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 Post subject: Die Insel
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:06 am 
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Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:22 pm
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ES Games: Oblivion, Morrowind, and Skyrim
Platform: Xbox 360, PC
Status: Conducting genocide with the Ayleids
UESPoints: 0
Alright, people! The other RP was a total poop licker, so I'm bringing out this one! This is my last RP until April, so join while you can! This is also a Sci-Fi, shipwreck, and WWII Roleplay, so have fun!!!!!!!


The year is 1940. A ship, under the title of "The Grey Steed", is blown off course in a horrid storm. The few survivers awaken to find themselves on the beach of an island unknown to mankind...or at least most of mankind. The island is covered in an unbelievably thick jungle containing monsters that bring every man and woman's nightmares into reality. But not only monsters rest their forces of life in the hands of the island, but also the soldiers of Nazi Germany. Germany had discovered the island in 1915, and have kept it hidden for all of these years, stationing soldiers and keeping weapons on its surface. The weight of the war, and the lives of millions, rest on the shoulders of these survivors, who must fight to destroy both the Nazi occupation of the island and also the occupation of the terrible monster while keeping their own lives at the same time.


Use this code to create your character.






Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Physical Appearance:




Reason(s) for Being on the Ship:

Inventory (can have guns if military aligned, nothing super though):


This is where you have landed. You were lucky to survive. Now we must see if you'll be lucky enough once more.
I have made a poor, effortless map of the island using the standard Paint program. Here is the link to the map on my flickr. The island is huge - about the size of Sicily, Cuba, Japan, and Texas put together. So no "Bob walked to the other side of the island. He was there in about 29 minutes." The lines on the map are dirt roads.


Nazi Soldiers - These are the men you all known and love...the men who killed millions under the command of their mighty Führer. Guess what? They're on the island as well, and will hunt you down at all costs. Their numbers on the island reach the high thousands, and they are heavily armed. So be ready to hide, fight, and steal some massive amounts of weapons and ammo. They are led by Nazi Major-General Heinrich Koenig, who lives in the Nazi Base at the far side of the island. The soldiers patrol every day, traveling on and off of the roads, in and out of the jungle. If they see you in the open, they'll make you swiss cheese. So try to stay out of sight!

Dogs - Always be on the lookout for dogs. They are the Wehrmacht's most useful and effective way to find you!

Donciraptors - Donciraptors are deadly, satanic, man-eating dinosaurs that are about as tall as an average door, and can grow up to 13 feet long. They can run up to 95 miles per hour, and will use their razor sharp claws and teeth to rip through your flesh and climb up trees. They are the most athletic predator on the island. They usually hunt in packs. WATCH OUT!

Nags - Nags are tiny, extremely "cute", puppy-like creatures that are no larger than a hummingbird. But they aren't so wonderful after all. If anything even remotely larger than them comes within a radius of 2 feet from their bodies, they will let out the loudest scream known to planet Earth. Their scream can cause anything within a twelves foot radius to lose their hearing for up to three hours long. And to top it all off, their screams attract donciraptors, who are immune to the great noise. Aside from their screams, nags can do absolutely no damage to you.

Slythyn - Slythyn are large cobras that can grow up to 150 feet long and can grow to be as wide as a nightstand. They have teeth as sharp as blades and their venom can stop the heart rate of a human being in less than ten seconds. Luckily, they only live in the center areas of the island, but there numbers are great. Try to avoid areas with very tall trees.

Wasserspeiers - Wasserspeiers are giant, dangerous, carnivorous bats that live on the rocky coasts of the island and in large caves in the center areas. The smallest of these monsters are about the size of a kitchen table. They dive at their prey from the skies and then devour their still-living food in sky sky during flight. They are one of the most deadly species on the island, and, unlike their much smaller cousins, not all of them are nocturnal.

Mhag - Mhag are evil, man-eating, baboon-like primates with awfully sharp teeth and an extremely powerful grip. While they never grow past a man's waist, they always hunt in groups, jumping down upon their prey from the tree tops. They normally rip off the limbs of their targets and drink the blood that flows out, then they bring the dry flesh back into the trees and feast. These primates are the prime source of food for both the Slythyn and the Wasserspeiers.

Ghavog - Ghavog are clever, intelligent, genetically fortified werewolves. They have the strength of ten men, and the speed of a deer. Careful, though. They can take on the form of a human being at will. Do not let them fool you! You may pay a price...

Terrocrok - Terrocrok are gigantic, carnivorous, crocodile-like monsters that can reach the size of ten houses and can live up to 200 years. They will eat anything that moves. Luckily, they can only survive outside of water for only 7 minutes. And even better - only one is still living. But a rumor has spread across the Nazi soldiers that this last creature is a pregnant female. Terrocrok females can lay up to twenty eggs at a time. The hatchlings can hunt at three days old, and are the size of a kitchen at birth. You'd better hope this rumor isn't true. The last Terrocrock lives in one of the lakes of the island.

Van-Kiefers - Van-kiefers are eight-legged Smilodons (sabre-toothed tigers) whose tails are actual serpents. On each of their front legs are ape-like hands with very sharp claws. This makes Van-Kiefers especially dangerous, possessing the ability to grab you and rip you to shreads as you fall to the ground. They are rare, though. You're lucky...again...


1. As usual: I'm the boss here.

2. No super-hero roflroflomgleetwtfpwned characters.

3. Do not create a bunch of enemies without asking me through a PM first. I'll introduce the enemies as the RP unfolds.

4. Don't make a huge change to the story without asking me through a PM first.

5. Join or I'll hire an Orcish mercinary to go to your house, make you a sandwich, lop off your arms and legs, put your remains in a basket, cover you with melted chocolate and wait for it to harden, and then give it to his nephew for Easter.

6. Have fun, mates.

So there we have it! My new Roleplay. JOIN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

Last edited by King Acunasti on Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:35 am, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:23 am 
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i may join at a later date :)
Where you looking around the room when writing about the heights of things? :wink:
Around the average height of a door actually made me lol :wink: :lol:
Do like the sound of the plot though :)

The Friend Of The Night of The Brotherhood
"I didnt just fill a crate full of C4 and blow it up when my whole team was in there, you and your crazy accusations..."
Self proclaimed king of earl grey.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:30 am 
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How did you know!? :lol:
Glad to see you'll think about joining.

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:03 am 
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Can my character have a wheelchair? I think it'd be a great plot point. :)

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:04 am 
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Status: Conducting genocide with the Ayleids
UESPoints: 0
Why not? It'll add a nice little challenge. Go for it!

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:51 am 
Grand Master
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I'll join.

Name: Doctor Worm

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Ethnicity: Welsh

Height: 180cm

Weight: 70kg

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Green eyes

Physical Appearance: Has dark brown curly hair, muscular(not that visible, though), can't run fast due him getting shot in the leg.

Occupation: He's not a real doctor, but he is a real worm, he is an actual worm, and he likes to play the drums.
J/K, he is a combat engineer, and has basic first-aid skills.

Personality: He's sarcastic, hot-headed, aggressive and can be greedy. He always does what's best for him, and not for others. And that's why he doesn't like cricket.

History/Background: He joined the Military as a combat engineer, but got sent back when he was shot in the leg.

Reason(s) for Being on the Ship: Wanted to take a break from everything, especially after his depression, due to his leg injury.

Inventory (can have guns if military aligned, nothing super though): M1 Carbine, and has a cup in his pocket.

Doin my own, thang, and if you got a problem with that
Then the nina go bang, bang, and I'll be everywhere on the map - but
I rep that West

Last edited by The Raven on Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:41 am 
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i'll probably join after i get home.and By the way,was the ship commercial or military or what?

I'm not arrogant. I'm insecure.

Made you look

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:36 am 
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Name:Lance Corporal Mitch Jackson

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Ethnicity: white, American

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 170 lbs

Hair Color: brown

Eye Color: hazel

Physical Appearance: Buzzed hair cut, muscular, well built, Military Fatigues and boats on.

Occupation: Military Police, he is coming from his house to be stationed overseas. 

Personality: He is a very mild mannered, but can snap at any given second.   

History/Background:He is very good at knowing how to survive, as he spent some time living in the woods, and then he decided he wanted to be in the military.  His grandfathers were both in the army, which is one reason he wanted to join. 

Reason(s) for Being on the Ship: He was being stationed overseas so was taking a small break and then heading right to his station.  The boat seemed like a good idea.

Inventory (can have guns if military aligned, nothing super though): He has a M1911 and a M1 carbine stored in his storage locker that he brought with him since he was going straight to his base. He also has all of his Military uniforms.   He always carries his 9mm and M16 where he goes on the boat and has extra ammo on him too. 

Last edited by matt314hew on Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:43 pm 
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Sweet! 2 new characters!

The ship is actually a military ship. However, citizens are on the ship as well in order to trick any enemy submarines or ships. So you can be a soldier, or a citizen.

EDIT: We'll kick this off once we reach four or five characters. There will be no character limit to this RP :wink:

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:15 pm 
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Name: Gustav Wagner

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Ethnicity: German/ English

Height: 6'3

Weight: 225

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Physical Appearance:

Occupation: Policeman

Personality: Strong and quite witted

History/Background: Left germany to go to england in the early years of the war to escape from what he felt was going to turn into a horrid situation

Reason(s) for Being on the Ship: traveling to see his wife

Inventory (can have guns if military aligned, nothing super though): carries a Webley Mk.IV revolver incase he is found by the gestapo.

thats my guy :)

hope this RP does well it look interesting

The Mountain Dew Guy of the UESP beverage club


 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:30 pm 
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Alright! All we need is one more character to begin, or we can start early if you'd like, and I'll work new characters into the storyline.

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:25 am 
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Go on then :wink:

Name: George Washburn

Gender: Male

Age: 43

Ethnicity: Caucasian/ american

Height: 5'11

Weight: 78 kilo's

Hair Color: Known to have many different hair colors, but currently light blonde

Eye Color: In many descriptions they change, but again currently blue

Physical Appearance: His face is the very defonition of the typical caucasian, not striking in anyway.

Occupation: known work with the goverment, plus a military back ground

Personality: secretive and quite, but very out ward only if the sitiuation calls for it.

History/Background: Was very proficient in recon war fair and the such. He was then contacted by the american goverment and since then he has'nt been seen ariund

Reason(s) for Being on the Ship: On the surface a holiday trip, but very few know his true reasons.

Inventory (can have guns if military aligned, nothing super though): A small combat knife and clothed in a turtle neck sweater and trousers.

The Friend Of The Night of The Brotherhood
"I didnt just fill a crate full of C4 and blow it up when my whole team was in there, you and your crazy accusations..."
Self proclaimed king of earl grey.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:38 pm 
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((Aaaaaaand here we go! Just to let everyone know, "Die Insel" is German for "The Island". This RP isn't about killing some guy named Insel :P
And anyone out there who was thinking about joining - YOU STILL CAN. I'll just work you into the story.

The ship was no longer in sight...the captain missing...very few had survived. Four of these few survivors lay upon a rocky shore on an island unknown to the majority of mankind (these survivors are you guys). A stone staircase lay in front of them, leading into a large cave. Each would be given the ultimate quest of survival on...THE ISLAND

((Alright. Put up your wake-up posts and we'll get this show on the road!))

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

Last edited by King Acunasti on Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:31 pm 
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((Sorry got back home today))
Hair color-black
Physical appearence-Kind of short,and fit
Personality-proud and arrogant but cowardly
History/background-Joined to become a spy because he was useful in getting info,but also because he made friends with people in high places.He is not very loyal and is cowardly.almost nobody likes him.Spent quite a bit of his life as a spy
Reason for being on the ship-Was supposed to go another spy mission.but got derailed
Inventory-A MP 18 with him,though he would rather run.
Figured i would create a character who i would like to step on in real life

I'm not arrogant. I'm insecure.

Made you look

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:35 pm 
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Mitch awoke on a rocky beach. Where am I? he thought. He felt around and realized he had his M1 Carbine and M1911 on him still. This was a good thing.

He walked over to the nearest body he saw and shook him. "Hey are you alive?"

Last edited by matt314hew on Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:00 pm 
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As mitch shook george he sprang up reached for his holster in a defensive stance, realising he had lost his gun he pulled his combat knife.
During this fluid manover he ended up in a crouching position studying the beach.
"Where the hell am i?"
Realising the man who had woke him was not hostile he eased up, "who are you? Your military right?"

The Friend Of The Night of The Brotherhood
"I didnt just fill a crate full of C4 and blow it up when my whole team was in there, you and your crazy accusations..."
Self proclaimed king of earl grey.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:07 pm 
Grand Master
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matt314hew wrote:
he had his M16

This is highly unlikely, because the M16 was first produced in 1960.
The year is 1940

Btw, just call my dude Worm

Doctor awoke to the sound of people talking. He quickly stood up, and thinking the people was hostile, he quickly grabbed his
M1 Carbine and tried to shoot them. 'Click' it said. The magazine was empty.
Then he realized the people weren't trying to attack and rob him.

"Oh, hello. Sorry for trying to shoot you. You never know when you suddenly wake up on the beach of an island, surrounded by strangers. But where are my manners, I'm Worm. Doctor Worm. What was your names again?"

Doin my own, thang, and if you got a problem with that
Then the nina go bang, bang, and I'll be everywhere on the map - but
I rep that West

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:14 pm 
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The Raven wrote:
matt314hew wrote:
he had his M16

This is highly unlikely, because the M16 was first produced in 1960.
The year is 1940

Btw, just call my dude Worm

Doctor awoke to the sound of people talking. He quickly stood up, and thinking the people was hostile, he quickly grabbed his
M1 Carbine and tried to shoot them. 'Click' it said. The magazine was empty.
Then he realized the people weren't trying to attack and rob him.

"Oh, hello. Sorry for trying to shoot you. You never know when you suddenly wake up on the beach of an island, surrounded by strangers. But where are my manners, I'm Worm. Doctor Worm. What was your names again?"

glad you brought that up. I forgot it was 40s. Changed my 2 guns.

"My name is Mitch, Lance Corporal Mitch Jackson. I am Military. I was supposed to be stationed over in Scotland until called into duty. " Turning to Worm, "Ah, no problem sir. I would have done the same if I was in your shoes. It is a good thing you didn't have a mag in your M1. We would have been toast."

Looking around, Mitch saw the stairs behind them, leading up. "So do you guys think we should venture up those steps or explore on the beach for other supplies we may need?"

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:58 pm 
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Name: Thom (Pronounced Tom) 'Walker' Moretti

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Ethnicity: Second Generation Italian American

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 190

Hair Color: Dark brown, nearly black.

Eye Color: Light blue.

Physical Appearance: Walker's most obvious feature is his lack of legs. Next to that are his muscular biceps and abdomen. His face is grizzled and bearded, although his head is shaved. He has a scar on his left abdomen left from the shrapnel that took his legs.

Occupation: U.S. Military Chef. Thom knows how to make a meal out of dirt.

Personality: Very caring, although his looks don't show it.

History/Background: Thom was visiting family in Italy at the time the war broke out. He chose to stay to protect his family. In 1941, they attempted to flee across France and the English Channel to Britain. This proved troublesome when Walker and his grandparents were caught in a bombardment of artillery shells. He lost his legs and his grandparents before he blacked out. He awoke in France a few months later in an underground hospital, helped by French rebels. Thom had spent the last two months in a coma. From here, he safely made his way via underground channels to Britain, where he shipped to the states and joined the military. This is his first assignment.

Reason(s) for Being on the Ship: Cook.

Inventory (can have guns if military aligned, nothing super though): Colt Officer Issue 1911 .45 ACP.

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:03 pm 
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"If everyone has got over the intail shocks we should head out of here. Someone will have noticed the landing by now; and im not totally sure they are on our side."
"oh the wheel chair should be kept in the middle of the group, ill take point."

George headed off up the stairs, keeping to the very right skulking slowly, knife angleded for an attack.

The Friend Of The Night of The Brotherhood
"I didnt just fill a crate full of C4 and blow it up when my whole team was in there, you and your crazy accusations..."
Self proclaimed king of earl grey.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:04 pm 
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(( Ehhh... Was kinda hoping for a different introduction :roll: ))

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:12 pm 
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(i was thinkin king would work you in, but i suppose we are still on the beach, ill delete my previous post and you go ahead... sorry lol :oops: )

The Friend Of The Night of The Brotherhood
"I didnt just fill a crate full of C4 and blow it up when my whole team was in there, you and your crazy accusations..."
Self proclaimed king of earl grey.

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:33 am 
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((Yeah, I don't need to give anyone introdutions right now. Not everyone has even posted their wake-up moments yet.))

The salt waters of the Atlantic washed upton the sand-covered beach. The tide was on its way, the water reaching the levels of the survivors' ankles. The cave seemed to be the only way out. But it was so big...something had to be in there.

((There will be other survivors [controlled by me of course] that you may run into. Some might be girls too, considering that VT is no longer here :( . But be careful - a few may actually be Ghavogs in the form of humans. Try to see through their clever disguise, because you don't want to kill an actual survivor :wink: .))

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:08 am 
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So...i take it that me and bio are also on the beach?

I'm not arrogant. I'm insecure.

Made you look

 Post subject: Re: Die Insel
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:46 am 
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Thom pulled his head above the waves, looking out. His lungs were beginning to let in water, and he slipped back under the water. "Someone help! Help me!" He yelled out, unaware of anyone that could even hear him. His brain sent signals to his legs to kick, but nothing happened. His arms flailed wildly, reaching up towards the open sky. Suddenly, he felt his torso hit land. He put his hands down and crawled up to the shore. Free of Poseidon's grasp, he began spitting water from his mouth. He laid down his head, unaware of the surroundings.

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

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