EDIT: Sorry if this belongs in Roleplays. I couldn't decide.
I'm not sure if this forum is active enough, or if there is succificent interest. But since I've joined, I've been toying with the idea. This would be my general layout.
Layout-A guild, with 10 ranks and perks with every new rank
-Membership comprised of uesp users' characters
-Every user will be "for hire", taking on
contracts from other users
-Once enlisted, a user will pick his
class, which will decide which contracts he will receive
-Every class comes with a select arsenal, which is upgraded with every new rank
-Along with the arsenal upgrade,
perks are bestowed on high ranking members
-One perk will be a follower, whom is selected based on your roleplay class
-One perk will be a custom weapon, named & picked from your class' arsenal
-Your weapon will start with 1 enchantment, eventually reaching 3 in subsequent promotions
-Along with their arsenal, each class has one pretend Lesser Power to benefit their role
-Each user can pick one starting spell from a pool designed to benefit their class
-These starting spells, and the spells gained on promotion are based on a classes
Magic Type*
*Magic Types are )Support, )Offense, or )Enchant**
**Enchant allows the class to enchant an armor piece from their arsenal right off the bat, to offset the class' weakness
Guidelines-Basic writing quality must be adhered to
-Grammar as well
-However, the focus should be on creative contracts
-And honest completion of them
Example Character-Name: Samia Greenwood
-Race: Bosmer (f)
-Arsenal: bow, dagger, light cuirass, light greaves
-Magic Type: Support
-Lesser Power: Field Glasses (Telekinesis 100 ft)
-Spell Pool: Cure Disease, Water Walking, Weakness to Poison (pick one at start)
-Contracts: "A scout's contracts will be within the area of Reconnaissance and Intelligence. Gathering information by surveillance, located requested locations, and uncovering and reporting back information on a subject. A class suited for the agile, observant, and patient mercenary."
I've probably dragged on. Is anyone interested? I'm hoping to make a general mercenary's guild, where users can hire
ingame characters (yes, think of the characters you create in Oblivion) to perform required duties, both for the entertainment value for both sides, the sense of accomplishment, and the possible necessity. I know I need some scouts right about now. With positive responses, I'd
love to see all types of assassins and thugs. Maybe somebody's legs need to be broken?
Last edited by
Codex on Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Moved to the appropriate forum.