Name: Captain Nuah “Steel-Rose” Ch’tal
Sex: Female
Age: 150 ((Appears 15-16))
Physical description:
Personality: Nuah shows her compassion most for her crew, her crew being 100% female with the only males being young children (usually born to her crew) or captured men for pleasure and/or information. Nuah may be compassionate to her family of Pirates aboard her ship and also to her past crew who are retired, but she can be quite deadly and cold the next when it comes to traitors, those who attempt mutiny, or even to those that would harm her, her crew, or her way of life.
Weapons and related skills(Please list from most skilled to least skilled): Nuah is very skilled at Dueling with her cutlass as well as use of guns. She prefers her cutlass as it allows her to get up close and personal with the enemy, usually men who are surprised to see a girl about 15-16 humiliating them in duels. Since guns change throughout the ages she has to learn and use new handhelds, they are mostly pistol size though.
Apparel: Nuah prefers colourful clothing, embroidery and flex of use with colour preference being blood red and violet with hints of jet black. She prefers these for flexibility, ease of movement, and breathability.
Backstory (At least a basic one.): Nuah was a princess, daughter of a chieftain, whose tribe was a bunch of hunters and fishermen. She sought adventure and the like. In this village, this tribe, the greatest Honor a woman could achieve was to become the old wise woman of the tribe, something she was going to become. But she caught the eye of a powerful shaman and her father promised her to him. However she did not love him and sought adventure and eventually met a man whose ship would later become hers.
The shaman didn't like the fact that she shunned his advances and he didn't like the fact she fell in love with someone other than him. So he killed the members of this ship and cursed her with immortality and eternal youth. He also cursed her to the ship, directly tying her to that ship; the only way she could really be killed is through that ship or staying on land too long. The event has left her bitter to many a man. As a result her crew is 100% women, usually those who are treated like second class citizens and includes but not limited to Gypsie women, those who work the craft of ships and the like as well as abused women and she often gives them a much better life than what they have had before however there have been cases where some have attempted mutiny, usually with the lure of money for bringing her in. But just as she is tied to the ship, the ship is tied to her, it's like she has a sense of what goes on in her ship, her soul. Because she can't risk her secrets being spilled she's often forced to kill them, make examples of them. Despite this she treats her crew like they were her family.
Her life living she has grown quite skilled in dueling, fights, her cutlass swords and of course guns. In this time she has taken the Pirate name “Steel-Rose” Yet she must constantly have any dings among other things repaired on her ship, as a result it constantly looks new and shiny and is fast for a quick getaway. Her raids on towns and settlements must be fast, quick, and sometimes deadly though she tried to avoid this if possible. When her crew members become too old to be of help on the high seas she sets up 'retirement' plans for them in which she gives them enough to start a life of their own, either farm or small business if possible or a dowry to marry whom they choose. They keep the secrets though and often send her messages which help her plan. These women also know about the raids and keep their families somehow safe by leaving.
In her long life so far, she has seen and heard much. She has seen the lands change, the seas change, new lands emerge from volcanoes while others are destroyed by them. In one of these islands created by a volcano back when she first started sailing, is what is known to her and her people as ‘RoseThorn Cove’, an island now rich in life. Here is where Nuah first started hiding the booty of her and her crew. But over time it became a small town/city of it’s own. Here is where the trees are grown, Pine and Oak, for the wood for both The Baroness and her repairs as well as Nuah’s fleet’s other ships of merchant and towing vessels. It is divided into segments and the trees replanted to keep a self-sustaining lifestyle since the people here are mostly women, former and future members of her crew with their sons. The sons of the crewmembers are considering second rate citizens unless they help out with the business. To raise such a fortune, not just from raiding, Nuah has control of a Liquer and Mead business to which she has her own brand distilled and made of alchohol which is then sold to other parts of the world. They are made through berries and spices as well as grapes and it is called RoseThorn Steel and RoseThorn Mead. Both are considered very sweet and less ‘yeasty’ yet very strong and can knock you out if you aren’t used to it.
It is also by these berries why she is able to have red sails and fine paints. She keeps contacts with the female descendants of her crew and original crew. She also takes on women who would have no where else to go, such as women who are raped by men and unmarried then face either prostitution or death as a result. She gives these women a whole new life and a way back onto their feet, in exchange Nuah and her crew get more crewmembers and loyalty, as well as contacts that the men underestimate. Nuah may look young but she has quite a lot of experience under her belt. Yet even so both her and her crew still face the insults by men and constantly have to prove themselves to the [&@%!]. Yet there are times both Nuah and The Baroness have to disappear back to her secret cove of RoseThorn to do extensive repairs and rejuvenate both her and the Ship. As a result of her curse, Nuah and the Ship share some kind of bond. The ship allows Nuah to know the going’ons which has saved Nuah from more than one mutiny to which she is forced to make examples of these women and kill them. However this also means that any damage to the ship hurts Nuah, and the ship is also her timer of one week a month on land, which isn’t much. Also due to the curse the ship itself is alive in a sense, so repairs are easier on The Baroness than on other ships, even Nuah’s merchant vessels that distribute RoseThorn Steel and Mead in exchange for money and other goods that are also obtained through raiding.
The Baroness can have up to 60 cannons but usually has about 50, 25 for each side and a usually 100 woman crew which include a doctor, a carpenter, navigator, helmswoman, boatswain, nanny ((for young children of woman who end up having birth on the ship during long months of voyage. She Also has oars for those windless days and the woman have to be psyically fit and strong to move them. It also has a unique carpentry room where spare sails, ropes and ship repair supplies are kept.
Through one of her more recent excursions and just before she was to disappear for another 2 year remasting and recovery, she had run into and met Nathaniel O'Farley. The two know secrets about each other which has lead into a ‘forced’ friendship that has since grown into an alliance. Though Nuah does intend to be a Pirate Queen one day and set some better standards to make it easier on females and thus female pirates, she is content for now in an alliance with Nathaniel. She is thus just returning from that two year remasting.
Nuah’s tribal ancestry has given her knowledge to many things most people around the world don’t know about. This includes
Twigs for teeth cleaning which are
quite effective. She also knows about the plant to later be known as
Industrial Hemp and its
several positive uses, although to her tribe it’s known as kanef, and several medicine men and wise woman have used it for its positive properties and as an alternate source of clothing and tent material when leather is scarce during parts of the year. Nuah in turn keeps these positive traits alive and teaches those who become part of her crew and colony. Also thanks to some of her English members the Kanef, Hemp, is used for paper parchment, cloth parchment as well for better scrolls and maps.
Throughout the years and ages Nuah has heard the tales of
Dead Water Drift and if it is indeed true then she could find some solace that she is not the only one with a curse of false immortality. In fact it was her first love, the one who taught her sailing and the ship to become her home, who first told her of the story. He also taught her how to read and write as he himself was a former merchant. For the stories of
Dead Water Drift had existed long before she was born, but when you're a member of a tribe you only hear about such stories from those fortunate to trade with you.
Alleigance (Any seafaring nation, or Pirates.): Pirates
Position that you desire: Captain ((Aspiring to be Pirate Queen))
Ships type/size, Description, Name (Only if a Captain, Please describe the scope of your weapons, and the shape of your crew.):
The Main ship is The Baroness, a three masted Galleon that has been upgrade to be much faster than she looks. The Baroness can sustain 60 cannons but usually has about 50, 25 for each side. Her crew is about 400 strong and can leave on small excursions for food and trade purposes. The Baroness sports a special room called the Carpentry room where there are small anvils and tools for ship repair including spare sails of white canvas rope and other things. Part of Nuah’s fleet also includes two merchant vessels that are womaned by those women who are retired of piratrey of her crew and are training new pirates for her fleet.
These Merchant vessels carry and trade the liquer and mead her secret island makes and have a mixture of Nuah’s flags as well as colors and calls in order to show the Crew of the Baroness that those merchant vessels, Haley and Uelin, are part of her fleet. These Merchant vessels do not participate in open fights but have the means to defend themselves if necessary. They will help with towing of the Baroness if a situation ever arrives. RoseThorn Cove also has smaller fishing vessels to sustain the lifestyle there retirees tend to look forward to. The Baroness sports guns, cutlass’s, and rifles as well as hunting and fishing weapons and other utensils. It has a small clinic/hospital with a female doctor who continues to train. It has cabins for its crew and the spacious captains’ quarters. On the lowest deck is where the emergency oars are located for moving the vessel during no wind. It has a storeroom for food and the like as well as other necessities. The Baroness is constantly updated to keep with the times, while it’s constantly cleaned and restored when it docks in RoseThorn Cove, Every fifty years Nuah will disappear for about two years to replace the Masts and hull fixing if the Masts get too damaged. During this time it is extremely painful for Nuah as each Mast replacement is equivalent to losing an Arm or a leg. Speed and procession must be assured as well as recovery time.
It should be noted that The Baroness has been stripped of unecessities of a standard Galleon and
made for speed as well as War. This Galleon and its sailors can go upwind, not as fast as downwind or with wind but it can go upwind at a much slower pace than normal making it able to lose a Man Of War or other bigger slower ship. Her sails are made for speed and range from square to large Triangle and made of a high grade cloth primarily of Hemp rather than Cotton or burlap. Production of materials for The Baroness as well as Haley and Uelin are done primarily on RoseThorn Cove where Trees are periodically grown, cut, new plantings as well as Hemp grown. Be in mind this is what would become known many centuries later as
Industrial Hemp and not the Drug Marijuana. Because of the quality of the Hemp Canvas, which takes longer to rot than cotton and the like, it alone is worth its weight in gold to sail makers and allows the Ship to be quite fast and maintain longer. The sails very fibers and string are woven so fine and tight and often dyed red or purple from the berries of alcohol production, a somewhat symbol of power and as an eye-opener ((though some call this an eyesore which is usually the enemy)), that ruining these expensive sails is quite harder to do than a normal cotton or jute sail. Likewise the spare sails, the undyed ones, are also made of hemp cloth canvas instead of cotton. However selling such cloth is much harder to do, alchohol sells better, that Nuah would have to go legal for such a production and even then making these sail clothes wouldn’t prove profitable in the long run unless they were sold to rich merchants.
The Baroness is able to be edited throughout the years, repaired and parts replaced in large part because of the curse placed upon her and Nuah. The Baroness is essentially alive, Nuah’s large body. The wood though acts like wood acts like skin too. This secret is known only to Nuah, those she trusts most and of course Commodore Nathaniel O'Farley. In the Case of the Commodore, Nuah knows his secret to, this has become the basis of their alliance to each other. He’s the only ‘outsider’ to know that ship is like a skin. Like skin can regrow or be repaired, stitched up by needles and thread, The Baroness can be repaired by ‘eating’ wood that is placed to the holes. However like an injured body, large wounds such as remasting and significant hull damage have to be repaired at RoseThorn Cove where there is a large ship yard dedicated primarily to The Baroness’s repair. In essence the Baroness herself if alive which is how Nuah is able to ‘feel’ and ‘know’ when members of her crew attempt a Mutiny, which gives Nuah time to deal with the situation more so than other captains would have on their vessels.
Pirate's Code for your ship (Optional): The Redemption and Unification of Independence for Women, death only to those who would harm the family and way of life.
Your flag (Description or Image/ Only if a Captain or aspiring to be a Captain):
Abilities (Please PM me before filling in this spot. If no abilities, leave blank.): Immortality and Eternal Youth yet her life is tied directly to her ship “The Baroness”
Other (Skills, quirks, etc...): Nuah almost always fights with men, particularly those that look down on woman and treat them like second rate citizens. She is also a hypocrite in that she does the same thing to the sons of her crew unless they prove their worth and help her fleet in some way. Nuah knows the Ocean but because of her curse it’s hard for her to keep up with the rest of the world unless through her crew and the like. She’s much better with sword and Gun than with democracy and diplomacy.
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