent ladys man
Combat Training: Father taught him how to defend himself in the art of Jujitsu but
Possessions: 4 pairs of overalls, 1 nice suit, 2 pairs of shoes, several short sleeve shirts, and a watch him father gave him when he left home
Weakness: Has almost no training with firearms except the old hunting rifle his father owned to hunt small game on/near his farm
Strength: Can fix almost anything... with his eyes closed.
History: Father was farmer and a mechanic so he learned all he could about engines in ships, hovercraft and even harvesters. When he was 10 he was beat up while at the shop buying parts his dad sent him to get. When he returned home his father was furious and spent the next 3 years teaching him how to defend himself using the ancient art of Jujitsu. When he was 19 he left home in search of adventure and to explore the galaxy.
i cant tell if tom is the sniper OR the mechanic? can he be both. if everyone is good with weapons this RP will be a bit overpowered... and dreth told me i could be the mechanic
_________________ The Mountain Dew Guy of the UESP beverage club
Last edited by Sonixboom on Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 3:29 pm
Joined: Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:02 pm Posts: 1253 Location: With Mad Dog and the Companion Cube
ES Games: Morrowind GotY
Platform: Pee See
Status: 50% complete
UESPoints: 0
Name: Llara
Date of Birth: 2504
Height: 5'5
Weight: 130 lbs
Skin Tone: Olive.
Appearance: Llara is thin and muscular without looking conspicuously wiry. She has her floor-length black hair done in a looped braid, so it only reaches slightly down to her back. Her eyes are very slightly almond shaped. Her fingers are long and agile, and are slightly paler than the rest of her skin, as if she wears gloves frequently.
Place of Birth: Her parents moved from place to place before their mysterious death thirteen years after she was born. It was rumoured she was born in the Core World, however.
Occupation: Part time Companion, part time undercover agent/assassin.
Combat Training: Taught herself her own unusual method of combat while living with the poor and desperate.
Possessions: Fifty-four R Sniper Rifle, Alliance Pistol, one plain black robe, the ornate, jewel studded robe she's currently wearing, and a long piece of thick rope.
Weakness: She has a few very unusual quirks that make her weak at times. One is her relentless pride, which makes her prone to accept most challenges without forethought. Another is her extreme fondness for very long hair - she will immediately bond to someone with hair the length of her own, even if they're an enemy, and regardless of their gender. She almost got shot once because of her reluctance to hide from someone with similar tresses. Finally (am I going on too long with this?) she rarely will leave a locked door, chest, or container. Even if it means dropping everything to unlock it, she will.
Strength: Can have extreme mental toughness in times of hardship. She will never give in to brainwashing or torture. And her knack for unreadable expressions makes it so she rarely reveals things to those she does not trust (except if they have floor-length hair!).
History: Llara was born in an unknown Core world two years before the Unification war began. Her parents educated her in the ways of diplomacy and neutrality, but after awhile, their own sympathies began to lie with the Independents. They decided it was best if they left their daughter with The Guild to learn more about fine arts and diplomacy, while they moved temporarily to the Border worlds. However, not long after they died in a mysterious "accident," leaving Llara at the mercy of The Guild. After spending a few years there, she tired of the same scenery and clients, so she worked out an arrangement to simultaneously travel and service clients. At the tender age of 19 she set off from the Core worlds into the Borders, where, on an unspecified planet, she found and persuaded Andrew Thompson that her stealth and diplomacy would be helpful on missions. Still relatively new, she's hesitant to reveal any more of her personal background.
I hope that's ok Tell me if I need to fix anything, since I know zip about Firefly, and just scanned the Wiki a bit.
Ratwar wrote:
Brains...... Brains......
Sleeper of House Dagoth Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:29 pm
Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:48 pm Posts: 1080 Location: UK
ES Games: Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Online
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Sonixboom wrote:
i cant tell if tom is the sniper OR the mechanic? can he be both. if everyone is good with weapons this RP will be a bit overpowered... and dreth told me i could be the mechanic
I could be mean and say you should have posted quicker, but I'm willing to change and become something like the hearty ship's cook if that option is open. As long as I can still have a sniper rifle.
_________________ "All right people, we created this multi-billion dollar facility under Cheyenne Mountain so that we can use this thing. Anyone know how?"
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:40 pm
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:22 am Posts: 609 Location: East Coast
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Tom10320 wrote:
Sonixboom wrote:
i cant tell if tom is the sniper OR the mechanic? can he be both. if everyone is good with weapons this RP will be a bit overpowered... and dreth told me i could be the mechanic
I could be mean and say you should have posted quicker, but I'm willing to change and become something like the hearty ship's cook if that option is open. As long as I can still have a sniper rifle.
horray *manly high five*
_________________ The Mountain Dew Guy of the UESP beverage club
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:04 pm
Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:21 pm Posts: 285
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Platform: XBOX 360
Status: Devising a dastardly plan.
UESPoints: 0
Name:Anthony Smith
Date of Birth:Around 2500 A.D
Height: In inches and feet:5'10
Weight: In pounds:170Ibs
Skin Tone: Slightly Tanned
Appearance: Built like a tank, Blue eyes, Medium eyebrows, Black hair, Medium jaw, Short hair and moustache.
Place of Birth:Travelled a lot during his childhood around the rim worlds so he doesn't which one he's from since the age of 16 he had been living on Osiris after adoption by a rich family.
Occupation: All Purpose Soldier.
Combat Training: Military training with small arms,explosives, heavy weapons and CQC.
Possessions: Heavy rifle(Bit like a space marine rifle), Ornate hunting knife, Modded Benelli M3(Made Semi-Auto) and 3 explosive grenades. Unloaded LeMat he thinks it belonged to a relative,Letter from a friend killed in an explosion in his alliance years.
Weakness: Paranoid, although it is not extreme he sometimes hears his name mentioned in conversations in which he isn't mentioned at all and is often looking over his shoulder and due to his paranoia doesn't trust many of his fellow crewmembers.
Strength: Can take a lot of beating, has the ablity to take around 30 bullets before being incapacitated.
History: In his childhood years Anthony and his parents moved around on the rim planets alot normally killing and stealing as they moved along, eventually his parents decided the try and reach Osiris for a better life working as servants for a family, this however went horribly wrong Anthonys parents were killed at the border, but he managed to escape and lived on the streets until a family found and took pity on him and brought him up, (he later acted as a bodyguard to protect the familys duaghter, after she was killed by a sniper, he decided to join the alliance to fight his guilt) ()= Not known by others.
_________________ Member of the UESP WolfPack DerangedPickle Cardbird and Sloady
UESP Crisis 2011, I survived.
Last edited by DerangedPickle on Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:10 pm
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:22 am Posts: 609 Location: East Coast
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Status: Solving mysteries in my van
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I have family over tonight so ill post tomorow for the stuffs that drethelis will talk bout later
_________________ The Mountain Dew Guy of the UESP beverage club
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:27 am
Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:34 am Posts: 111 Location: Florida
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Well it looks like everyone's characters are in order, and if not I'm PMing you about it. So I think it's time we got this RP started. Remember, we've been working on a ship together for a while, now, so you all should know each other at least a bit. Whether your friends, acquaintances or not-friends is another story.
One important thing I didn't mention in the first post is you should try and develop your own unique way of speaking. Now you don't necessarily have to use complete grammar, but do make your speech clear to the extent that we know what you're saying.
Andrew awoke comfortably to the sound of his alarm clock going off. He tapped it with his right hand, accidentally sending it sprawling to the floor comically, albeit stopping the annoying beeping noise to which it emitted. He rose, yawned, and stretched in one fluid motion. He got dressed quickly, bearing a pair of work pants, a button-up shirt, a pair of his favorite boots, and his trademark green sweater/jacket. He found his clothes to be warm and comfortable in the waking of the new day. His hand grappled his room's door as he exited, and made his way to the Hildebrandt's bridge.
When he arrived, Aiden was at the ship's controls, garbed in his usual clothes. Andrew rested a firm hand on his shoulder.
"You're certainly up early." Andrew remarked at him. "You know it, sir." He replied with a twang in his conspicuously clear throat. "And your packin'?" Andrew inquired, noticing his side arm lying around his waist. "Well, I feel like bein' a bit fashionable, wouldn't ya say?" Aiden shot back, with a smile on his face. "Ain't no harm in lookin' pretty." "Famous last words, my boy." Andrew responded, and the two of them laughed. He walked to the ship's intercom, alongside a console of different screens and such. Leaned over it, and turned to Aiden briefly and spoke "Time to cry the morning roost," and Aiden chuckled at the rest of the crew's imminent awakening. Andrew pushed the button, activating the intercom. "This is the Captain," he began, hearing his voice audibly reverberate through the ship's loudspeakers. "Good morning everyone," he stated, then looked at his solar clock. "Well, according to the Alliance it's twenty-two forty-seven, but either way hope ya'll had a nice rest." He starred out the Hildebrandt's window from the bridge, and noticed the irony of the fact that the sun was shining yet it was supposed to be night time. "Sorry to wake everyone, but we got work to do. Luke, I want you down in the engine room, find out what that rattling sound was last night coming from the air vents. Something could be wrong with the compression coil. Everyone else, meet me down in the Dining Room A.S.A.P. We got things to discuss." The button for the intercom released, and an echoing click followed.
"How long till we get to Persephone?" Andrew asked to the only other person on the bridge at the time. "We got time." He answered. "Good deal. We can figure out how were gonna hop a fence with no legs in the mean time. Lets get down to the Dining Room. Put er' on auto." "Rodger." Aiden replied, standing up and heading down the hallway, Captain Thompson behind.
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:13 am
Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:48 pm Posts: 1080 Location: UK
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The two men entered the Dining Room, unsurprised to see that nobody had bothered to wake up yet. Apart from Gordy, who looked like he'd been up for hours, judging by the piles of steaming pancakes on the table as they entered. The chef looked up from his magazine, seated at the other end of the long table.
"Ah, sirs, please, sit down! What drinks can I get you? Coffee? Tea? Bit too early for beer, isn't it? Please, sit! Syrup? Sugar?"
Andrew and Aiden sat, rolling their eyes at each other as Gordy bustled around them, handing them napkins and cutlery. He stood watching them as they took their first bites of breakfast and then nearly squealed as they nodded in approval. To their somewhat relief, the excitable chef moved off to greet the rest of the crew entering from the living quarters.
_________________ "All right people, we created this multi-billion dollar facility under Cheyenne Mountain so that we can use this thing. Anyone know how?"
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:25 am
Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:21 pm Posts: 285
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Anthony opened his eyes remarkably quickly and was suprised to find out he had one hell of a headache.
"Jesus christ whats he playing at looking at he speaker and then his watch, its quarter to 11 in the night".
He walked over to Lucas 'Cool hand' he'd made too many rude jokes about that name since they boarded. "Oi, beauty queen wake up don't wanna get in trouble now would ya, you've got work to do at the air vents" Anyway to the Dining room, he started to put on his armour(God it's heavy) while running(Or more attempting to) the dining room when he arrived he was just fitting his helmet properly.
"Sir, whats with the early wake up i was just starting to catch up with my baeuty sleep"He remarked with a hint of sarcasm "We're approaching the planet now, have a seat" pulling up a chair and sitting down he gave a quizzical look towards the captain and began "Sir if you don't mind telling me, why are we going to this planet anyway, a government job or something?"
"Gordy can you get me a cuppa tea mate?" He examined Gordy face quickly. "You don't look like you've caught much sleep, are you ok mate, i just wanna make sure"
_________________ Member of the UESP WolfPack DerangedPickle Cardbird and Sloady
Carlos opened his eyes to the sound of the captain shouting down the loudspeaker, his standard alarm. "Damn noisemakers" he grumbled as he slowly pulled himself out of bed, "One day they's gonna break with that voice screamin' down 'em." He quickly put on his signature white clothes ("clean white makes 'em think there'll be no blood!" was one of his various explanations) and checked the clock. It was way too early to wake up. The average human being needed far more sleep than he was normally getting to be healthy. He sighed and pulled out his copy of Candide by Voltaire for a few minutes of light reading.
For those of you who don't know, Candide is a piece of classic literature and the funniest book ever.
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:43 pm
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:22 am Posts: 609 Location: East Coast
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"Please call me, Luke. "Cool hand" is a name I picked up playing cards long ago." Luka told the crew in general as he took a coffee mug and some fruit with him down to the ships core.
"Stupid compression coil, I told the cap the damn thing would brake sooner or later" He grumbled to himself as he inspected it in the dim light of the engine room.
"well, the engine seems stable but were gonna need a new coil soon or we will end up eating vacuum for breakfast" Luke told the captain over the intercom that was close to the door.
Luke wandered over to a work table and began to tinker with some spare parts he had laying around
now I can await further orders
_________________ The Mountain Dew Guy of the UESP beverage club
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:12 pm
Joined: Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:48 pm Posts: 1080 Location: UK
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Gordy shrugged off Anthony's question with a non-committal 'nothing's wrong, I'm fine' and decided the best use of his time was to make some drinks for everyone. Although it was nice that the crew of the Hildebrandt actually appreciated his cooking, he did feel that sometimes his skills were being slightly wasted. He hadn't even been outside the ship for months, but planned to use the down-time on Persephone to take in some new supplies. As he made the tea, he realised that at some point he was going to have to tell the Captain about his past - the whole ident-card medical thing back on Ariel probably hadn't gone as unnoticed as he thought.
He set down the mug next to Anthony just as the captain remarked: 'Where the hell is Carlos? He'd better not be reading that damn book again - I told him about that last time.'
_________________ "All right people, we created this multi-billion dollar facility under Cheyenne Mountain so that we can use this thing. Anyone know how?"
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 8:12 pm
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:50 pm Posts: 0
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Name: reason bloodfirst Date of birth: born September 14th 2503 A.D Height: 5ft 9 Weight: 145 lbs Skin tone: white skinned Appearance: black ruffled and grease hair (not washed very often) basic black blazer with a ruffled white top with the first to top buttons undone and a pair of skinny jeans blue eyes a thin pale face that looks sickly a small petit body not made for fighting and black boots Place of birth: poor part of Persephone Occupation: computers expert/hacker Combat skills: not very good at fighting I can throw punches and kick and have limited knowledge of using a gun as much as the next guy Possessions: a wristwatch computer and mini-laptop numerous usb flashes drives with hacks and viruses a computer lap with hi-Tec cameras and planet scanning equipment on the ship and laser pen History: born in the poor part of Persephone our family had not much money I was home schooled by my father who was a computer genius from working in a wealth business in the better parts of Persephone but with not much pay at an early age I was taught how to hack computer systems and firewalls and upload high powered viruses to destroy a computer from within, I can now hack and destroy computer and whole systems and networks use well hidden equipment to infiltrate and scope out enemy bases and plot and map out plants around the whole universe my parents died when I was 15 killed by a mercenary wanting info about the business my dad worked at I was then orphaned and lived with my grandparents’ here in Persephone
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:01 pm
Joined: Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:15 am Posts: 450
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Nikolai never could manage to get up early in the mornings. Now, he rushed to the dining room to see what everyone was up to. He was wearing his usual jeans and a simple white shirt. He had rushed while trying to get dressed and only put on enough to cover him. This included his pistol which he kept holstered at his side. As he walked into the room Nikolai shouted out, "Where's the captain?"
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:06 am
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:22 am Posts: 609 Location: East Coast
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Luke finished tinkering and decided he was hungrier than he though so he went back up to the ships galley, as he walked in the door he saw the crew eating and chatting to one another
"I think the captain is probably on the bridge, since he hailed us all to wake up not so long ago he told Nikolai as he wandered across the room
"anyone up for a card game" he asked as he took a beaten up deck of cards from his back pocket and took an empty seat at the table
_________________ The Mountain Dew Guy of the UESP beverage club
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:29 am
Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:21 pm Posts: 285
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"Yeah i'll play, but i'm shuffling, how long till we get to that planet anyway"
He walked over to Aiden and asked "Aiden, do you know why the captain woke us up so early it doesn't look like we're that close to the planet?" Looking out from the front pane of the ships window he could see a tiny white speck in the distance, "Is that the planet we're looking for"
_________________ Member of the UESP WolfPack DerangedPickle Cardbird and Sloady
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:56 pm
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:22 am Posts: 609 Location: East Coast
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"Sure you can shuffle, It wont help you much in the end though" Luke said to Anthony as Anthony passed the cards round.
"how bout we go this right... lets say a credit a hand" Luke said as he took out a small credit chip
i understand most of us are poor... but we can still gamble right?
_________________ The Mountain Dew Guy of the UESP beverage club
Post subject: Re: Out to the Black (Firefly/Serenity Roleplay)
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:40 pm
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:22 am Posts: 609 Location: East Coast
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were playing poker. 5 card stud nothing wild. your basic card game
"well, I dont know but once we get there the captain had better get a new compressions coil or we will all die... and since thats not in MY cards right now..." Luke said as he laughed at his own pun
_________________ The Mountain Dew Guy of the UESP beverage club
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