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Should I revive Zeyelden and change allow any race played?
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Yes, but I want to play different races 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Yes but I want to start a new character 10%  10%  [ 1 ]
No I think this rp is too complicated 20%  20%  [ 2 ]
No I think you should start a new rp 10%  10%  [ 1 ]
Maybe...havn't decided yet. 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:44 am 
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"Well let's see- I was born not long before the oblivion crisis, which -as you know- occured when Dagon tried to enter this realm. Cyrodil was in chaos- especially after the destruction of Kvatch by the siege engine. The champion of Cyrodil went to every city and got soldiers for the defence of Bruma -something that I can proudly say I took part in. The Champion managed to destroy the massive engine and led the charge to get Martin Septim to the Imperial city- once again I was involved in this. When Martin got to the White Gold tower he transformed into an Avatar of Akatosh and battled Dagon- defeating the Daedric Prince," Lucian recited.

Avron the S'wit wrote:
Justice knight wrote:
Why do I have to be given?! :mrgreen:

Because you're so popular!

 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:45 pm 
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The Yolmer smiled. "So the wine is to your satifaction?" He asked Ithu-Riel. Malian approached and sipped his own wine, smiling and nodding. "Would you like them delivered or would you like to carry them out?"

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:53 pm 
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"Where can I find lapis lazuli?" wondered Asseloxi.

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:25 pm 
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Ithu-Riel nodded. "Have the wine delivered to my families estate." She said handing him a card with the location of her home. "My mother will love it." she yawned and stretched.

\[T]/ Praise the Sun Y'all

 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:50 pm 
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Anaril frowned at the excitement of the centaurs and continued waiting; now slightly irritated that it's taking so long.

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:20 pm 
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The Yolmer nodded. "It will be done." He said to Ithu-Riel. Malian picked up his bottle and made a motion to pay for it directly, the Yolmer held up his hands. "Just advertise my little hut for now and that is payment enough." Malian nodded. "Recommend me to your friends. The Fire Wine will be open for business!" The way he said 'fire' sounded a lot like 'fine'.

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:23 pm 
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Kardryn looked back up at the Khajiit, that was a lot to be asking for, for one dye job, even if he was getting it for free. It would be less consuming of my funds and time to just travel to the next city. He thought to himself slightly annoyed at the Khajiit's demands. But what if the Blood Orchid's of Sithis are to call on me, I would rather be close at hand for that eventuality. Silent, Kardryn thought it over for a few moments before speaking.

"I would love to fetch these items for you." Kardryn replied, a false smile lighting up his face. He soon turned to the Venusian beside him, the portals to the Forbidden Realms did not seem like they would be the greatest place to go without a meat shield. "Ah Miss, would you accompany me on such a trip ?" He asked, the false smile returning to his face. "It must be a dangerous journey to these Forbidden Realms and a company, especially one as beautiful as you would be appreciated."

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:40 pm 
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Asseloxi looked suspiciously at Kadyrn. "Would I? Maybe. What's in it for me? You don't think I can defend myself?"

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:47 pm 
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"I trained myself," Tarot explained. "Besides, why would I limit how many people I could steal from and take orders from people. That goes against what I do."

Ring-a-ding, baby.

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:53 pm 
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Ithu-Riel stood and smiled,"That was great, thank you for bringing me here. I suppose we should leave to go back now...." She said tossing some gold onto the table. "Shall we?" she asked offering her arm to Malian.

\[T]/ Praise the Sun Y'all

 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:56 pm 
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Vlynt moved closer to the group, watching the Chestnuts and Tarot, "Explain yourselves. What business could you possibly need to conduct in a back ally?"

Justice knight wrote:
Oh and listen to Br3ad he speaks wisdom.

 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:08 pm 
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Malian sighed. "On second thoughts, send it to my place." He said placing the bottle on the table and placing some coins on the counter. "Thank you friends. The Fire Wine is always ready for business!" The Yolmer stated happily as Malian took Ithu-Riels' arm. "We shall." He said almost happily as they walked off.

Call me Rainbow Fox if you want
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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:15 pm 
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Kardryn looked at Asseloxi, giving her another brief smile. "Adventure." He said, moving a small bit closer to her. "And gold if we manage to make it back alive." The last bit however was a lie, although Kardryn had taken a lot of money with him when he had left his fathers shop, very little of that remained and what little of it did he wouldn't be giving out to this Venusian. He turned on his charm again before continuing. "The company of a woman as beautiful as yourself would make the a lot less hard on me and although the excursion to the Forbidden Realms may be long, if you come you will be rewarded greatly."

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:19 pm 
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"I would get more money if I went alone. I wouldn't need to share it." countered Asseloxi.

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:22 pm 
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"You would not be going alone." Kardryn responded, trying to keep up his smile. "I need someone to help me get around the Forbidden Realms, if you don't think your up for it then I can find some one else to hire."

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:23 pm 
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"Then you won't need me, will you? If I'm expendable."

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:33 pm 
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Kardryn smile completely dropped and he wondered why this woman was being difficult when there was no need to be. "Everyone is expendable, even me" He replied. "If I die on this trip you can rummage through my pockets before leaving and then you will earn your pay either way."

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:36 pm 
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"Are you calling me a thief?"

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:38 pm 
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I'm preparing a post for Nova, getting him his pet. It might be a few days more but I hope to have these posts up in the next couple of days for the Guild meeting. No portal traveling for you all at the moment, I have a story plot.

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:51 pm 
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Kardryn looked at the Venusian, the smile had left his face and had been replaced with a scowl. Is this woman a fool or does she think it fun to mock me ? He thought to himself, balling up a fist. "I would not call you a thief." He replied all kindness had left his voice. "Though I see that you lack the intelligence to be of any use to me anyway."

He was about to leave when he turned back to the Khajiit. "I will have the items you need soon enough." He said, the smile was still gone from his face, but the scowl had also disappeared. "Without or without the help of others." And with that Kardryn stormed out of the Seamstresses.

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:52 pm 
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Asseloxi grinned. Insults are the arsenal of stupid men.

Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh
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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:38 pm 
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Malian looked at Ithu-Riel. "Where to now?" he asked. "I'm out of ideas unless you want to look pretty in jewels." His hair hissed and started to nuzzle the snow elf.

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:54 pm 
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"I think I would just like to take a nice walk, it is the perfect time for one." Ithu-Riel said. She petted the snake but was honestly not in a romantic mood at the moment. She wanted to sing or do.... Something. But she decided it would be nice just to walk around ad take in the sights.

\[T]/ Praise the Sun Y'all

 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:56 pm 

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Wait, what am I supposed to do?

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 Post subject: Re: ~Zeyelden: The Roleplay~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:01 pm 
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Malian smiled. "Tell me if my hair is getting a bit to close to you and making you feel uncomfortable, I'll need to put on a hat at that point." he laughed, half serious, half joking. "a walk sounds nice."

Call me Rainbow Fox if you want
In Command of Rainbow Fox Dungeon
"They call him the Joker. But my puddin' is no joke." -Harley Quinn
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