Alright, people! The other RP was a total poop licker, so I'm bringing out this one! This
is my last RP until April, so join while you can! This is also a
Sci-Fi, shipwreck, and WWII Roleplay, so have fun!!!!!!!
T H E S T O R Y L I N EThe year is 1940. A ship, under the title of "The Grey Steed", is blown off course in a horrid storm. The few survivers awaken to find themselves on the beach of an island unknown to mankind...or at least
most of mankind. The island is covered in an unbelievably thick jungle containing monsters that bring every man and woman's nightmares into reality. But not only monsters rest their forces of life in the hands of the island, but also the soldiers of Nazi Germany. Germany had discovered the island in 1915, and have kept it hidden for all of these years, stationing soldiers and keeping weapons on its surface. The weight of the war, and the lives of millions, rest on the shoulders of these survivors, who must fight to destroy both the Nazi occupation of the island and also the occupation of the terrible monster while keeping their own lives at the same time.
T H E C H A R A C T E R S H E E TUse this
code to create your character.
- Code:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Reason(s) for Being on the Ship:
Inventory (can have guns if military aligned, nothing super though):
T H E I S L A N DThis is where you have landed. You were lucky to survive. Now we must see if you'll be lucky enough once more.I have made a poor, effortless map of the island using the standard Paint program.
Here is the link to the map on my flickr. The island is huge - about the size of Sicily, Cuba, Japan, and Texas put together. So no "Bob walked to the other side of the island. He was there in about 29 minutes." The lines on the map are dirt roads.
Y O U R E N E M I E SNazi Soldiers - These are the men you all known and love...the men who killed millions under the command of their mighty Führer. Guess what? They're on the island as well, and will hunt you down at all costs. Their numbers on the island reach the high thousands, and they are heavily armed. So be ready to hide, fight, and steal some massive amounts of weapons and ammo. They are led by Nazi Major-General Heinrich Koenig, who lives in the Nazi Base at the far side of the island. The soldiers patrol every day, traveling on and off of the roads, in and out of the jungle. If they see you in the open, they'll make you swiss cheese. So try to stay out of sight!
Dogs - Always be on the lookout for dogs. They are the Wehrmacht's most useful and effective way to find you!
Donciraptors - Donciraptors are deadly, satanic, man-eating dinosaurs that are about as tall as an average door, and can grow up to 13 feet long. They can run up to 95 miles per hour, and will use their razor sharp claws and teeth to rip through your flesh and climb up trees. They are the most athletic predator on the island. They usually hunt in packs. WATCH OUT!
Nags - Nags are tiny, extremely "cute", puppy-like creatures that are no larger than a hummingbird. But they aren't so wonderful after all. If anything even remotely larger than them comes within a radius of 2 feet from their bodies, they will let out the loudest scream known to planet Earth. Their scream can cause anything within a twelves foot radius to lose their hearing for up to three hours long. And to top it all off, their screams attract donciraptors, who are immune to the great noise. Aside from their screams, nags can do absolutely no damage to you.
Slythyn - Slythyn are large cobras that can grow up to 150 feet long and can grow to be as wide as a nightstand. They have teeth as sharp as blades and their venom can stop the heart rate of a human being in less than ten seconds. Luckily, they only live in the center areas of the island, but there numbers are great. Try to avoid areas with very tall trees.
Wasserspeiers - Wasserspeiers are giant, dangerous, carnivorous bats that live on the rocky coasts of the island and in large caves in the center areas. The smallest of these monsters are about the size of a kitchen table. They dive at their prey from the skies and then devour their still-living food in sky sky
during flight. They are one of the most deadly species on the island, and, unlike their much smaller cousins, not all of them are nocturnal.
Mhag - Mhag are evil, man-eating, baboon-like primates with awfully sharp teeth and an extremely powerful grip. While they never grow past a man's waist, they always hunt in groups, jumping down upon their prey from the tree tops. They normally rip off the limbs of their targets and drink the blood that flows out, then they bring the dry flesh back into the trees and feast. These primates are the prime source of food for both the Slythyn and the Wasserspeiers.
Ghavog - Ghavog are clever, intelligent, genetically fortified werewolves. They have the strength of ten men, and the speed of a deer. Careful, though. They can take on the form of a human being at will. Do not let them fool you! You may pay a price...
Terrocrok - Terrocrok are gigantic, carnivorous, crocodile-like monsters that can reach the size of ten houses and can live up to 200 years. They will eat anything that moves. Luckily, they can only survive outside of water for only 7 minutes. And even better - only one is still living. But a rumor has spread across the Nazi soldiers that this last creature is a pregnant female. Terrocrok females can lay up to twenty eggs at a time. The hatchlings can hunt at three days old, and are the size of a kitchen at birth. You'd better hope this rumor isn't true. The last Terrocrock lives in one of the lakes of the island.
Van-Kiefers - Van-kiefers are eight-legged Smilodons (sabre-toothed tigers) whose tails are actual serpents. On each of their front legs are ape-like hands with very sharp claws. This makes Van-Kiefers especially dangerous, possessing the ability to grab you and rip you to shreads as you fall to the ground. They are rare, though. You're lucky...again...
T H E R U L E S1. As usual: I'm the boss here.
2. No super-hero roflroflomgleetwtfpwned characters.
3. Do not create a bunch of enemies without asking me through a PM first. I'll introduce the enemies as the RP unfolds.
4. Don't make a huge change to the story without asking me through a PM first.
5. Join or I'll hire an Orcish mercinary to go to your house, make you a sandwich, lop off your arms and legs, put your remains in a basket, cover you with melted chocolate and wait for it to harden, and then give it to his nephew for Easter.
6. Have fun, mates.
So there we have it! My new Roleplay. JOIN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by
King Acunasti on Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:35 am, edited 3 times in total.