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The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) https://forum.uesp.net/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=17246 |
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Author: | Duh [ Sat May 08, 2010 3:35 pm ] |
Post subject: | The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Greetings. I am proud to welcome you to... The Dohrnian Fate The Story Year 107 A.D. For so long…since the beginning of time…men have clashed in battle. Sins have risen from the depths of imagination, bringing varieties of hell and torture from the minds of writers and poets into reality. The “Age of Rome” they call it. The bloody legions of iron and bronze march through other lands, killing and claiming uncharted regions to be their own. Death overcomes the golden wood of our continent. But no battle or struggle extends farther than that between the men of Dohrn and the Giants of Gallok. Each barbaric in their own way, both sides clash for the complete dominance of the northwest Europa. The Giants tower over Man, standing nearly fifteen feet tall and encased in the furs and ironworks of their most tireless blacksmiths. They wield massive boulders, axes, swords, and hammers, smashing their way through their countless amounts of enemies. But Man is no timid kind. At land and at sea, the barbarians of the Dohrnian Isles break through the flesh of their massive adversaries. Their longboats collide against those of the Giants, and under the pelts of bears and lions they rush to foreign decks, weapons and fury at hand. But nevertheless…the Giants are equal in numbers, and possess the upper hand in power. And to make matters worse for the Dohrnian barbarians, they are forced to support two wars. South of the Dorhnian Isles is the small, generally African and Arabic, yet highly ethnically and religiously welcoming nation of Sorbia. The nation was once under the control of the Romans, but was taken from them by the Dohrnians. Disagreeing with their open way of life, the barbarians brutally forced nearly the entire population of Sorbians into slavery. Hording slaves from one territory to another, much of the Dohrnian military was granted to slave holders. If the barbarians release their grasp on the land of Sorbia, the Romans will regain their ownership of the territory, and have a direct route to the Isles themselves. Their men stretched from south to east, the Dohrnians have little hope of keeping their civilization alive for much longer. The Setting The setting rests in the previously mentioned year of 107 A.D. on the Norse-based barbarians of the fictional Isles of Dohrn. Battling both the Giants of the land of Gallok and the Roman Empire, as well as maintaining control of Sorbia, the barbarians are thin in numbers. This was also caused by a recent raid on Dohrn by the Roman Empire. The attack had failed, but it had delivered a great blow the Dohrnian people. However, there is still a small amount of hope. A Dohrnian longboat under the command of renowned military commander Wolfyrn the Blood letter (slayer of Hew, the Hooked Giant, who had instigated the recent Roman invasion of Dohrn) sails from the ports of Sorbia to the Dohrnian Isles with thousands of weapons, tons of meat and other foods, and a massive crew of armed men, beautiful women, and Sorbian slaves. However, this ship will unknowingly be targeted by an unthinkable event, causing them to sail of course…into Gallok, the land of the Giants. Suddenly, man and woman, slave and slave master will be forced to work together to survive. Or maybe they will refuse to do so and attempt to find another way to solve the problem and rescue themselves from their ultimate enemies - the Giants! Such information will be revealed. Character Sheet Name (Norse-based names): Gender: Age: Nation of Origin (keep it current with 107 A.D. - no, you can't be a Giant): Position on the Ship (either Slave or Barbarian - yes, you can actually RP as a slave!): History: Appearance (If you're a slave, you can't be bustin out in armor and weapons. Slaves wear many chains, rags for clothes, etc...): Personality: Skills: Okay, that's it! I'm going to ask if I can be added to the "Confirmed User" group so I can post the links to the map and the theme song. ![]() ![]() You can do ANYTHING in this RP. There is no planned storyline here, beside the whole "Shipwrecked in the land of the Giants" thing. So yeah, have fun! And post your character quick so we can start!!!! ![]() Just a note: The Dohrnian religion is based on Anglo-Saxon paganism. ![]() |
Author: | Generalno1 [ Sat May 08, 2010 8:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
OK finally! Name-Gunnar(warrior/war) Gender-Male Age-37 Nation of origin-Dohrnia Position on ship-Respected warrior barbarian History-A very well respected and valued warrior to Dohrnia. Appearance-Wears mainly hardened leather as Armour with iron chains reaching across his torso.he also has iron protecting his right arm,a beard and eyes filled with experience.He has a battle axe on his back and also a medium sized blade sheathed by his hip Personality-Gunnar stayed true to his name,and rose to be a very well accomplished warrior and won many a battle for his nation.fiercely loyal to his country,but is intelligent with his actions,he does not harm people who do not threaten his nation or are defenseless.He relishes battle when it comes Skills-combat(duh)as well as a pretty good healing skill |
Author: | Duh [ Sun May 09, 2010 1:45 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Awwwsome |
Author: | Biotechnic [ Tue May 11, 2010 1:55 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Name: Epidia Marcella Gender: Female Age: 21 Nation of Origin: Rome Position on the Ship: Slave History: Born in the Roman city, Epidia was born into a wealthy and well-educated family. At the age of 16, she set out to study medicine and other healing powers. While on her travels, her caravan was attacked by the Dohrn. As the Dohrn slaughtered the men who tried to fight back, Epidia escaped into the woods. She lived a solemn life, using her knowledge of medicinal herbs to nurture herself for three years. At this time, she came upon a Dohrn scouting party. Realizing the gods had set her into the path of the Dohrnians, she willingly gave herself up to the three men, whom enslaved her. Appearance: Olive-green skin and a well-modeled body, although keeping with the slim fit of most marathon runners or field slaves of Rome. Long, dark hair flowing to her abdomen. Dark eyes set on a small face with thin lips. She wears a loose toga, dirtied from weeks of unclean living, and sandals a size too large. Personality: Quiet and reserved amongst the Dohrnians, but sociable among the other slaves. Skills: Healing and cooking.
Author: | Sonixboom [ Tue May 11, 2010 3:51 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
ill post my charactor tomorow morning |
Author: | Duh [ Tue May 11, 2010 10:45 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Duh wrote: Awwwsome ^ What he said. But we still need MOAR!!!! |
Author: | Sonixboom [ Tue May 11, 2010 2:08 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Character Sheet Name: Tyrgeis With A Shirt Of Scars Gender: Male Age: 37 Nation of Origin (keep it current with 107 A.D. - no, you can't be a Giant): Germania Position on the Ship: Mercenary, Cook History: Appeared in almost ever major battle for his homeland in the last 30 years Appearance: Rather Large steel claymore handed down to him from his father, and his fathers father, and his fathers father. Along with a light very broken in pair of leather pants (much like fatigues) and leather bracers on his wrists. Cowskin shoes for ease of motion and comfort. No shirt (see name) Personality: Enjoys the rush of battle and tends to tear and gouge and rend and destroy all who oppose him Skills: Claymore, Armorer, sewing, Cooking (a man must eat to stay alive) -Sonix |
Author: | Kinzer [ Tue May 11, 2010 7:57 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Name (Norse-based names): ORMARR Gender: Male Age: 32 Nation of Origin (keep it current with 107 A.D. - no, you can't be a Giant): Dohrn Position on the Ship (either Slave or Barbarian - yes, you can actually RP as a slave!): warrior/archer History: Growing up on Dohrn, Ormarr knew he was different than the other children. He never did well in the playful yet brutal fist fights that would take place between the younglings of his village. He knew there had to be a way to be effective in battle but also not so close to the enemy. And then one morning his father showed him the way of the bow. From that day forward he practiced from sun up till sun down, knowing that one day he would be called upon to conquer distant lands. Instead, one afternoon when he was young, his father rushed into their hut screaming that a giant had taken his sister while she tended some crops. The giant dragged her across a raging river to deep and with too strong a current for any man to cross. Ormarr grabbed his bow, rushed to the bank of the river, and took aim at the Giants back. His hands shaking, he released the arrow and watched on as it pierced his sister’s shoulder. She disappeared into the woods. Ormarr has not shot a bow since. Appearance: Looks older than his age from years of drinking ale. Wears thin leather armor as it gives him increased mobility. Black hair, medium length. Long bow on his back as well as a quiver with about 50-75 arrows. Short sword in sheath on left hip. Personality: Difficult to get along with as he still blames himself for his sister’s death. He is Loyal to his country and still wants to prove himself a worthy of recognition as a warrior. Very serious in tone and demeanor. Can and wants to be friendly, just waiting for someone to put the time into talking to him. Skills: Archery, staying hidden, living off the land, and tracking. PS - I'm not very knowledgeable about Norse stuff, like what types of tools they had or anything, but I'll do my best to keep it realistic. |
Author: | Duh [ Tue May 11, 2010 10:10 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Very nice! But could we get some more slaves please? Pretty please with a nuke on top...and maybe some AK-47's as well? |
Author: | King Acunasti [ Tue May 11, 2010 10:13 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
I'll make you a slave character lil' cuz cuz ![]() |
Author: | King Acunasti [ Tue May 11, 2010 10:35 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
There you go. Name: Dumo Gender: Male Age: 23 Nation of Origin: Sorbia Position on the Ship: Slave History: Born at the heart of a large village on the northern coast of Sorbia to an African couple from Carthage. He was ten when the Dohrnian barbarians raided his village. His people hadn’t stood a chance. He doesn’t remember his parents. They were among the slaughtered folk of his village. Appearance: He is nearly seven feet tall with almost completely black skin and many piercings in his nose and ears. He is unbelievably muscular, and has attempted escape numerous times. But he has yet to succeed. He has a head shaved of all hair, wears a spiked iron collar around his neck and has chains wrapped around his wrists, ankles, and waist in order to prevent him from escaping. He wears a small rage over his waist that goes no lower than his knees and has no shoes. Personality: He is a very kind man. He hates nobody, but he has an extremely short temper. He is also surprisingly intelligent. Skills: Any physical labor, woodcutting, fire starting, blunt weaponry |
Author: | The Most Unholy [ Thu May 13, 2010 9:43 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Name (Norse-based names): Ivar Thorsson Gender: Male Age: 34 Nation of Origin (keep it current with 107 A.D. - no, you can't be a Giant): Dohrn Position on the Ship (either Slave or Barbarian - yes, you can actually RP as a slave!): Barbarian warrior History: Born to a family of warriors on Dohrn, he was trained from a young age as a warrior and excelled in most areas of combat. When most of his family was killed during war, he took up arms and now seeks to kill every enemy of Dohrn. Appearance: Iron armor and shield, with a chain underlay. He has a longsword and a war axe at his side, and a bow on his back. About 6'5" and very strong, has short black hair unlike many of his countrymen. Personality: Relatively quiet, and very confident in his own abilities. He is generally scornful of others, but loyal until death to his home country. Skills: Most areas of combat, archery, hunting. |
Author: | Kinzer [ Fri May 14, 2010 3:19 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Well, right now everyone is just posting their characters that they're going to use during the roleplay. Once we have enough, the OP is going to get the story started and then everyone will post a reply continuing the story from their character's point of view. Depending on how structured this RP is going to be, the OP may try to steer the story where he wants it to go or just kind of let it flow however it goes. That's my basic understanding of how roleplays work. |
Author: | Generalno1 [ Fri May 14, 2010 6:47 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
We need more slaves,can i change my position to slave?just a few minor changes to my character |
Author: | Duh [ Fri May 14, 2010 10:15 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
No, it's okay. We have the perfect amount of characters. I'll get this started when I get here later today. Scozzar316, just look at other people's posts. You'll get the picture. Trying observing other RP's too. It took me a little while to get it also. |
Author: | Duh [ Fri May 14, 2010 11:13 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
(Alright, here it goes. There are two parts to the longboat we're on right now. The Upper Deck is the top deck. It's where most of the barbarians are. Here the sails are controlled, supplies stored, etc... The Lower Deck is where the slaves are. The slaves are split up into pairs and each pair rows an ore to keep the ship going. If you'v ever seen a longboat, you'll know what I'm talking about. The Lower Deck has two rows of twelve benches with a pathway in the middle. Each bench can sit up to two slaves [one pair], you do the math. There's always a few barbarians down there to keep the slaves going. They're usually cruel. There is a ladder at the back of the boat leading in and out of the Lower Deck. King Acunasti and Biotechnic - you're characters are each slave, so they have to start off in the Lower Deck. Your characters will be next to each other on a bench at the middle of the ship. As for the rest of you, you can choose your starting location on the ship. With all of that out of the way...let's begin! I'll be taking on the role of all the NPC's.) The longboat headed from Sorbia to Dohrn dodged massive waves that tower as high as the sky. A massive storm had engulfed the entire ocean. Wolfyrn the Blood Letter, commander of the ship and renowned Giant-slayer, pushed loads of water from his long, charred beard. He held onto the wooden rails at the front of the boat, looking out into the empty sea. "Those damn slaves better be working hard!" he shouted. |
Author: | King Acunasti [ Fri May 14, 2010 11:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
((Finally he starts this! And it's "oar", idiot, not "ore" ![]() Dumo pulled hard on the oar, trying to take the majority of the work off of his female partner's shoulders. His chains rattled against his bones. It was painful. "You know," he shouted to his partner over the sound of the storm. "I never did catch your name! You're not as pale as these [&@%!]! You must be Roman! I'm Dumo! In my native tribe, it means 'Worker'! Heh, I guess it fits!" |
Author: | Kinzer [ Sat May 15, 2010 12:20 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
An ocean mist sprayed against Ormarr's face. He fidgeted with his armor. It was slightly tighter than the last time he had worn it. His hand slowly moved across his body to ensure that his sword was still in his sheathe. He would check again in a few minutes. It had been some time since Ormarr had been on a ship and it was exactly how he remembered. Nauseating. However, thinking about where the ship was going made the journey bearable. The thought of using his bow in battle again was disconcerting, but the thought of putting an arrow through the heart of a Giant brought Ormarr substantial pleasure. He would get his chance. Soon. |
Author: | Venger [ Sat May 15, 2010 12:36 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
So basically it's several people writing a story together? Sorry for interrupting the story. ![]() |
Author: | Duh [ Sat May 15, 2010 12:45 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Yeah. |
Author: | Biotechnic [ Sat May 15, 2010 4:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Epidia smiled at the openness of the man. She studied his features, judging him to be within a few years of her own age. "Yes, I am," She said, her lips still curled into a smile, "and my name is Epidia." Looking down at her body, she could see that malnourishment had made skinny a once full figure. It was hard to believe that the same Romans who had at once defeated the Carthaginian army and repelled Mithridates, lived through the rule of Sulla and Caeser, and rebuilt after Nero let it burn. |
Author: | Generalno1 [ Sat May 15, 2010 1:43 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Gunnar was training against a block of wood with his axe, As his custom when he has nothing to do. He glanced outside and noticed the storm. "It appears Njord isn't pleased with us" Gunnar sheathed his axe and decided to go and see how everybody else was faring. Bored through most of the trip he was actually somewhat relieved that a storm had come. As he walked outside he felt the wind and the spray of the sea, and smiled. He knew he would home soon |
Author: | Sonixboom [ Sat May 15, 2010 3:17 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Thyrgeis sat upon a bench and mended holes in his greaves as he conversed with another man who was training his blade against a wooden stump |
Author: | Generalno1 [ Sat May 15, 2010 4:52 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Author: | Generalno1 [ Sat May 15, 2010 7:12 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: The Dohrnian Fate (MY FIRST ROLEPLAY!!!) |
Gunnar saw a man hanging on to the railing.Gunnar laughed "Don't worry,i think the Storm will pass over soon. I know you,you're said to be quite the warrior" |
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