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 Post subject: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:28 pm 
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ES Games: Morrowind GotY
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Because this forum needs a new RP :P

Note: Yes, I'm using the Morrowind attribute system, but differently. So stick with it.

Around 2500 BC in Ancient Greece, all was well. The sheep grazed calmly, kings waged their skirmishes against each other for power, and heroes came to glory before dying their way out of it.

But during a sacrifice to the god Zeus, a priestess in Athens noticed something strange. While the world was generally sunny and bright while she made a sacrifice or completed a ritual, today was different. Storm clouds roared overhead, and rain began to trickle down. The roars of lions began to echo throughout the city, as the majestic booming of thunder filled everyone's ears, and it seemed as though the world was going to crash down. The priestess looked in awe at the sky as the rain and thunder abruptly stopped, only to reveal a red, ashy dust storm that soon made its way from the heavens down to settle over all of the land. It was obvious that the gods were displeased.

The handsome prince of Athens at that time, Kekropos, also witnessed this fearsome storm from his balcony as it settled upon the city. The merchants and commoners on the streets began to cough and gag as the red dust thoroughly invaded the city, much more efficiently than any invading army. Kekropos, being as wise a man as any oracle, immediately called for a gathering of the city’s bravest men and women to find out what displeased the gods so greatly.

A high priest by the name of Arkaloptos delivered the orders of the prince. "The chosen adventurers will make the perilous journey to Mount Olympus, and there, treaty with the gods to find what plagues our humble earth! While of course, those of you who do this are merely doing your duty to Athens, but you shall still receive much fame across great Greece as true heroes."

The ones who accept this mission are to drop a smooth, round stone with their name on it into the pot on the floor near the priest.

Character Sheet:







Agility (how high you can jump, how well you can avoid blows):

Endurance (your health, and how many items you can carry):

Intelligence (controls how you can avoid/disarm traps, your knowledge of lore, and your total magicka):

Luck:(plays a small factor in everything you do or what happens to you):

Personality (how much people like you and the prices you get at vendors):

Strength (how much you can carry, how much damage you can do in each hit):

Willpower (your immunity to mind-affecting spells, and plays a role in magicka by giving bonuses):


You have 50 points to distribute among your attributes. Remember that the most interesting characters are sometimes the most flawed.

Equip your character with however many of the following items you wish, but remember than your total encumbrance is your strength plus your endurance, times two.


Dagger (minimal damage, but very fast to strike): 1 lb

Tanto (small damage, quick to strike): 2 lbs

Saber (medium damage, medium speed to strike): 5 lbs

Broadsword: (good damage, medium speed to strike): 8 lbs

Longsword (excellent damage, fairly slow to strike): 13 lbs

Greatsword (stupendous damage, slow to strike): 20 lbs

Throwing stars (very small damage, but can damage an enemy's attributes): 2 lbs


Animal hide cuirass (small protection): 5 lbs

Animal hide suit (comrpised of greaves, gauntlets, and cuirass, ok protection): 10 lbs

Iron suit (comprised of iron helmet, greaves, gauntlets, cuirass, good protection): 30 lbs

Heroic suit (greaves, helmet, gauntlets, and cuirass, all made of a mystical material. Excellent protection): 50 lbs

-Other Items-

Lockpick: 0.5 lbs

Torch: 2 lbs

Lore book: 3 lbs

Scrap metal (can be used to make armor, weapons): 10 lbs

Restore health potions (pack of 5): 10 lbs

Restore health potions (pack of 15): 30 lbs

All characters start with 100 gp.

If there's anyone who's interested in this roleplay but also wants to help me GM, throw a PM my way! :mrgreen:

Another note: Won't start until we have at least 4 people.

Yet another note! For those of you stuck on making Greek names, use this for male names and this for female (refresh if you want another name).

Characters So Far:


Name: Hector of Sparta

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall and strong, with short black hair various scars on his face.

Background: Hector was a warrior born in the Greek city-state of Sparta, as his name suggests. He fought for Sparta as one of it's greatest warriors, until he was banished for killing a member of the Gerousia who had insulted him. After being banished, he first went to Corinth, but soon became bored with the people and left for Sparta's longtime rival of Athens.

Personality: Hector is a quiet person, and never was much for order or authority. He fights for whoever he feels like fighting for, and has no interest in the petty differences of the city-states. He considers himself a Greek first, and a Spartan second.


Agility: 10

Endurance: 15




Strength: 20

Willpower: 0

Gold suit of armor with black trim. (Heroic Suit)
Large, Gold sword with silver blade edges and a golden hilt. Hilt shaped like the pegasus. (Great sword)

Dark Lordy:

Name: Neo of Thebes

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall with darker skin than most. Not particularly muscular but has strong legs.

Background: Born in the city of Thebes, Neo was often described by family and friends as having started his life in the wrong place. Neo was more interested in philosophy and art than anything else and so he left Thebes as soon as he was able to look for a new life. Neo has fought in battles before and knows how to use a sword if he has to.

Personality: Neo is quite a strange fellow by normal standards. He prefers to spend time alone and will often gaze up at the stars at night. He has no interest in being patriotic to his home city and only cares about Greece as a whole. He believes that one should speak softly but always be ready for a fight so he always carries a weapon with him wherever he goes.

Agility 10
Endurance 10
Intelligence 10
Personality 5
Strength 15

Animal hide suit (we can upgrade later right?)


Name: Astraea of Athens

Gender: Female

Appearance: Short and slim, paler than most, mid-length dark hair

Backround: Born to a well-off family, Astraea soon realised that it was more fun to acquire her own possessions than to use those she is given. It is a good idea to watch your valuables when she's around.

Personality: Astraea is smart, devious and can hold a grudge. She has a distaste for large weapons, but handles herself remarkably well when attacking from the shadows and is ridiculously difficult to hit. She isn't particularly patriotic, but will always act as is most beneficial to her personal well-being.

Agility: 15
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 10
Luck: 5
Personality: 5
Strength: 5
Willpower: 5

Lore book
Lockpicks (2)
5 Restore health potions
Throwing stars


Name: Alexis Theophila

Gender: Female

Appearance: Of average height, 5'7. Has the legs of a runner. Wears a long black braid reaching down to her back. Wears a simple white tunic with a fur belt, no makeup but regal features.

Alexis grew up in two very different stages of life. From when she was born to her 8th birthday, she lived with her mother, learning the ways of an aristocratic, diplomatic noble of Athens.But when her mother was kidnapped and never seen again, she lived with her father, learning to wield a weapon when diplomacy wouldn't work. She's had her sights set on the batchelor prince for awhile, and decided that adventuring to Mount Olympus would be an excellent way to gain fame and catch his eye.

Personality: Feisty natured, enjoying word play and sword play intermittently. Dislikes beggars but has a fondness for supporting merchants with her spare money. She impales anyone who she finds too cheeky with her twin tantos.


Agility (how high you can jump, how well you can avoid blows): 8

Endurance (your health, and how many items you can carry): 6

Intelligence (controls how you can avoid/disarm traps, your knowledge of lore, and your total magicka): 10

Luck:(plays a small factor in everything you do or what happens to you): 8

Personality (how much people like you and the prices you get at vendors): 10

Strength (how much you can carry, how much damage you can do in each hit): 5

Willpower (your immunity to mind-affecting spells, and plays a role in magicka by giving bonuses): 3


Tanto x2
Animal Hide cuirass
Torch x2
Lore book


Character Sheet:

Name: Deimos Hermes

Gender: Male

Appearance: Strong broad shoulders, tanned, bald haired. He is strong but more of a large lumbering person than a sprinter.

Backround: He was born to a lady of the night (ehem), but in his spair time he trained and learned himself. He became noticed by the preists and was taken in by a group of warrior preists. Here he learned the basis of the gods and there teachings and also some very basic fighting skills. They needed this for they lived on the far reaches of athens and so were a common attack place of raiders and bandits.

Personality: He is quite, but comes up with some wise words. He only enjoys the taste of fine wines but this is his only luxary and is happy to live of whatever offers itself up too him. He is a rightoues man and will often forgive those with even the blackest of hearts.


Agility (how high you can jump, how well you can avoid blows): 2

Endurance (your health, and how many items you can carry):10

Intelligence (controls how you can avoid/disarm traps, your knowledge of lore, and your total magicka):10

Luck:(plays a small factor in everything you do or what happens to you):4

Personality (how much people like you and the prices you get at vendors):6

Strength (how much you can carry, how much damage you can do in each hit): 10

Willpower (your immunity to mind-affecting spells, and plays a role in magicka by giving bonuses):8


-Large wooden stick with various carvings of the gods, (counts as a Longsword)

Cloth suit with various padding (counts as an animal hide suit)

-Other Items-

3 Lockpick: 0.5 lbs (he was taught some sneaky things aswell)

1 Torch: 2 lbs

Lore book: 3 lbs

Restore health potions (pack of 5): 10 lbs

King A:

Name: Abraxas Vaseta “The Owl Priest”

Gender: Male

Appearance: An old, strange man with small eyes, and a long, white beard running from his chin. He has a head of long, white hair. He walks with an incredibly noticeable hunch. He wears a long, blue robe and hood, trimmed by a fine red silk. He is almost never seen without his hood pulled over his head. His sleeves are long and hang from his arms. He is skinny, a bit tall, and has very large hands. He wears a pair of well-made moccasins in the color of white. He carries many scrolls with him at all times, as well as a large, golden longsword.

Backround: Abraxas, widely known as “The Owl Priest”, is an extremely intelligent Greek poet. During his lifetime, he has visited both the realms of Egypt and Persia. Little is known about his youth. The only existing document revealing any information concerning his past is his biography of which he wrote upon eight scrolls. These scrolls are guarded by Athenian soldiers in the Palace of Athens. Whether the story is true or not is unknown. But it is an interesting one. According to the biography, Abraxas Vaseta was once the most powerful and handsome warrior in all of his large [unnamed] city. His wife was the most desired woman in Greece, and his daughter the most beautiful girl the people had ever seen. However, during a massive storm, he and his family were captured by a herd of centaurs. His wife and daughter raped to death, Abraxas could find no reasons to maintain his life. Surrounded by centaurs, blinded by rain, Abraxas dropped to his knees and shouted to the gods for aid. Nothing happened…nothing arrived. In fact, he could swear that he could hear the laughing of each and every gods of Olympus. But suddenly, out of the darkness came a large, white owl, bearing a large, golden longsword grasped in its talons. He owl dropped the weapons into the man’s hands, disappearing into the rains just seconds after. Abraxas slew the centaurs and made his way back to the village. When he returned, the people found their hero without his heavenly good looks, and without his muscles. All signs of life had left his eyes. He had gone mad. He dropped to the ground with the golden blade still tightly gripped within his hand. He did not thank the Olympian gods for the weapon that had been delivered to him. No…he came to worship his own god - Maxelas: god of intelligence, madness, nature, and owls. He held the blade sacred and holy, promising to never unsheath it again. He gave up his skills in combat, and became a devout priest of Maxelas. Thus, he gained the title “The Owl Priest”

Personality: Abraxas is a rather kind man, but is easily angered. He slips in and out of terrible states of madness. It is through this madness that he developed his own god - Maxelas: the god of intelligence, madness, nature, and owls. He is extremely defensive of his beliefs of the Owl God. He describes Maxelas as a gigantic, white owl with a wingspan that covers ten palaces on each side. He despises the Olympian gods, but does show respect for them. He views the Olympians to be the greatest threat to the balance of Maxelas. His states of madness can be useful, however, as he comes to see things others have trouble seeing. He is one of the most intelligent men in Greece. He also shows a greater respect for women than men.


Agility: 0

Endurance: 2

Intelligence: 40

Luck: 0

Personality: 0

Strength: 7

Willpower: 1


The Blade of Maxelas (longsword)


Lore book

Blue the Thief:

Name: Damon of Athens

Gender: Male

Appearance: Wears a blue and yellow robe with a hood (rarely used), short dark hair, blue eyes, medium height, skinny.

Background: Born into a life of poverty, he spent most of his childhood on a farm near Athens, helping his parents tend to their meagre crops, until he was orphaned when they were killed by raiders. He was forced to live on the streets for the rest of his childhood, taking any job he could just to survive. Since then, he chose to become a priest, but for unknown reasons (Most believe it was because it was they one job that would allow him to be as loud as he wanted.)

Personality: An extremely grouchy and angry person, Damon has earned a reputation as a loud and sometimes childish person who has to have things done his way, and he makes sure everyone knows what his thoughts on a subject are.

Personality: 0
Agility: 0
Endurance: 10
Intelligence: 15
Luck: 5
Strength: 5
Willpower: 15


. Dagger (minimal damage, but very fast to strike): 1 lb
.Tanto (small damage, quick to strike): 2 lbs
.Lore book: 3 lbs
.Restore health potions (pack of 5): 10 lbs

GP: 100


Name: Aias Alexandros
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, lean and skinny. Short mop of brown hair. Bright blue eyes.
Background: Aias worked as a messenger for many years. Born in Crete, he eventually moved to Athens to pursue his profession further. He has lived in and out of taverns and other lodgings for most of his 22 years.
Personality: Aias was a born explorer, and shows his curiosity in his travel. He is energetic and easily excited.


Agility: 15
Endurance: 15
Intelligence: 5
Luck: 5
Personality: 10
Strength: 0
Willpower: 0

Pack of Restore Health Potions (5)


Name: Kephale


Appearance:Shoulder length black hair, brown eyes and pale skin. Average height of about 5'6 and although he isn't the strongest around, he loves to, and is good at running.

Backround: Kephale grew up in the woods, and by which city he never knew. He was never very smart and lived by no others except for his father who was always gone hunting or whatnot. As a result, Kephale isn't, and never was very talkative. His father only taught him the way of the bow, and the usage of a dagger. In his free time Kephale would run for hours, or swim. The two things he loves best. The only reason he is on the quest to climb Olympus is for attention, something he barely ever had.

Personality: Not very talkative, and isn't seen smiling much either. He has a hidden interest in learning, despite his intelligence.


Agility (how high you can jump, how well you can avoid blows):5

Endurance (your health, and how many items you can carry):20

Intelligence (controls how you can avoid/disarm traps, your knowledge of lore, and your total magicka):5

Luck:(plays a small factor in everything you do or what happens to you):10

Personality (how much people like you and the prices you get at vendors):0

Strength (how much you can carry, how much damage you can do in each hit):10

Willpower (your immunity to mind-affecting spells, and plays a role in magicka by giving bonuses):0

animal hide suit
Restore health potions (pack of 15)

For combat methods, weapon/spell damage rolled, Strength/Intelligence/Willpower modifier added. This is then compared to the enemy's attack roll, and if you roll higher, you do the amount of damage you rolled. I'm not going to put in AC modifiers ATM.

Your total HP will be your strength, times three, plus Endurance. Also, your total encumbrance (how much you can carry) is equal to your strength plus endurance, times two.

Your personality multiplied by 5 is the person's disposition toward you. The closer it is to 100, the better price you will get. For instance, someone with 0 personality will have to buy the item at the base price PLUS a tax of 10 gold. Someone with 5 personality will have to pay a tax of 5. Someone with a personality of 10 pays just the base price, and any higher than that gets a discount of (personality divided by 10) x 1/5 of the item's base price (with gold rounded down).

Luck will be basically what happens to you throughout the story. A lucky character has a higher chance of finding a random weapon or random loot. Also, for small actions like lockpicking, and somewhat random actions like dodging, luck will come into play. The formula will be for me to roll a d100, and if your luck times two is greater than or equal to the roll, you can roll double for the action.

Agility will come into play for two things. The first is the free action of jumping. For instance, someone who's character has an agility of 2 posts "Mark jumps on top of a nearby wall and fires arrows at the enemy." Big no-no. If Mark's agility is 5 or more, it makes more sense. The second thing agility will affect is dodging. The damage of your opponent's hit would make is rolled against your agility times two.

Intelligence will factor mostly into spell casting. Your intelligence times 3 plus your willpower divided by two equals your total magicka. Magicka can be used to cast spells, with more difficult spells taking more magicka. The difficulty of the spell is rolled against your magicka when you attempt to cast it. If you succeed, the spell drains the amount of magicka you used to cast it. If you fail, it counts as an action, but you are not penalized magicka. Magicka can only be replenished by resting or potions.

Intelligence also factors into Lore and Lockpicking. Lockpicking's formula is simple: the difficulty of the lock rolled against your intelligence plus the level of your lockpick. Lore, however, is not so simple. I will roll your intelligence (and lore modifier, if you have a lore book) against the difficulty of the riddle. If your roll is higher, I'll PM you with the answer. If it's not, I'll PM you saying it isn't, and you have to guess for yourself.

Finally, persuading. There are four kinds of persuasion: Bribe, Intimidate, Admire, and Taunt. Personality will determine the success of these (though a reasonable bribe is almost certain to succeed). Formula for the Intimidate, Admire, and Taunt die is personality divided by two plus 10. The roll is then compared to the personality plus five of the person you are trying to persuade. To taunt an enemy to attack, it takes two consecutive successful taunts. The die for Bribing, on the other hand, is amount of bribe plus personality, compared to the person's Intelligence. This makes bribing a very useful form of persuasion, except against creatures with high intelligence.


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

Last edited by Vivec's Tears on Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:17 pm, edited 6 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:29 am 
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Joined: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:19 am
Posts: 437
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Character Sheet:

Name: Hector of Sparta

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall and strong, with short black hair various scars on his face.

Background: Hector was a warrior born in the Greek city-state of Sparta, as his name suggests. He fought for Sparta as one of it's greatest warriors, until he was banished for killing a member of the Gerousia who had insulted him. After being banished, he first went to Corinth, but soon became bored with the people and left for Sparta's longtime rival of Athens.

Personality: Hector is a quiet person, and never was much for order or authority. He fights for whoever he feels like fighting for, and has no interest in the petty differences of the city-states. He considers himself a Greek first, and a Spartan second.


Agility: 10

Endurance: 15




Strength: 20

Willpower: 0

Gold suit of armor with black trim. (Heroic Suit)
Large, Gold sword with silver blade edges and a golden hilt. Hilt shaped like the pegasus. (Great sword)

Also, this RP looks awesome. As one would expect from VT, I suppose.

Edit : Added Equipment descriptions cause I can.

Lieutenant of DHC. UESP Rock Star.

Last edited by The Most Unholy on Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:58 am 
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Character Sheet:

Name: Neo of Thebes

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall with darker skin than most. Not particularly muscular but has strong legs.

Background: Born in the city of Thebes, Neo was often described by family and friends as having started his life in the wrong place. Neo was more interested in philosophy and art than anything else and so he left Thebes as soon as he was able to look for a new life. Neo has fought in battles before and knows how to use a sword if he has to.

Personality: Neo is quite a strange fellow by normal standards. He prefers to spend time alone and will often gaze up at the stars at night. He has no interest in being patriotic to his home city and only cares about Greece as a whole. He believes that one should speak softly but always be ready for a fight so he always carries a weapon with him wherever he goes.

Agility 10
Endurance 10
Intelligence 10
Personality 5
Strength 15

Animal hide suit (we can upgrade later right?)

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:39 am 

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Character Sheet:

Name: Astraea of Athens

Gender: Female

Appearance: Short and slim, paler than most, mid-length dark hair

Backround: Born to a well-off family, Astraea soon realised that it was more fun to acquire her own possessions than to use those she is given. It is a good idea to watch your valuables when she's around.

Personality: Astraea is smart, devious and can hold a grudge. She has a distaste for large weapons, but handles herself remarkably well when attacking from the shadows and is ridiculously difficult to hit. She isn't particularly patriotic, but will always act as is most beneficial to her personal well-being.

Agility: 15
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 10
Luck: 5
Personality: 5
Strength: 5
Willpower: 5

Lore book
Lockpicks (2)
5 Restore health potions
Throwing stars

All characters start with 100 gp.

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:50 pm 
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Excellent, glad to see I have such a promising start! :mrgreen:


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:05 pm 
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Please save me a spot too, mate!

Or...you know, I'll eat a living horse.

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:10 pm 
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King Acunasti wrote:
Please save me a spot too, mate!

Or...you know, I'll eat a living horse.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! King Aaaaaaaaaaaaa! Image Consider your spot saved.


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:11 pm 
Grand Master
Grand Master
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Save a spot for me, puh-lease :3

Doin my own, thang, and if you got a problem with that
Then the nina go bang, bang, and I'll be everywhere on the map - but
I rep that West

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:43 pm 
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The Raven wrote:
Save a spot for me, puh-lease :3

Sure thing, Mr. Writing Desk! :D Lurve to have ya!


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:45 pm 
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Is there room for a hunter? :wink:
If so saves me a spot too :D

The Friend Of The Night of The Brotherhood
"I didnt just fill a crate full of C4 and blow it up when my whole team was in there, you and your crazy accusations..."
Self proclaimed king of earl grey.

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:49 pm 
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Hunter22 wrote:
Is there room for a hunter? :wink:
If so saves me a spot too :D

Egad, of course there is! :D Character sheet takes awhile to fill out, I know. Mattafact, I'm going to go fill out mine.


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:58 pm 
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ES Games: Morrowind GotY
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Status: 50% complete
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Character Sheet:

Name: Alexis Theophila

Gender: Female

Appearance: Of average height, 5'7. Has the legs of a runner. Wears a long black braid reaching down to her back. Wears a simple white tunic with a fur belt, no makeup but regal features.

Alexis grew up in two very different stages of life. From when she was born to her 8th birthday, she lived with her mother, learning the ways of an aristocratic, diplomatic noble of Athens.But when her mother was kidnapped and never seen again, she lived with her father, learning to wield a weapon when diplomacy wouldn't work. She's had her sights set on the batchelor prince for awhile, and decided that adventuring to Mount Olympus would be an excellent way to gain fame and catch his eye.

Personality: Feisty natured, enjoying word play and sword play intermittently. Dislikes beggars but has a fondness for supporting merchants with her spare money. She impales anyone who she finds too cheeky with her twin tantos.


Agility (how high you can jump, how well you can avoid blows): 8

Endurance (your health, and how many items you can carry): 6

Intelligence (controls how you can avoid/disarm traps, your knowledge of lore, and your total magicka): 10

Luck:(plays a small factor in everything you do or what happens to you): 8

Personality (how much people like you and the prices you get at vendors): 10

Strength (how much you can carry, how much damage you can do in each hit): 5

Willpower (your immunity to mind-affecting spells, and plays a role in magicka by giving bonuses): 3


Tanto x2
Animal Hide cuirass
Torch x2
Lore book

Also, in reply to Unholy (sorry, forgot before :mrgreen: ), yes, you can upgrade later.


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:09 pm 
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ES Games: Oblivion, morrowind
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Character Sheet:

Name: Deimos Hermes

Gender: Male

Appearance: Strong broad shoulders, tanned, bald haired. He is strong but more of a large lumbering person than a sprinter.

Backround: He was born to a lady of the night (ehem), but in his spair time he trained and learned himself. He became noticed by the preists and was taken in by a group of warrior preists. Here he learned the basis of the gods and there teachings and also some very basic fighting skills. They needed this for they lived on the far reaches of athens and so were a common attack place of raiders and bandits.

Personality: He is quite, but comes up with some wise words. He only enjoys the taste of fine wines but this is his only luxary and is happy to live of whatever offers itself up too him. He is a rightoues man and will often forgive those with even the blackest of hearts.


Agility (how high you can jump, how well you can avoid blows): 2

Endurance (your health, and how many items you can carry):10

Intelligence (controls how you can avoid/disarm traps, your knowledge of lore, and your total magicka):10

Luck:(plays a small factor in everything you do or what happens to you):4

Personality (how much people like you and the prices you get at vendors):6

Strength (how much you can carry, how much damage you can do in each hit): 10

Willpower (your immunity to mind-affecting spells, and plays a role in magicka by giving bonuses):8


-Large wooden stick with various carvings of the gods, (counts as a Longsword)

Cloth suit with various padding (counts as an animal hide suit)

-Other Items-

3 Lockpick: 0.5 lbs (he was taught some sneaky things aswell)

1 Torch: 2 lbs

Lore book: 3 lbs

Restore health potions (pack of 5): 10 lbs

All characters start with 100 gp.

Total weight: 32.2/40
Hmmm i think that all works out :wink:

The Friend Of The Night of The Brotherhood
"I didnt just fill a crate full of C4 and blow it up when my whole team was in there, you and your crazy accusations..."
Self proclaimed king of earl grey.

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:26 pm 
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I want to take part, but I can't decide on archetypes. Would you mind holding me a spot?

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:26 am 
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((Sorry about all the info. VT RP's are just so rare! :D Not using a combat-crazy character this time. So...let's see how this goes...))

Name: Abraxas Vaseta “The Owl Priest”

Gender: Male

Appearance: An old, strange man with small eyes, and a long, white beard running from his chin. He has a head of long, white hair. He walks with an incredibly noticeable hunch. He wears a long, blue robe and hood, trimmed by a fine red silk. He is almost never seen without his hood pulled over his head. His sleeves are long and hang from his arms. He is skinny, a bit tall, and has very large hands. He wears a pair of well-made moccasins in the color of white. He carries many scrolls with him at all times, as well as a large, golden longsword.

Backround: Abraxas, widely known as “The Owl Priest”, is an extremely intelligent Greek poet. During his lifetime, he has visited both the realms of Egypt and Persia. Little is known about his youth. The only existing document revealing any information concerning his past is his biography of which he wrote upon eight scrolls. These scrolls are guarded by Athenian soldiers in the Palace of Athens. Whether the story is true or not is unknown. But it is an interesting one. According to the biography, Abraxas Vaseta was once the most powerful and handsome warrior in all of his large [unnamed] city. His wife was the most desired woman in Greece, and his daughter the most beautiful girl the people had ever seen. However, during a massive storm, he and his family were captured by a herd of centaurs. His wife and daughter raped to death, Abraxas could find no reasons to maintain his life. Surrounded by centaurs, blinded by rain, Abraxas dropped to his knees and shouted to the gods for aid. Nothing happened…nothing arrived. In fact, he could swear that he could hear the laughing of each and every gods of Olympus. But suddenly, out of the darkness came a large, white owl, bearing a large, golden longsword grasped in its talons. He owl dropped the weapons into the man’s hands, disappearing into the rains just seconds after. Abraxas slew the centaurs and made his way back to the village. When he returned, the people found their hero without his heavenly good looks, and without his muscles. All signs of life had left his eyes. He had gone mad. He dropped to the ground with the golden blade still tightly gripped within his hand. He did not thank the Olympian gods for the weapon that had been delivered to him. No…he came to worship his own god - Maxelas: god of intelligence, madness, nature, and owls. He held the blade sacred and holy, promising to never unsheath it again. He gave up his skills in combat, and became a devout priest of Maxelas. Thus, he gained the title “The Owl Priest”

Personality: Abraxas is a rather kind man, but is easily angered. He slips in and out of terrible states of madness. It is through this madness that he developed his own god - Maxelas: the god of intelligence, madness, nature, and owls. He is extremely defensive of his beliefs of the Owl God. He describes Maxelas as a gigantic, white owl with a wingspan that covers ten palaces on each side. He despises the Olympian gods, but does show respect for them. He views the Olympians to be the greatest threat to the balance of Maxelas. His states of madness can be useful, however, as he comes to see things others have trouble seeing. He is one of the most intelligent men in Greece. He also shows a greater respect for women than men.


Agility: 0

Endurance: 2

Intelligence: 40

Luck: 0

Personality: 0

Strength: 7

Willpower: 1


The Blade of Maxelas (longsword)


Lore book

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 2:09 am 
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UESPoints: 0
Name: Damon of Athens

Gender: Male

Appearance: Wears a blue and yellow robe with a hood (rarely used), short dark hair, blue eyes, medium height, skinny.

Background: Born into a life of poverty, he spent most of his childhood on a farm near Athens, helping his parents tend to their meagre crops, until he was orphaned when they were killed by raiders. He was forced to live on the streets for the rest of his childhood, taking any job he could just to survive. Since then, he chose to become a priest, but for unknown reasons (Most believe it was because it was they one job that would allow him to be as loud as he wanted.)

Personality: An extremely grouchy and angry person, Damon has earned a reputation as a loud and sometimes childish person who has to have things done his way, and he makes sure everyone knows what his thoughts on a subject are.

Personality: 0
Agility: 0
Endurance: 10
Intelligence: 15
Luck: 5
Strength: 5
Willpower: 15


. Dagger (minimal damage, but very fast to strike): 1 lb
.Tanto (small damage, quick to strike): 2 lbs
.Lore book: 3 lbs
.Restore health potions (pack of 5): 10 lbs

GP: 100

ImageAh yes, "Signatures"Image

Last edited by Blue the Thief on Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 12:55 pm 
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Sure, I'll save you a spot Bio! But I'll need to close up the open spots after you, I didn't have any idea this would be so popular :shock:

And ZOMG! We has a Blue! That is just too awesome :mrgreen:


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:19 pm 
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Hey, what's up Blue? Long time no see!

Crikey! So many goddamn people joined this RP! Can't wait for this to start. Raven and Bio...POST YOUR CHARACTERS!!!! :D

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:53 pm 
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Name: Aias Alexandros
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall, lean and skinny. Short mop of brown hair. Bright blue eyes.
Background: Aias worked as a messenger for many years. Born in Crete, he eventually moved to Athens to pursue his profession further. He has lived in and out of taverns and other lodgings for most of his 22 years.
Personality: Aias was a born explorer, and shows his curiosity in his travel. He is energetic and easily excited.


Agility: 15
Endurance: 15
Intelligence: 5
Luck: 5
Personality: 10
Strength: 0
Willpower: 0

Pack of Restore Health Potions (5)


He travels light. But uh, what about bows?

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:14 pm 
Grand Master
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Name: Zenon of Athens

Gender: Male

Appearance: Average height, has legs of a runner. Dark'ish skin. Brown hair with green eyes.
Background: Was the luckiest kid, no wait, person in town. People began to grow suspicious of his luck.
He was accused of theft, rape, witchcraft, murder, arson, et cetera, at the age of 10. He was exiled from every city in Greece, and banished to the desert. He did not die because of his luck, and learned to survive, somewhat, outside the towns.
He heard about the gods anger, and the priests search for heroes, so he decided to try and see if they would un-exile him, if he helped.

Personality: Always happy (because he's so damned lucky) but antisocial and very much of a lone wolf.


Luck: 50

Items: N/A

Doin my own, thang, and if you got a problem with that
Then the nina go bang, bang, and I'll be everywhere on the map - but
I rep that West

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:18 pm 
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Shall we begin?

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:19 pm 
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Just as soon as I get an answer about bows ;)

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:46 pm 
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This is just the starting equipment, we'll stop in town to get bows and spells before we actually set off :wink:

Ok, everyone put their stone into the pot!


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:49 pm 
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Do we RP this??

Abraxas, his arms filled with scrolls, approached the buckets with a stone grasped by merely two fingers. He dropped each of his scrolls upon the street. He looked at the stone and stared at his name of which was carved upon its surface.

"May the Lord of Nature bless my journey." he said under his breath. He dropped the stone in the bucket and picked up each of his scrolls, walking over to a nearby bench and resting upon it.

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Ascent To Mount Olympus
PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:50 pm 
Grand Master
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Zenon picked up a rock from the ground, and walked inside the temple.
He managed to write his name on it, walked up to the pot near the priest, and dropped the stone in it.

Doin my own, thang, and if you got a problem with that
Then the nina go bang, bang, and I'll be everywhere on the map - but
I rep that West

Last edited by The Raven on Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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