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 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:50 pm 

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Leilah observed the surrounding chaos. "Yup, gonna need a gun for this," she said to no one in particular. Very carefully, sticking to the shadows, she eventually found her way home, where she quickly picked up her gun, a not-very-impressive .32 pistol. Still, it could shoot to kill if she had a headstart, which was more than could be said for a broken bottle.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:35 am 
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(( Even if it means one post a week, I'm not letting this die! ))

Aiden jumped to the train car to his left. He emptied rounds into two more raiders before his magazine ran dry. One raider climbed up next to him and received a stock to the face. Another gun shot blasted in the distance and Aiden felt a sharp pain in his right calf. He kneeled down and rolled to the side, barely keeping himself on top of the train. A magazine fell out of his vest and landed on the ground. Another raider charged at Aiden from on top of the cart but was hit mid-stride by another stray bullet, taking the top of his skull off. Blood showered the top of the cart. Aiden climbed across to a ladder on the side of the cart and pulled himself up. He grabbed a magazine from his vest and reloaded his AK-74.

"Hey! Pick me up!" Aiden yelled towards the other man. "We've got to leave. Help me up."

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:46 am 
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((It's back!!!))

Teddy responded quickly, for this was his specialty - wounds! He slowly picked Aiden up, being careful not to cause him pain. He hopped off of the engine with his hiking stick and shotgun left behind. He began running through the sands. He looked at the deaths surrounding him. "Hell, I've never seen anything like this!" he said to Aiden. "This isn't fair!"

He picked up the speed a little, bullets flying across his head.


Sal raced through the crowds, killing many as he made his way back to the engine. Suddenly, he saw something. The two men - the armed civilians - were making a run for it! He turned to their direction, reaching speeds unlike anything the Doctor had ever seen.


"WHO IS THAT!?" Teddy said to Aiden, hoping Aiden could do something about it.

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:57 am 
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"No! No! Back to the train! Just trust me!" Aiden yelled, rolling out of the doctor's arms. He grabbed pulled himself up and began shooting at the man on the motorcycle, his bullets bouncing off of the metal framework but somehow missing the gigantic man.

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:53 pm 

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Leilah saw two men running towards the train. There was one she didn't recognise at all and another she thought she may have seen before, somewhere. They were being chased by a huge guy on a motorcycle, so she beckoned for them to get to where she was, since tere were some good hiding places there.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:11 pm 
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Teddy had never experienced such fear before in his life. "Are you sure?" he shouted to Aiden. He didn't care about the answer, as he noticed the massive bandit getting cloiser and closer. He started sprinting to the train yelling for help.


Sal came to a long, demonic stop. The four front wheels came just inches away from Aiden's face. An old man had fallen to the dust beside the motorcycle. Sal dismounted the giant vehicle and picking the senior citizens up into the air by the throat with one hand, bashing his face into his skull with his fist. He dropped the corpse to the ground, turning to Aiden. He kicked the assault rifle out of Aiden's hands, and bend down in beside him. "Well, well, well, lad." he said in a dark, evil voice. "Where'd you get that? Mighty fine peice of junk you had there. You know me?" he stood up and kicked Aiden in the face. "Where'd you get the weapon!?"


Teddy turned his head around to see the massive bandit standing over Aiden. Oh...damnit! he thought. "Come on!" he shouted to Leilah. "We've got to help him!"

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:43 am 

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"This is probably a good time to tell you that I shoot best when the person I'm shooting can't see me," Leilah said to... "What's your name, by the way?" she asked as she inched closer to the bandit. "And more importantly, do you have any sort of plan at all?"

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:42 pm 
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"A dead man," Aiden said straightly, though his hands collapsed beneath him. Dirt stuck to the sweat running down his head. He pulled himself back up. "How about we work out a deal?" He coughed, clearing the dust that had settled in his lungs.

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:24 pm 
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Sal bent down again. "Heh...you're pretty damn sad. Beggin' for mercy..." He stood and kicked Aiden in the stomach. "You folks here are weak, poor fellas. Got no connections. You get on your knees and thank God for some sorta blessing when you somehow get an old rusty weapon into your dirty hands." He put his TEC-9 back into the bag, and pulled out a small metal tag. "Here's my card." he said with a laugh, throwing the tag down in front of Aiden's face. "I'll be trackin' you guys...waitin' for the correct moment." He got back on his motorcycle and drove off into the dust, smashing a few more civilians and raiders on the way.

Engraved into the tag's metal was the name "Sal Romadano"


"Oh thank God!!!" Teddy shouted as he watched Sal bolt away into the dusts. He turned to Leilah, breathing heavily. "My name...is Theodore Phalin. I'm a doctor."

Teddy raced to Aiden. "Are you okay!?" he asked loudly, patting Aiden's shoulder. He then noticed the tag, and picked it up with a frown. "Who's 'Sal Romadano'?"

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:48 pm 
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Aiden pulled himself up and spit blood onto the ground.

"My guess is the guy on the bike," he sighed. He looked around. There were a few raiders left, but most were scavenging through the train or eating from their spoils. "We're going to get out of here. Help me up and walk me back to the train."

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:08 pm 
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"But there's still raiders there!" he took a good look at Aiden's face. "Even wihout your wounds...you still wouldn't look so well. Come on. Let's hurry." he helped Aiden back to his feet and helped him to the train.

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:31 pm 
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(( I'mma speed this up so we can continue. ))

Aiden navigated the group through the trains, before stopping at a cart with a large white x painted on the side. He reached into his short and pulled out a chain with dogtags and a key hanging from it. He leaned down and unlocked the door, sliding it sideways as quietly as possible. The cart was pitch black, and Aiden reached for a light switch and flicked on a small phosphorescent bulb. It lit up five dirtbikes, each different models with separate chipped and faded paint. The keys to each were in the ignition. From left to right were: two red and black 150cc bikes, a yellow 200cc, a white 175cc, and a black 200cc. Aiden pulled himself onto the yellow bike and sidesaddled it so he could use his good foot to start it.

"There's a panel on that wall," Aiden said, pointing to the right of the door. "Hit the third button from the top."

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:52 am 
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(( If this dies, it's turning into a story. :( ))

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 6:32 am 

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Leilah looked at the wall for a moment, confused. "This button?" she asked, and pressed it.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:40 pm 
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((Wait, Bio, you should actually make a story out of this with all of our characters in it. That would pwn!))

Teddy got on the white bike. "Er...Are these things easy to drive?" he asked nervously. "Sorry I've been so little help. I've never fired a gun or driven a motorcycle...or...a dirtbike before."


Sal's whole thing is kinda long, so I put it in a spoiler tag.
Sal tore through more desert plants and dry stone. He could see something ahead. Trees, grass, plants - greens! Beautiful tents dotted this small landscape, many of them coded with different colors like red, orange, and purple. Many people walked through this rare sight of life as well, dressed in outstanding robes even more colorful than the tents. This was their home. This was Londia.

Sal stopped in an area where the grass began to grow from the dry dust. Two men in red robes approached him and bowed.

"I want this motorcycle shining by the time I return." Sal said, getting off the bike.

"Yes, Mister Romadano." one of the men said.

Sal grabbed his bag of weapons and his container of gas. He quickly walked to the large tent to his right. He stepped inside. The shop's owner, Oroman, sat Indian-style on a purple pillow near the entrance. He was shocked as the large bandit stepped inside.

"Get these weapons and ammo perfectly clean as soon as possible." Sal ordered.

"Yes, sire." Oroman said, standing up and taking the bag of firearms. "Anything else?"

"Oh yeah," Sal said, taking his two assault rifles from his shoulders as well as his two pistols from his waist. "Clean these too." He then exited the tent and approached a merchant in a black robe just beside the tent. "Can you clean and refill these gas containers?"

"Of course. Anything for you!"

"Thanks..." Londia was the closest thing to home Sal would let himself get to. It started off as a small settlement of poor, starving Indian people. When Sal arrived, he offered aid in exchange for food, water, and weapons. The settlement slowly grew from a dirty old village to a beautiful realm of peace. Sal walked towards the largest tent at the very edge of the beautiful landscape. He stepped inside.

"Sal!" shouted the Indian man inside, running to the bandit and giving him a short hug. This was Ginduath, Sal's closest thing to a friend or ally. "You're back so soon!"


"Come, come - sit! Tell me of your journey!" he hurried over to his small table where two straw chairs sat on each side. They each sat in the chairs. "So...You left only a week ago! Why back so soon!?"

"I saw somethin'...I came across a train bein' raided by a group of would-be bandits."

"Oh...did you-"

"I killed most of the civilians and the raiders."


"Yeah...Some type of movin' city I guess. Anyway...two of these civilians were armed."

"Well...we are not the only ones with weapons!"

"Whatever! It's just that...I've never seen somethin' like that before. I spared one of em' just for fun. I'll be trackin' them down like they're game. So I came here for some more equipment."

"Well...first thing's first, Sal...You're covered in dust! Why don't we give you a bath and wash your clothes? Then we can talk about Tarkeel's latest raid..."

"Where did he go this time?"

"Moscow, Russia." the Indian replied with a grin. "Many things to be found and given to our hero Sal Romadano."

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:41 pm 
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Generators in the corner of the cart rumbled to a start as the side of the cart facing the desert lifted. Aiden kicked his bike's ignition and it revved up. Despite the appearance, they were obviously well cared for. He turned the throttle and dropped from the cart. Dust riled up around the wheels and chassis as the cycle sped off into the desert. Aiden didn't turn to look, but hoped the others were following. The raiders were rather disinterested in the escapees' actions.

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:41 pm 
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Uhh, Bio?

How can I join if you're already balls deep into the story?

(as per PM)


The Gunslinger

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:46 am 

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Leilah got on the black bike, frantically attempting to keep up with Aiden.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:40 pm 
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(( :? ))

The trio sped across the desert, leaving a cloud of dust in the rather bleak desert. They were headed north, to a group of mountains. Aiden remembered the name Himalayas, but couldn't remember if it was a country or a river. After a lengthy trip, the group came to the foot of the mountains. A grove of trees stood next to a river flowing through the peaks, which continued out into the open plains. Aiden stopped his bike and dropped it to the ground.

"Come on," He said slightly, limping into the grove. He pushed aside the underbrush and eventually came to a small cement door. He stopped, and looked behind him. "Follow me very closely if you want to exit this bunker," Aiden said with a heavy sigh. He hadn't wanted to return here...

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:49 pm 

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Leilah squinted at her surroundings. "Where are we? What is this place?" she asked Aiden, sounding slightly panicky. "Why do I get the feeling we're about to get into a whole lot of trouble?"

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:55 pm 
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"You're not. I am," Aiden replied. He looked at the doctor and the woman. "However, before we enter, I'd like your names." He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out three pins. They had brass eagles carrying twigs and arrows. He clipped one onto his shirt and handed the other two off. "Wear these. I'm not sure what it is, but these men are very happy to treat you if you're wearing it. Less so if you're not."

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:59 pm 

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Leilah clipped the pin Aiden handed to her onto her shirt before saying anything. "I'm Leilah. ANd now will you please explain why we are here, and what kind of place this is? And what men?"

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:02 pm 
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"We're here because it's one of the few places I can guarantee is safe. That is, if they feel like keeping us safe. Otherwise, we'll have to run a little bit. You may not have seen what the raiders did, but I guarantee you these men can do worse. That's why you follow my lead." Aiden sighed. He had really hoped not to return here. "Unless you want to go over the mountains."

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:05 pm 

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Leilah's stomach turned at the thought of the raiders. "Well okay. I really don't want to go over the mountains. Lead the way. I'd just like to tell you though that it's generally a good idea to look a little less uncertain when trying to assure people traveling with you. Why are you so freaked out?"

 Post subject: Re: Waste (Sign-Ups)
PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:01 pm 
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Is this still going on?

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

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