Alright, just to start this little RP off, THIS IS NOT BASED ON THE MOVIE FROM THE 90's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With that said, this will probabaly be one of my last roleplays for a while. I'll still join other RP's, but you won't see one of mine until...Easter [likely]. So enjoy this, and join for God's sake!
Let's get this started, shall we? Unless you've been living under a rock for your entire life, you should know the story to this. This RP is based on the RMS Titanic (yes, the one that sunk). It will begin on April 10, 1912, the day the ship left Southampton, England, for New York.
Here's some Titanic info for those of you that need some review.In this roleplay, unlike my others, you can create up to three characters - One main character, and one/two side characters. Your side characters will go along with your main character's adventures. It also can give you more power. Side characters can be your main character's family members, boyfirend/girlfriend, close friends, etc...
MAIN CHARACTERSYou must have at least one main character. These characters must be in at least 75% of your posts. They are the bosses or leaders of your side characters (if you choose to have side characters). Here is the character sheet:
- Code:
Class (First, Second, Third):
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Reason(s) for Being on Titanic:
SIDE CHARACTERSSide characters are optional. You can have up to two of them. They should be in at least 25% of your posts (you don't have to do the percent calculations, just don't base the whole RP on one of your side characters). Just use the character sheet above to create your side characters if you choose to have them.
Also, when you post your side characters, put them in spoiler tags just to limit my confusion
The Rules1. I'm the boss. You wanna mess with me, kid?
2. No super-characters (in other words, no presidents, kings, ruler of nations, etc...)
3. DO NOT control any other player's character or side characters!
4. Do not do anything that totally changes the events of Titanic (no gunfights in the middle of church)
5. Keep this realistic.
Have fun, mates.So there ya have it. My character will be causing most of the problems on the Titanic, so don't worry about enemies. I gotcha covered.