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 Post subject: Zombie Survival-Survive-Chapter III-Dawn of a New World
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:48 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:00 am
Posts: 42
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ES Games: Oblivion, Morrowind
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UESPoints: 0
Everyone loves a good zombie survival forum game, here's one for you.


No ubering
Keep OOC to a minmum.
Use good grammar, punctuation and spelling. noe talking liek diz ay guise
Keep it PG 13, no sex, players may sneak a kiss but nothing too graphic thanks.
Obey them, play them.
No one-two liners. I want detail people.
Have fun.


The year is 2489 AD, the world has been taken over by zombies. How? you might ask, well, a few years ago (2485) a crazed scientist dug up seven bodies from the local cemeteries and operated on them. He gave them life, creating a Frankenstien's Monster like effect on them, he hoped to have them perform everyday activities for him. But they went feral, and killing the scientist, they moved on into the world, seeking fresh meat. They found it alright, and over three quarters of the population of the Earth was wiped out. The zombies spawned, and spawned, until the three quarters of the humans that were killed, were replaced with zombies. Only a handful of survivors remain, you, the players, are these people.

As the zombies took over, you hid as everyone around you died. Family, friends, everyone. All ripped apart and eaten. A good willed scientist had managed to round you up from your four corners of the world, how he did it no one knows, but they were thankful for it. The scientist made you the guinea pigs of a project he had been working on for many years (it was for your own good), he had managed to create a virtual world where you were free to roam and do whatever you liked. Each person had been placed in their own pod, where they had their own realm, each realm was linked with the others, allowing owners of one realm to move through others realms, using this technology the survivors thrived. Until now, the scientist was attacked by the zombies and died, now the survivors must work together to hatch a plan to escape, and then they have to survive out in th big bad world ruled with zombies. Good luck with that.

Types of Zombies
Regulars: These are your everyday, brain eating zombies like the ones you see in the movies. They are relatively slow and clumsy, making them easy to kill. These are the most common types of zombies.

Defenders: These zombies are an upgraded version of the regulars, they have an almost inpenatreble force field surrounding them, with only one weak spot, making them hard to kill. However, they had absolutely no form of attack, which gives you a small chance at killing them. They like to hang out in tall buildings such as skyscrapers and apartment buildings.

Offenders: The exact opposite of the defenders, the Offenders have extremely strong arms, sharp teeth and huge claws capable of ripping through steel. However, they have extremely soft skin, which rips when even the most blunt of things scrapes against it hard enough, which gives you a fighting chance. Offenders like areas with lots of hiding places to jump on their prey from, such as warehouses filled with crates and the like.

Runners: These zombies are fast moving, hard to hit buggers. They run in circles around their opponents, making their opponents dizzy. They also have a paralyzing bite, but they are weak and easy to kill if you can manage to keep them still. Runners like lots of open space and often tend to hand out in fields and meadows near farms.

Pyros: Pyros are fire breathing monsters capable of burning an opponent from over fifty members away, their fire is extremely hot and can melt anything within a few seconds. Water is your best bet here. Like the runners, they like open space and often hang out in fields meadows and the like.

Ultimate: Ultimates are huge zombies with the ability to run extremely fast, attack well, breath fire, and they also have a shield covering almost their entire body. Basically a mix of every type of zombie. And are almost impossible to kill, fortunately for you, they are also extremely rare. Your chances of running into one are slim.

The Virtual Simulation
The simulation is your world, you can create whatever you like in it. You are God in YOUR REALM, it has literally no threats except for the ones you create. Each member of the simulation has a sprite (Based of Idlewild) of two colours of their choice. These are used to communicate with other members of the simulation across long distances.

Simply, survive.

[size=150]Sign-Up Sheets:

Age (keep it young, 15 minimum and 35 maximum):
Sex (Please don't write "Yes Please!"):
Appearance (Description or link, any will do.):
Sprite Colours:
Realm Description: [/b]

Please, I don't want every character to be a male. We need women if we have any hope of surviving. ;)
Don't you dare make this fail, I spent over an hour typing this post. Once five members join we can begin.

Last edited by Vum on Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:47 am, edited 6 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:49 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:00 am
Posts: 42
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ES Games: Oblivion, Morrowind
Platform: XBOX, PC
UESPoints: 0
Name: Lief Clarks
Age (keep it young, 15 minimum and 35 maximum): 19
Sex (Please don't write "Yes Please!"): Male
Appearance (Description or link, any will do.): Spindly arms and legs, bushy black hair hangs down to his shoulders in emo fashion. Wears eyeliner and tight black shirt and trousers. Knee high laced leather boots and a three quarter coat.
Personality: Morbid and rather antisocial, but can be quite outgoing when the need arises.
History: Born and raised in New York, Lief lend a normal life until he was 14, when the zombies attacked. He was then found by the scientist and taken into the simulation, where he lived in his realm ever since.
Sprite Colours: Black and purple.
Realm Description: Dark and gloomy, always night, always full moon. A cathedral stands on a hill overlooking a misty forested valley. A crumbling wall marks the edge of his realm.

King Acunasti
Name: Lucien Guerrier

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Appearance: Considered to be extremely handsome, Lucien has an average-length head of black hair which he always keeps combed back. His face is clear of facial hair, as he keeps it well shaved. He has high cheekbones. He wears a light brown T-shirt that is slightly tight, which reveals his prized and well-disserved set of giant muscles. He wears a pair of camouflaged military pants completed with heavy, black military boots.

Personality: Lucien has such a passion for women, he would go through weeks of torture just to get a seat next to a pretty girl at a movie theater. He uses his skills in the French and Italian languages to attract women, as well as his incredible singing voice. Unfortunately, these skills also attract the hostility of other men. But surprisingly, Lucien loves it - as it will give him a chance to get involved in a fist fight. He is very kind to others, but if someone even throws the smallest of insults at him….he’ll go berserk.

History: Lucien was born to a very poor family in London, England. Raised in the "tough areas", he came to love fighting. At age nine, he challenged a fifteen year-old boy to a fist-fight. He won without even trying. But at age 19, tragedy struck his life, delivering a blow that will never be healed. His girlfriend, Amelia, was claimed by murder. He never spoke a word until his 21st birthday, when the zombies attacked. His first words were “OH -bleep-!!!!!!”

Sprite Colours: Red and blue

Realm Description: Bright and sunny, always daytime, never rain, thunder, or lightning. A giant mansion sits atop a short stone wall in front of a glorious and most beautiful beach, where birds chirp, seagulls steal food, pretty ladies swim through the waters, bards sing opera, and hundreds of buff men line up to fight Lucien. A large ocean marks the edges of his realm.

Name: Ivan Peterson

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Appearance: Ivan is very skinny and not all that muscular, although he can be stronger than he looks when the situation calls for it. He often wears cargo pants, a t-shirt, and a hooded sweatshirt.

Personality: Ivan is very knowledgeable when it comes to technology, including guns. He is a huge gamer, as can be seen by his personal realm. He tends to not talk a lot of the time except when he feels his opinion and knowledge would help the situation. He is also an accomplished hacker.

History: As a child, Ivan lived in Moscow, Russia. His skill with computers was impressive; by age 4, he could install the most recent and most complex Apple operating system on a computer, the installer for which baffled his parents. When he was seven, his family moved to the United States, to a small town of about 13,000 in the middle of nowhere. As he entered middle school, he experimented with hacking his school's computers. He very quickly was easily able to manipulate his and his peers' grades, so nobody knows what his grades actually were. Later, he used his accomplished hacking skills to steal confidential data on the army's latest weapons.

Sprite Colours: Blue and black

Realm Description: Ivan's realm is a gamer's paradise. It looks like a virtual world that you would see on 1980's sci-fi films. The ground is colored green, with several brown structures scattered about. Inside each is a collection of video games -- everything from Castlevania to Metroid: Other M, from the original Command & Conquer to StarCraft V. The games are sorted by console manufacturer, and so one house has the Nintendo logo by it, while another has the Apple logo. The edges of the realm are marked by red strips of ground, the only thing outside the buildings of that color.

Vivec's Tears
Name: Linu Lin'eral
Age (keep it young, 15 minimum and 35 maximum): 21
Sex (Please don't write "Yes Please!"): yes please F
Appearance (Description or link, any will do.): Of medium height, with coarse brown hair and a pretty smile.
Personality: Confident and outgoing most of the times.
History: Linu was brought up in a culturally diverse community, where she kept mostly to herself, even as a child. It is unknown whether her now-friendly nature is f merely a display to advance in the social ladder, or whether her personality really has changed.
Sprite Colours:Navy and green
Realm Description: Linu’s realm is a city utopia. the days are filled with discontented office workers, who turn into hardcore partygoers come nightfall. The city lights burst extravagantly out when dusk arrives. No homeless people sit on sidewalks and everyone is living a perfect life – or at least Linu’s version of a perfect life.


ame: Thane Lask
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Appearance: Rugged. Close-cut mutton chops and a long pony tail in the back. Slightly muscular, but not overly so. Normally wears a green canvas jacket over a plain black t-shirt, woodland-camo BDU pants and black combat boots.
Personality: Very reserved and commanding. Straight to business kind of person. Ruthless.
History: Served in numerous battles. Ex-Black Ops turned mercenary. He was running a small gun shop outside of Athens, Georgia before the outbreak occurred. Thane loaded his wares and a tent to the roof before covering the inside of the store with metal barricades. He lasted three weeks before he was picked up by a passing convoy of stragglers. Thane lived with the convoy for a few days until they were caught in a crossfire of a military stronghold and a small horde of infected. The rest of the convoy was badly injured or dead, and Thane was able to whisk away.
Sprite Colours: Woodland green and black.
Realm Description: Humid jungle similar to those of 20th century Vietnam.

Last edited by Vum on Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:34 am, edited 4 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:28 am 
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UESPoints: 0
Vum wrote:
Keep it PG 13, no sex, players may sneak a kiss but nothing too graphic thanks.

As if somebody would put that in there :roll: :lol:

I may join later. No promises, though.

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:53 pm 
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Boy, zombie RPs sure are popular. I might join this a bit later though, sounds fun.


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:20 pm 

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Alright, thanks guys.

Updated rules a tad.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 12:51 am 
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A lesson you will learn through your days of creating Roleplays, Vum - where there are zombies, there is always Lucien Guerrier :lol:

Name: Lucien Guerrier

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Appearance: Considered to be extremely handsome, Lucien has an average-length head of black hair which he always keeps combed back. His face is clear of facial hair, as he keeps it well shaved. He has high cheekbones. He wears a light brown T-shirt that is slightly tight, which reveals his prized and well-disserved set of giant muscles. He wears a pair of camouflaged military pants completed with heavy, black military boots.

Personality: Lucien has such a passion for women, he would go through weeks of torture just to get a seat next to a pretty girl at a movie theater. He uses his skills in the French and Italian languages to attract women, as well as his incredible singing voice. Unfortunately, these skills also attract the hostility of other men. But surprisingly, Lucien loves it - as it will give him a chance to get involved in a fist fight. He is very kind to others, but if someone even throws the smallest of insults at him….he’ll go berserk.

History: Lucien was born to a very poor family in London, England. Raised in the "tough areas", he came to love fighting. At age nine, he challenged a fifteen year-old boy to a fist-fight. He won without even trying. But at age 19, tragedy struck his life, delivering a blow that will never be healed. His girlfriend, Amelia, was claimed by murder. He never spoke a word until his 21st birthday, when the zombies attacked. His first words were “OH -bleep-!!!!!!”

Sprite Colours: Red and blue

Realm Description: Bright and sunny, always daytime, never rain, thunder, or lightning. A giant mansion sits atop a short stone wall in front of a glorious and most beautiful beach, where birds chirp, seagulls steal food, pretty ladies swim through the waters, bards sing opera, and hundreds of buff men line up to fight Lucien. A large ocean marks the edges of his realm.

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:34 am 
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UESPoints: 0
Name: Ivan Peterson

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Appearance: Ivan is very skinny and not all that muscular, although he can be stronger than he looks when the situation calls for it. He often wears cargo pants, a t-shirt, and a hooded sweatshirt.

Personality: Ivan is very knowledgeable when it comes to technology, including guns. He is a huge gamer, as can be seen by his personal realm. He tends to not talk a lot of the time except when he feels his opinion and knowledge would help the situation. He is also an accomplished hacker.

History: As a child, Ivan lived in Moscow, Russia. His skill with computers was impressive; by age 4, he could install the most recent and most complex Apple operating system on a computer, the installer for which baffled his parents. When he was seven, his family moved to the United States, to a small town of about 13,000 in the middle of nowhere. As he entered middle school, he experimented with hacking his school's computers. He very quickly was easily able to manipulate his and his peers' grades, so nobody knows what his grades actually were. Later, he used his accomplished hacking skills to steal confidential data on the army's latest weapons.

Sprite Colours: Blue and black

Realm Description: Ivan's realm is a gamer's paradise. It looks like a virtual world that you would see on 1980's sci-fi films. The ground is colored green, with several brown structures scattered about. Inside each is a collection of video games -- everything from Castlevania to Metroid: Other M, from the original Command & Conquer to StarCraft V. The games are sorted by console manufacturer, and so one house has the Nintendo logo by it, while another has the Apple logo. The edges of the realm are marked by red strips of ground, the only thing outside the buildings of that color.

((And by the way, the mods here generally look down upon people having more than one thread for a single RP.))


The Muddy Swampert of the Poké-Squad.
The Smart Guy of the Troper Team.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:20 am 

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Both of you are in, great sheets. Just four or so more people and we'll begin.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:35 pm 
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Location: With Mad Dog and the Companion Cube
ES Games: Morrowind GotY
Platform: Pee See
Status: 50% complete
UESPoints: 0
Name: Linu Lin'eral
Age (keep it young, 15 minimum and 35 maximum): 21
Sex (Please don't write "Yes Please!"): yes please F
Appearance (Description or link, any will do.): Of medium height, with coarse brown hair and a pretty smile.
Personality: Confident and outgoing most of the times.
History: Linu was brought up in a culturally diverse community, where she kept mostly to herself, even as a child. It is unknown whether her now-friendly nature is f merely a display to advance in the social ladder, or whether her personality really has changed.
Sprite Colours:Navy and green
Realm Description: Linu’s realm is a city utopia. the days are filled with discontented office workers, who turn into hardcore partygoers come nightfall. The city lights burst extravagantly out when dusk arrives. No homeless people sit on sidewalks and everyone is living a perfect life – or at least Linu’s version of a perfect life.


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:39 pm 
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UESPoints: 0
Hay guise save mea spot pl0x kthxbai.

Count to four. Inhale. Count to four. Exhale.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:22 pm 
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So after Nixon posts his character, will we begin?

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:08 am 

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I guess so.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:48 pm 
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"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:34 am 

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Alright, if Nixon doesn't post his Character sheet by tomorrow, we'll start without him. He can post his sheet at any time though. Anyone is welcome to join.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:24 pm 
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We should start now, mate.

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:57 am 

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OOC: And so it begins.

Lief woke, and pushing his hair out of his eyes, he slid out of bed. It was dark, as it always was in his realm. Two full moons shone in the sky outside his top floor room window. Bats could be heard congregrating in the forest in the valley outside. A thick mist was gathering far away at the wall that marked the edge of his realm. Lief sighed, imagining what the world outside the simulation. He missed the real world, but he knew what was outside. Death, and nothing but it.

He trudged down the stairs and into his living room, a vast chamber held up by tall, menacing pillars. Many tapestries hung on the walls, a fire burned in the fireplace. Lief slumped down on to a chair, and let out an exasperated sigh. He was tired, he had hardly gotten any sleep, and the darkness wasn't doing anything to help. He also had a splitting headache, which could probably be dealt with by a couple of meds. A few minutes passed, and due to his lack of sleep, he dozed off in the armchair.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:46 pm 
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Lucien rolled out of his bed in his robe with a giant grin. The sun shined through his window as though heaven was floating above the realm. He grabbed a comb off of his night-stand and looked into the mirror. He combed his hair back perfectly. Then, he opened his bottom drawer on his nearest dresser and pulled out his swim trunks. Removing his robe and taking off his shirt, he admired his muscles as he looked in the mirror. He then slipped on his trunks and headed for the door. He kicked it open, and ran to the staircase. He slid down the railing and landed on his feet in the giant sun-lit living room. About twenty beautiful women sat on the couches or stood in the room in their bathing suits drinking wine.
"Hello, Mr. Guerrier!" many of them shouted, many laughing with blushed cheeks.

"Bonjour, my ladies! Let's get out there!"

All of them laughed and ran out the large glass doors, followed by Lucien. As the women ran down the stairs to the beach, Lucien was stopped by a man nearly the size of Lucien himself. "Hold on there, buddy." he said "We'd like a word with you." he pointed to a giant line of strong men, looking very angry.

Lucein laughed, and cracked his nuckles. "Alright, gentlemen. Who will go first today?"

One of them swung at Lucien, but the hit was easily dodged. He fell into a barrel at the side of the mansion.

"Life couldn't get better..."

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:19 pm 
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It was a little past midnight when Linu awoke to the sparkling lights of her city. She smiled happily as she gazed out the window to the familiar sight she loved so well. Slipping into a modest, classy dress suit, she left her apartment and headed to one of her favorite clubs.


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:58 pm 
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((So we can just visit any other d00d or d00dett's realm at will?))

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:00 am 
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I woke up. I noticed that I had fallen asleep while playing Super Metroid. The SNES was on, the TV was on, and the controller was by my right hand. Apparently, I was about to fight Crocomire. I stood up, stretched, and sat back down to fight the thing.


The Muddy Swampert of the Poké-Squad.
The Smart Guy of the Troper Team.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:17 am 
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UESPoints: 0

Today's angry men were terrible fighters. Most of them had beaten themselves more than Lucien. And there were only about a hundred today. Lucien was pretty tired by the end, but he handn't done much work or played a part in their beatings. He headed back down to the beach and sat on the edge of the water, watching the women swim, and looking into the beautiful sky. The virtual girls somehow knew not to bother Lucien. He sometimes had to snap himself into reality and realize that everything here was not real, and that he could not live in paradise forever...

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:11 am 

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King Acunasti wrote:
((So we can just visit any other d00d or d00dett's realm at will?))


And at everyone OTHER than Acunasti, try to add more detail to your posts. Please.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Signups
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:13 am 
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Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:23 am
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ES Games: 1. Morrowind/GOTY 2. Oblivion + DLC 3. Oblivion GOTY
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Status: Trampled Under Hoof.
UESPoints: 0
Name: Thane Lask
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Appearance: Rugged. Close-cut mutton chops and a long pony tail in the back. Slightly muscular, but not overly so. Normally wears a green canvas jacket over a plain black t-shirt, woodland-camo BDU pants and black combat boots.
Personality: Very reserved and commanding. Straight to business kind of person. Ruthless.
History: Served in numerous battles. Ex-Black Ops turned mercenary. He was running a small gun shop outside of Athens, Georgia before the outbreak occurred. Thane loaded his wares and a tent to the roof before covering the inside of the store with metal barricades. He lasted three weeks before he was picked up by a passing convoy of stragglers. Thane lived with the convoy for a few days until they were caught in a crossfire of a military stronghold and a small horde of infected. The rest of the convoy was badly injured or dead, and Thane was able to whisk away.
Sprite Colours: Woodland green and black.
Realm Description: Humid jungle similar to those of 20th century Vietnam.

I'll post IC tomorrow, I'm low on time right now.

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:00 pm 
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Status: Conducting genocide with the Ayleids
UESPoints: 0
((Time to start actually roleplaying))

Lucien's butler, Jeeves, who was dressed in a pair of sandals, swim trunks, and a Hawaiian t-shirt, then approached his master with a bottle of Coca-Cola and a bottle of beer on a silver platter. "Would you like a drink, Master Guerrier?"

"Ha ha ha! Of course! I'd love one!" He jumped from the sand and snatched the Coke, drinking the entire bottle in seconds, and then poured the beer down his throat in a few minutes, for he liked beer better and drank it slower to enjoy the flavor.

"Have any plans for today, Master?" Jeeves asked.

"Hmm...Yes, I think I do..."


Lucien put folded his arms. "I think I'll visit some other realms today."

"Which ones, sire?"

"Well, I'd like to visit every one of them! I plan to have a pardy tonight! I'll go to each realm and invite each of my comrades. Plus, I'd like to get away from the beach for a little while."

"Which one will you visit first?"

Lucien thought for a bit. "Linu's. I like the city. Then maybe I'll head to Lief's. I need to escape the sun for a while."

"Good luck, Master."

"Thanks you, Jeeves!"

Lucien then said goodbye to each of his girls (which took almost an hour), and then dove into the water where he would enter Linu's realm.

((Should I emerge from a sewer?))

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:51 pm 
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Location: With Mad Dog and the Companion Cube
ES Games: Morrowind GotY
Platform: Pee See
Status: 50% complete
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Linu thought to herself as she walked in the streets of her beautiful, sparkling city. I wonder if I'll get any visitors tonight. Oh well. I suppose I'll head over to the Trancestation and see if there's anything interesting. She smiled as she looked down at her spotless sidewalks and at the gorgeous metropolitan sight around her. "I couldn't be happier," she exclaimed out loud. A few bright lights in the distance twinkled on and off, as if in reply.


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

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