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 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:31 am 
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Lucien smashed through the sewer in front of Linu. He climbed out quickly, a giant demon-like fish snapping at him, but then falling back into the hole.

"Damn!" Lucien shouted, wiping salt water off of his face. "Who knew I had so many dangerous fish in my bloody ocean!?" He spit into the hole, and slide the cover back on.

He then turned to Linu and his eyes went wide. "LINU! Haven't seen you in so long, my dear friend!" He looked around him. "Nice...city..." He was amazed, as he was used to just one mansion on a beach. "Haven't been here in a while either! We people need to socialize more often. You know what I mean? Listen, before I forget - I'm having a party at my realm tonight. It'll be the first night my world goes dark instead of sunny! Would you like to come?"

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:32 am 
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Thane thrust back the bolt of his rifle, ejecting a spent shell casing and chambering a new round. Before the casing could hit a leaf, however, he snatched the hot brass from the air and slid it into his pocket. This was the way a firearm was meant to be. In his scope, the leaves bustled around the vapor trail left in the wet jungle, following the bullet into its target. Thane climbed down the short tree he had been waiting for hours in and approached his prey. He swiftly grabbed the combat knife from his boot strap and flipped it around fancifully in his hand. As he neared the twitching body of the fallen, he knelt and slit the throat of his virtual enemy.

As he brought himself back up, Thane slowly drew his pistol from his holster and held it in a combat stance as he moved through the underbrush. He broke through the treeline to see his small hut, decorated with the skins of cougars and apes. As he entered, he took off his jacket and dumped the empty cases onto a table next to a vice grip. Simply because he could have anything he wanted was no excuse for laziness. Thane reached under the desk and pulled out two bags. One of gunpowder, the other of the projectile portion of a bullet. He set to work refilling the chambers with gunpowder and capping them off with the tips.

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:22 am 

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Lief woke to the sun rising, a beautiful sigh-
"What the [&@%!]?" Lief thought aloud, the sun wasn't supposed to rise in his realm. Something was definitley off. He stepped up and walked outside.
The fog was lifting from his forest in the valley and snow was melting all around him. He shielded his eyes from the suns glare ad hurried back inside, he knew that something had gone wrong at the source of the simulation. He quickly sent his sprite, a small pulsating purple and black bulb, out to the other members of the simulation, telling them to come to his realm immediately and rushed to his study.
He pulled up his sleeves, revealing long spiderlike arms, and pushed a bookcase aside to reveal a hidden room. Lief stepped in and lit a candle which he found on a table beside him. It illuminated the small room, it was filled with all sorts of items, brooms to kitchen knives, old coats to buckets. Lief shoved all of this aside with a single swipe of his hand and ran his fingers along the back wall, searching for a crack that marked the location of his safe. He found it and pulled, the safe swinging open with a metallic creak.
Lief reached in and grabbed the contents of the safe, two old fasioned revolvers and a pocket knife. He tucked them into his trenchcoat pocket and hurried outside to wait for the others.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:38 am 
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I kicked back and relaxed. After a long and hard fight, I had finally knocked Crocomire into the acid, then watched as his skeleton destroyed a wall in my way. I went past to the save station and managed to save my game. Before I could reach to turn off the SNES, the power went out and did the job for me. Seriously? I thought. There were never any power outages in my realm. I stepped outside to go to the snack bar.

I had gone five feet when a dark purple orb about the size of my fist appeared. From it, a voice could be heard: "... You must help me... Strange things are happening... Go to Lief's realm..."

"Yeah, I can agree with the 'strange things' part... how the hell do you get a power outage in cyberspace?" I said, annoyed. I then stopped and turned almost completely around to go to Lief's realm. As I walked over the red ground, everything faded into black...

... and then a dark and gloomy sight appeared. I found myself on the outside of a short wall guarding the heavily forested courtyard to what looked like a cathedral taken straight from the 1600's. There was one thing out of place, though; the fact that the sun was up. I had been to his realm before and I knew that it's always night there. I climbed over the wall and waited, but I have no idea what for.


The Muddy Swampert of the Poké-Squad.
The Smart Guy of the Troper Team.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:27 pm 
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"Hello there, Lucien. Welcome to my city," Linu grinned as she looked at the rather bedraggled Lucien. "Sure, I'd love to come to your party. Let me quickly inform my club manager of my plans, first." She removed a cell phone from her pocket and dialed a number. "Hello? Yes, this is Linu. I'm not going to be coming to the club tonight, so no need to play my favorite songs...yes, thank you." Linu put her phone away as even more lights twinkled on behind her. "All right, ready any time you are!"


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:55 pm 
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"Incredible! Don't worry - I'll be better dressed and better cleaned by tonight." Lucien said, looking at his muddy swim trunks. He waved goodbye and dove into the sewer again.

He fell from the sky of Lief's realm, smashing many trees before hitting the grounds near the realm's owner. He got up slowly, cracked his back, brushed his hair, and pushed some dirt off of his body and trunks.

He turned to Lief. "Hell, this place is strange! How could you live in such a-" He noticed the sun above the trees. "What...happened?"

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:39 am 

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Lief looked up as he saw two members of the simulation enter his realm, Lucien and Ivan had answered his call. Lief stood up and hurried over to them, helping them up, changing realms was an unpleasant experience.

Lucien was the first to speak.
"Hell, this place is strange! How could you live in such a-"

"I don't know," Lief replied hurriedly, "maybe a disturbance in the source of the simulation. I wouldn't know, we should try to get out of here though. Something's up."
Lief paused for breath, looked around, continued.
"Once everyone get's here. . ." He paused, thinking that Lucien mightn't take the plan too well.
"Once everyone get's here, we're going to find a way out."

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:05 am 
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"If I could find a computer that directly interfaces with the simulation, I could probably get us all out of here," I said, recalling my hacking skills.


The Muddy Swampert of the Poké-Squad.
The Smart Guy of the Troper Team.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:29 pm 
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Linu was idle and decided to go visit Lief. Brace yourself, she thought as she plopped into the sewer after Lucien. "Argh," she grunted as the trees rolled by and she nearly landed on top of Ivan. "Sorry about that, mate."


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:39 pm 
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"That's fine, I've had much worse happen to me," I replied. "So, are there any computers around here that I could use?"


The Muddy Swampert of the Poké-Squad.
The Smart Guy of the Troper Team.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 8:42 pm 
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"No..." Lucien said, a tears slowly rolling down his face. "I've lost too much in my life back in the true world....The girls...Jeeves...I must help them before my realm, too, falls apart." Without a word, he climbed a tree with little needles to rip through his skin. He did not care about the pain. Once he had reached the top, he dove into the sky, disappearing.

He splashed out of the water, landing on the beach. The sky was black - completely black. The extremely bright light came from the mansion, which gave Lucien a clear view as to where he was going. He smashed through the doors. The girls were running through the home in fear. Some jumped on his and hugged him tightly, knowing the end was coming. His butler stood beside him. "Master...Has the time come?"

"Yes, Jeeves. I must leave."

"We'll die the moment you return to the true world, Master."

Lucien sighed. "You're not really alive, Jeeves. You're not real. Neither are any of the women. You're just a virtual man with no actual feelings or emotions."

Jeeves was not hurt by these words, for Lucien was correct. He couldn't be hurt by these words. Lucien hurried up the stairs and washed himself off. He took his time, knowing the end was near. He combed his hair back perfectly. He then took off his trunks and put on his military pants and boots. Then he put of his t-shirt. He wiped the tears from his face and reached into his cabinet. Out came his greatest prize - his Benelli M4 shotgun. "I missed you girl."

He stepped out of the mansion with a sigh. He had kissed each of his women goodbye, and shook Jeeves' hand for the first time. The water was up to the staircase behind the house, which used to lead down to the beach. He swam a little ways out, holding the shotgun above the water. He turned back when at a distance. "I'm sorry...." he whispered. Just after these words were spoken, the mansion disappeared under the water. Lucien returned to Lief's realm - ready for battle.

((This is my last really long post :lol:
I'm not gonna make Lucien a total -beep- in this RP, even though it was pretty fun in the last one =P))

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:19 am 

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Lief watched as a singlke tear rolled down Lucien's cheek, suddenly, Lucien hurriedly climbed one of the trees and disappeared. Lief tried to stop him bhut wasn't fast enough. He sighed and turned back towards Ivan, he was on the ground with Linu sprawled on top of him.
Awkward, Lief thought as he helped them up.
Answering Ivan's question, Lief said.

"There may be another way to get out. An extremely strong electrical surge may fry the circuits on the outside. It'll be dangerous, but easier than hacking."

Lucien reapperad in front of Lief, Lief let out a weak smile and nodded at him. He had proven himself to be a different man than Lief had thought he was.
"Welcome back."

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:26 am 
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"I don't really have any goodbyes to say to my people...I loved my city, though something always felt off. I always knew the people were just...shells," Linu murmured softly. "I will miss my realm, but being with real people again makes up for it a bit." She glanced up at the brilliant blue sky and back down and the ground, her eyes watering slightly. "So, what are we to do?" she asked, swallowing a lump in her throat and turning her gaze to Lief.


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:32 am 
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"Linu, we have two options: either find a computer that directly interfaces with the simulation and have me hack it, or create a massive external power surge to fry the machine."


The Muddy Swampert of the Poké-Squad.
The Smart Guy of the Troper Team.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-RP Started
PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:47 pm 

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"The hacking option is definitely safer, but where will we find a computer that connects directly to the interface?" Lief rocked back and forth on his feet, trying to think of a solution. An idea cam to him.

"Could all of our sprite's energy combined together be enough to cause a surge that could knock out the main interface?"
Lief summoned his sprite, the purple-black orb appeared before him. Lief touched it, his hand going straight through and a shock coursing through his body.

"[&@%!]!" He yelled, surprised, "if we combined our sprites something would definitely happen. Everybody summon your sprites, we're getting out of here."

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Escape!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:57 am 
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Lucien summoned his sprite. The ord appeared. "So...what do we do?"

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Escape!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:03 am 
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I held up my hand. My entire body began to glow blue as a pixellated copy of myself came off of my body and walked a few feet in front of me. "Ok, so what now?" I asked, wondering what would happen once everyone's sprites had been released.


The Muddy Swampert of the Poké-Squad.
The Smart Guy of the Troper Team.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Escape!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:31 pm 
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"I'm getting a bit tired of this, mates." Lucien said. "I just want all of this to go back to normal. No virtual men and women...no virtual realms. No sprites, no good and evil scientists.....no zombies. I just want everything to go back to the way it was before."

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Escape!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:31 am 

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"Lucien, quit your complaining. It's not gonna help us get outta here." Lief ordered, watching as Lucien and Ivan summoned their sprites. Linu just had to summon her's and the surge of all of them joining would most likely fry the outside circuits.
"C'mon Linu," Lief urged. "Summon your sprite and we can be outta here."

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Escape!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:17 pm 
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Linu stretched out her palm and summoned her orb. "All right. What now?"


Ratwar wrote:


Sleeper of House Dagoth
Galvanized Gordon Freeman of the VGCC

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Escape!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:29 pm 
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Thane put away the last of the recased bullets and grabbed a knife with an odd shaped blade. Something wasn't right. Instinct, he called it. He nudged the door open with his side while strapping a replica of an old Sig Sauer P226 to his waist in its holster. He approached a stump that was awkward with the rest, and an obvious hole in the middle. Pulling the blade back out, he jabbed it in the hole. Thane stepped back as a hydraulic hiss opened the stump's top, showing a passage and ladder leading down. He began to climb...

Five minutes of climbing later, Thane came to another hatch. He never really discovered how he could come out on the top of a ladder at a different place he had gone down, but he never really questioned it, either. Pushing the hatch open, he touched his boots to Lief's realm. From a few hundred yards off, he saw the gathering of the other survivors and began making his way to them. Thane felt his feet move him faster than he wanted to go, although he was in no rush. Something big was happening.

"What the hell is going on here?" Thane called from about fifty yards out, continuing his stern walk towards the group.

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Escape!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:41 pm 
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"We're finding a way out of here. So far, the only way out appears to be summoning our sprites to cause a massive electrical surge and destroy the simulation equipment."


The Muddy Swampert of the Poké-Squad.
The Smart Guy of the Troper Team.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Escape!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:43 pm 
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"And what's the reasoning behind wanting to leave? We've been fine here, haven't we? Given, I'd like to hunt with a rifle that was put together by a gunsmith, not some designer with a texture problem," Thane replied, whipping the pistol out of its holster and chucking it into some brush a few yards away.

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Escape!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:49 pm 
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"Lief thinks there's something wrong with the simulation; it's normally always night in his realm, and yet the sun is shining very brightly right now. I'd have to agree with him, because I got a power outage in my realm, which should never happen."


The Muddy Swampert of the Poké-Squad.
The Smart Guy of the Troper Team.

 Post subject: Re: Zombie Survival-Escape!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:51 pm 
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"Makes sense to me, I guess." Thane held out his hand as a small sprite materialized above it. "I have a feeling this will hurt."

And on the eighth day, God created Thermodynamics, and it was good.

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