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Battle of the Citadel (Mass Effect Roleplay) https://forum.uesp.net/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=17759 |
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Author: | Veck [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:44 pm ] |
Post subject: | Battle of the Citadel (Mass Effect Roleplay) |
To mark the first roleplay I've ever created, I've decided to base it on one of my favourite games. To play you'll need to be familiar with the Mass Effect universe and it may contain spoilers for both games, so watch out. To join, just post your character or PM me if you're unsure of anything. It has been three months since Commander Shephard led the attack into the Collector base and destroyed the human-reaper. In a desperate attempt to prepare for the Reapers, the council have hired a Batarian simply known as Delta to deploy a small task force capable of battling the Reapers, Collectors, Vorcha and Geth rebels all at once. He has been given a medium-class cruiser, a large sum of credits, and access to the Citadel's data banks. Set your characters out like this: Name Race (can be any you want, except Reapers, Collectors or non-sentients. Geth, Hanar and the like are fair game) Gender Age Appearance Fighting style (Combat, Biotic, Tech or any combination of the two) Personality Backstory (optional) A few rules on characters: You can't play Delta, but can play him to give orders Shepard, Garrus and Legion could kick your ass no matter who you create, so don't try creating an uber-warrior If we have no techs, I would prefer if you played one. Ideally we should have a reasonably even balance. Here's my character: Name: Nyd (short for Nydaxa) Race: Asari Gender: Female (obviously) Age: 174 Appearance: Has a deeper shade of blue skin colour than most Asari, and silver facial markings. She is of medium height, and with typical soft Asari features. Fighting style: Combat/Biotics (a skilled biotic with a nice Battle Rifle) Personality: Very manipulative, but difficult to read herself. She is self-centered, but enjoys helping others and can be classed as a good person. Backstory: Born to a Krogan father, she was in the power classes of Asari society. At a very young age a Justicar chased her out of Asari space for mistakenly assisting a wanted criminal. She fled to Omega, where she spend around 50 years working at Afterlife. Living in Afterlife had many dangers, so she secretly trained herself with weapons. One day she was approached by a drunked Turian in Afterlife. He attacked her, and she responded by disarming him and shooting him with his own pistol. Aria T'Loak was so impressed by her skills that she recruited her into her personal guard force. Nyd served in Aria's guard for 24 years and eventually became close friends with the ruler, but her Asari instincts called her to leave Omega and explore the galaxy. Along the way she made a considerable amount of money, and has earned a hatred among Eclipse mercs, who have taken out a large bounty on her after she replied to their recruitment offer by destroying one of their bases. She was on the Citadel during Sovereign and the Geth's atrack, and she single-handedly defended many visitors to a large shopping centre when the Geth attacked it. After the battle, she was approached by a shadowy Batarian named Delta who offered her honest but profitable work. Although she is one of the main officers of the ship, Delta is still the overarching leader. So far the company, ship and crew are unnamed, and I will leave it to everyone else to decide as a group what to name them. The ship is similar to the SR-2, with an AI, pilot, standard crew members, and similar layout, but it is much smaller. Delta is the captain, and any player can give Orders through him (provided nobody will be annoyed by them). I'll add more to the story when I'm sure this RP will kick off. There are a helluva lot of choices here when making your character, and I designed the RP to be very personal, so join in and have fun! |
Author: | Drethelis [ Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:29 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Battle of the Citadel (Mass Effect Roleplay) |
Name: Searthen Race: Salarian Gender: Male Age: 17 (Probably close to 39, in Human years) Appearance: Shorter than most Salarians, but unusually tan. His face is rather nondescript, in comparison to others from his race. Fighting Style: Tech/Combat (Very good with handguns, as well as knowledgeable of electronic technology.) Personality: As with most Salarians, quick, sleek, and often overly extravagant when communicating. Backstory: Raised on the Citadel, he became involved with C-Sec at a young age, often getting into petty trouble, (stealing food from shops in The Wards, racing across rooftops in the Presidium, ect.) but he befriended many C-Sec officers. When allowed, he joined C-Sec. He became a C-Sec Officer himself rather quickly into his career. He solved many crimes, including arresting illegal smugglers, hackers attempting to steal money from the Net, and even taking down a particularly troublesome crime boss. He left C-Sec after Sovereign attacked the Citadel, and worked as a Private Investigator, until being contacted by Delta. |
Author: | Veck [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:16 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Battle of the Citadel (Mass Effect Roleplay) |
Sorry Drethelis, but this roleplay doesn't seem to be making much of a splash. I may try something similar when the forums get busier or ME3 comes out. |
Author: | Drethelis [ Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:13 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Battle of the Citadel (Mass Effect Roleplay) |
Yeah, there's a flourish of RP's right now, and I'm developing my own. So I'm waiting till some of em die or end to start mine. |
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