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The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:54 am


The year is 4E 76, the 26th of Hearthfire. Many years after the Oblivion Crisis, Tamriel is in a state of peace and prosperity. Kvatch is rebuilt, and many small towns have erected across the countryside. The mages of the Arcane University have widely increased their research, and have developed cures for almost any disease. A new Emperor was also crowned, his name is Xan Deinixus.He is a kind, caring Emporer. Life is good in Tamriel.
But high in the mountains of Skyrim, a storm is brewing, a storm that will rock the very foundations of Tamriel.
Its school-time kids.
Right now you’re probably thinking. “And?” Allow me to explain.
In the fourth era on the first if Morning Star, the Emperor proclaimed that schools be built across Tamriel to widen the knowledge of the children. “The children are our future.” He said in the opening speech of the first of the schools. He named this school “College of The Nine Divines.” It is located high in the mountains of Northern Skyrim, and only the most privileged of all children are able to attend. The Headmaster, Romulus Remus, one of the best mages in all Tamriel leads the school with pride.
However, dark forces plot against the school. They plan to destroy every single one of the schools. One by one.Plus, they’ve already started. The students have started to mysteriously disappear within the night time. Black fog has surrounded the upper towers of the school for years. The worst that has happened was a professor, Ida Warrick by name was found hanging from the rafters. Dead.
But there is a problem, no one knows who these people are or what they want. The Emperor hasn’t made a single move to stop them and Romulus Remus hasn’t left his tower office for months.

So the kids decide to take initiative.

SCHOOL CLASSES: For the love of Kyraneth, read this.
Mathematics and It's many uses.
Language (Ayleid, Daedric etc.)
Magic and It's many uses. (Teaches magic, duh.)
Sporting (Fencing, archery etc.)
Carpenting (Woodworks)
Potions (Alchemy)
Each different school year will have a set timetable for classes.

RULES: For the love of Dibella, read them.
1. No ubering.
2. No controlling other peoples characters.
3. Romance is allowed. To an extent. Nothing to graphic.
4. I control all story bending NPCs.
5. You break one of these rules. I will PM you and tell you not to. Second time. Short suspension from the RP. Third time, you get taken by the mysterious dark forces.
6. dO nawt poste liek dis oR u wil git kiced ot off teh RP. AKA, use grammar.
7. I want good character sheets and good RPers.
8. Posts are in third person
9. No one-two liners.
10. Have fun.
11. Keep OOC to a minimum.

CHARACTER SHEET (For the love of Julianos, make one)
Birth sign:

Physical Appearance:
Hair style:
Hair colour:
Misc: (Tattoos, piercings etc.)

School Year:

Sign up!
Last edited by Vum on Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:58 am

Can I be an argonian?
do they go to people school?

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:07 am

Any race is accepted. ;)

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:58 am

This sounds like quite a unique RP.

Name: Dro-Virr
Age: 16
Race: Khajiiht
Birth sign: Mage

Physical Appearance: Tall, lean and slightly muscular. He has slightly larger ears and feet than normal khajiiht. His face is slim and pointed with eyes that remind you of a hawks.
Hair style: He keeps it rugged and long with a headband to keep it out of his face.
Hair colour: Dark red, maroon if you wish.
Height: 190 cm, about 6 foot 3 inches I think.
Weight: 65kg (he's quite skinny)
Clothing (thought I'd add this, or is their a school uniform): A loose shirt tucked under a silver belt. One sided chain tasset on his left and a small single leather pauldron on his right shoulder. Baggy pants with Leather boots and cloth armbands.
Misc: He has a unique pattern of stripes of his fur. On his back it looks like a tribal symbol. Left handed.

Personality: Quick and sharp whited. Speaks in small concise sentences. Enjoys a playful tussel with mates. Can be suprisingly helpful at times. Not afraid of much either.
Bio: Dro-Virr was born to two wealthy Khajiiht warriors. Out of his litter he was the strongest, fastest but maybe not the smartest. Quickly showed his skill in fighting at a young age and also suprising skill with Destruction Magic, possibly from being born under the sign of the Mage. His families wealth sent him to the "College of the Nine Divine" where his parents hoped he would come out ready for the world.
School Year: What ever the College defines as year 10.

Also, if this is a school for the privelidged, I would guess that there aren't that many students, right?

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:03 am

Nice character, and about the students and how many there are question. The playable characters will be unlimited, as there are quite a lot of "privileged" people in Tamriel you see. :D


Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:27 pm

Hmmm... my first time in an RP! I've been looking over a few so I get the general gist of how they work, but bear with me if I mess up :P


Name: Kylar Stern
Race: Breton
Birth Sign: The Ritual

Physical appearance: Just above average height, athletic but not overly muscular. An on-looker would define his look as an acrobat, lean and nimble, and with a chiselled, angular face with eyes so dark a brown they appear to have been burnt into his face.
Hair Style: long, free-flowing, windswept and intermittent with braids at irregular intervals around his crown.
Hair colour: Black as the mid-night sun.
Height: 6" (and half an inch if you want me to be picky)
Weight: 59 kilos (I know this weight could work because it's my own :P )
Clothing (as spiney said, unless there's a uniform): loose fitting, mottled black and grey fatigues with very little embelishment. His clothes, however, seem copiously supplied with pockets and sheaths. He wears small black leather fingerless gloves and his loose trousers are tucked into a pair of black fawn-leather boots. The right of which has yet another sheath in it.
Misc: A black sun is tattooed over his right eye, so that his iris is exactly at the centre of the sun. Ambidextrous.

Personality: Prefers actions rather than words, but on the occasions where he does speak, he's suave and down-to-earth. He prefers to earn reputations among his friends and associates by showing them what he can do, rather than merely telling them. Can be quick-tempered and sly.
Bio: Kylar is the only son and heir to one of the magister houses in High Rock, where there's constant conflict between the soldiers, magisters and peasantry. Growing up in an environment that was extensively magic-orientated, Kylar began to see how reliant the magister class had become on using magic as a pure form, rather than assisting physical actions. With the support of his father, Durzo, he put down a total of 6 rebellions using this new theory of using magic with combat, allowing him to be faster, jump higher, and conceal himself with relative ease. This pioneering attitude, however, meant that traditionalists grew more and more aggravated with every victory that lay in Kylar's hands, to the point of which High Rock was no longer safe for him to practice his arts. The College of the Nine Divines seemed an excellent location for Kylar to develop his skills, and as one of the most noble of High Rock's dynasties, he had no trouble gaining a place.
School year: Again, whatever is defined as year 10

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:05 pm

I'm gonna make a character much like the one in Molag Bal Game 6, which is somewhat based on Reaver from Fable II and also myself in real life.

Name: Raletus Harpell
Age: 18
Race: Imperial
Birth sign: The Thief

Physical Appearance: A mid-height, very finely built man; not too skinny, not too fat, not too weak, and not too muscular. He has a somewhat Elfish face with high cheekbones and a cocky grin. He has no facial hair, and his eyebrows possess a malicious look.
Hair style: Very thick, wavy locks (a big hit with the ladies, ya know what I‘m sayin’?)
Hair colour: Black
Height: 5’11
Weight: 170 lbs
Clothing (I like the clothing idea as well): A pair of thick black pants that tuck into a pair of tall leather boots, a dark brown belt, a high-class puffed black shirt, a pair of crimson cloves, and a red cape on his left shoulder. He wares a white handkerchief in his shirt below his neck.
Misc: He has a birthmark in the center of his chest that greatly resembles the skull of a male deer.

Personality: Raletus is a very young, very overeducated soul. Throughout his life, he has always possessed much better looks than his other male classmates, which has allowed him to woo almost any woman of his choosing. He is charming, intelligent, adventurous…and obnoxiously sarcastic and conceited. He will never pass a pretty lady and “let her go without a taste of happiness.”
Bio: Born to Imperial noblewoman Juliet Harpell and Skingrad Lord Makrid Hassildor (son of vampiric Count Janus Hassildor; he fled the relationship after acknowledging the fact that Juliet was pregnant). Raised by his mother in a life of luxury within a manor near the city of Anvil, Raletus became heavily associated with the thievery and piracy that plagued the city. As a little boy, he was the perfect ally of the local thugs - nimble, quick, and too cute to be accused of any crime. As he grew, his mother recognized what a danger he posed to the city. He was a fine dueler, nearly invisible while sneaking, and had scarcely broken a lockpick in his lifetime. So she sent him to the College in order to keep him from leading a life of thievery. While he does enjoy the College and the women who attend there, he dearly wishes to return to his immoral allies…
School Year: 12th
Last edited by Duh on Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:47 pm

Harry Potter meets Tamriel. I like it.

I wouldn't exactly be the mostexciting student so I'm gonna base my character on my friend who's far more interesting (I know it's weird, but she wouldn't mind!).
CHARACTER SHEET (For the love of Julianos, make one)
Name: Clara Vakerian (Mass Effect influence)
Age: 15
Race: Imperial
Birth sign: Apprentice

Physical Appearance: Two eyes, a nose, mouth, standard human stuff. Good looking (don't tell her I said that!)
Hair style: Long and straightened
Hair colour: Blonde
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Umm, I don't think I should say, but probably around 6 and a half stone
Misc: (Tattoos, piercings etc.) Ear piercings

Personality: Friendly and intelligent, but absolutely bloody furious when angered
Bio: Born to a rich family of Leyawiin, Clara was brought up to a pro-Imperial psyche, but she has not followed her parents and doesn't mind beastfolk. She was originally tutored in the Imperial City by the Mages Guild, but she was a serious troublemaker, and was eventually thrown out. Upon her return, her distraught parents found that the mages had taught her the arts of magic, and when she burned the mansion down for a laugh, they deported her to the Academy (Skyrim being about as far away as they can get her). She has been in the school for five years, and has since been banned from practicing magic out of lessons, and her parents have had to pay around 12000 septims to cover damages incurred. She isn't a strong front liner like many Imperials, but she is physically fit, and her skill with magic and foul temper more than make up for it. She has some ability in Maths etc. but finds them boring. She is rather outgoing, but has a problem with teachers and authority figures.
School Year: 10

Based on Claire Blackwell (except the crazy magic part). Don't worry, she pulls off crazy stuff like this on me all the time.

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:58 pm

Veckatimest wrote:Good looking (don't tell her I said that!)

:shock: Dude...I'm so telling her that you like her.

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:11 pm

Double post! Aren't I the worst?

@Vum: Are there uniforms? I took away my character's sword...because it's not common for schools to allow their students to carry weapons around (curse you corrupted Federal government!!!).

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:18 pm

You Idiot! when people double post it clears my last post!!!!!
Birth sign:The Lord

Physical Appearance:Tall and thin
Hair style:Spines
Hair colour:Black
Misc: Sleeve tatoo on right arm of the Night Mother(keeps this covered for obvious reasons)

Personality:Kind but dangerous if provoked, very Intellegent.
Bio:born into a poor family in Black Marsh he was left for dead on a hunting expedition and was found and taken in by the Dark Brotherhood. at age 13 he realised that he would have to disacosiate from the Brotherhood if wants to enroll at school.
School Year: 12

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:33 am

Once I get my character sheet written up and the timetables made we can begin. Nice characters you guys. And ladies if they exist on the internet. ;)

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:26 am

Wont be on for about 24 hours due to an out of town trip and time zone issues.

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:33 am

I'll be away monday and tuesday, but after that I'll be on with no problems.

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:35 am

Fallout 3 GOTY edition in 12 hours!!! :D

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:46 am

@SniperOverkill9: Don't really care.

Name: Samuel Ashcroft
Age: 17
Race: Breton
Birth sign: The Tower

Physical Appearance: Quite tall with an average build. His nose is unusually long and he has rather pointed ears for a Breton. His eyes are a very dark brown, almost black.
Hair style: Hangs loosely about his face and goes down to about his shoulders. It gets curlier as it goes down.
Hair colour: Blonde.
Height: 198cm
Weight: 72kg
Misc: (Tattoos, piercings etc.) He has a small tattoo of an eagle in flight on his wrist, and a round ear piercing in his right ear.

Personality: Usually quite quiet and shy, but he can be loud if needs be. He is easily angered, but doesn't get sad very easily.
Bio: Having been born and raised in a manor in the Imperial City, all of Samuel's needs were attended to with a simple clap of the hands. Samuel misbehaved quite a lot when he was young, and was abused by his father, the local drunkard. He was also hated by his mother, as Samuel's lack of magicka as a Breton seemed to be unnatural to his mother. She sent him to the College of The Nine Divines in hope of "curing him".
School Year: 11

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:14 pm

Will there be other NPC students?

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:23 pm

Of course there will, now we should get about RPing should we not?

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:24 pm

too right! :D

Edit: It's midnight here now so I'll see you guys in a few hours :P
Last edited by Goldbrand on Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:32 pm

Vum, I think you should do the honors of posting the opening of this roleplay. :P

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:26 pm

That I will.

The weather outside was calm, the snow slowly melted as the sun rose, casting it's warmth across the College. It shone through the frosted windows and lit the rooms up. The students slowly woke, ready for another year at The College of The Nine Divines. In one of these beds was Samuel Ashcroft, an ordinary enough boy. He yawned, and stepped out of bed. Samuel stretched and looked around, there appeared to be no new arrivals in the boy's dormitory as of yet, but he wasn't going to jump to any conclusions. He slipped out of his sleepwear and into his clothes, a loose, white cloth shirt with a leather vest over the top, tight black leather pants and leather boots. He picked up his bag, filled with all of his books and stationery, and didn't hesitate to head downstairs to the Great Hall, where the official welcoming to the school would take place.

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:58 am

Dro-virr slid out of bed along with everyone else. Head still heavy from sleep he rubbed his eyes and stretched a bit. He wished that he could sleep a little longer but everyone had woken up by now. He noticed that others were moving off, undoubtedly to the welcoming in the Great Hall. So as not to be late he quickly changed, slipping on his shirt, pants, tasset, pauldron and boots with ease. After putting everything on he grabbed his satchel and hurried downstairs to the Great Hall.

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:44 am

Raletus sat up as the other students began to leave the room. "What!? No way! It's not possible!" He had always enjoyed the College...he loathed the classes and work, but he loved his friends and the many attractive girls that attended there. But he was sick of it now. I wanted to return to Anvil and plan another big heist with Archy the pirate, and pull another prank on the town guards. This was one of his last years at the College. He couldn't be happier. He quickly got dressed in his shirt, pants, boots, gloves, and cape, and snatched his bag of supplies. As he ran to the doorway, he stopped with a grin.

"Bah, the Great Hall can wait! My time here is almost up! Just one or two years to go! I wonder how the girls are doing..." instead of turning left to the stairs, he snuck to the right and made for the girls' dormitory.

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:25 am

Too late to join?

Re: The College of The Nine Divines (An Oblivion RP)

Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:25 am

Never too late to join, my friend.
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