FOR THE LOVE OF AKATOSH, READ THIS ENTIRE POST BEFORE POSTING. The year is 4E 76, the 26th of Hearthfire. Many years after the Oblivion Crisis, Tamriel is in a state of peace and prosperity. Kvatch is rebuilt, and many small towns have erected across the countryside. The mages of the Arcane University have widely increased their research, and have developed cures for almost any disease. A new Emperor was also crowned, his name is Xan Deinixus.He is a kind, caring Emporer. Life is good in Tamriel.
But high in the mountains of Skyrim, a storm is brewing, a storm that will rock the very foundations of Tamriel.
Its school-time kids.
Right now you’re probably thinking. “And?” Allow me to explain.
In the fourth era on the first if Morning Star, the Emperor proclaimed that schools be built across Tamriel to widen the knowledge of the children. “The children are our future.” He said in the opening speech of the first of the schools. He named this school “College of The Nine Divines.” It is located high in the mountains of Northern Skyrim, and only the most privileged of all children are able to attend. The Headmaster, Romulus Remus, one of the best mages in all Tamriel leads the school with pride.
However, dark forces plot against the school. They plan to destroy every single one of the schools. One by one.Plus, they’ve already started. The students have started to mysteriously disappear within the night time. Black fog has surrounded the upper towers of the school for years. The worst that has happened was a professor, Ida Warrick by name was found hanging from the rafters. Dead.
But there is a problem, no one knows who these people are or what they want. The Emperor hasn’t made a single move to stop them and Romulus Remus hasn’t left his tower office for months.
So the kids decide to take initiative.
SCHOOL CLASSES: For the love of Kyraneth, read this.
Mathematics and It's many uses.
Language (Ayleid, Daedric etc.)
Magic and It's many uses. (Teaches magic, duh.)
Sporting (Fencing, archery etc.)
Carpenting (Woodworks)
Potions (Alchemy)
Each different school year will have a set timetable for classes.
RULES: For the love of Dibella, read them.
1. No ubering.
2. No controlling other peoples characters.
3. Romance is allowed. To an extent. Nothing to graphic.
4. I control all story bending NPCs.
5. You break one of these rules. I will PM you and tell you not to. Second time. Short suspension from the RP. Third time, you get taken by the mysterious dark forces.
6. dO nawt poste liek dis oR u wil git kiced ot off teh RP. AKA, use grammar.
7. I want good character sheets and good RPers.
8. Posts are in third person
9. No one-two liners.
10. Have fun.
11. Keep OOC to a minimum.
CHARACTER SHEET (For the love of Julianos, make one)
Birth sign:
Physical Appearance:
Hair style:
Hair colour:
Misc: (Tattoos, piercings etc.)
School Year:
Sign up!
Last edited by
Vum on Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.