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 Post subject: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:46 am 
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It all started around three years after the Skyrim Dragon Crisis had been dealt with. The Dovahkiin had gone on an expedition to Akavir and has not been heard from since (Hey). Tamriel had returned to normal, or as normal as it could possibly be, for anyone could clearly see the Empire was crumbling. As you see, Tamriel is destroying itself internally.

Status of Empire (Changes throughout story)

Cyrodiil: Thalmor Client Kingdom (Leader: Empress Pahlia Magus)

Pelletine and Anequina (Formerly Elsweyr): Thalmor Client Kingdoms (Leaders: Mane Ri'Zar and Mane Khaldar)

Hammerfell: Independent State (Leader: High Sultan Zorold Ghorzai)

City States of High Rock: Independent (Multiple Leaders)

Orsinium: Newly acquired Orcish territory. (Leader: Amaza the Revolutionary)

Black Marsh: Independent State (Leader: King Ahlzei)

Morrowind: Client Kingdom of Black Marsh (Leader: Duchess Wulija)

Solstheim: Dunmer Independent State (Largely Ignored) (Leader: Avos Helseth)

Skyrim: Independent State (Leader: Wesley Stormcloak)

The Reach: Independent Kingdom, ruled by King Madanach, although the king is sickly and old. His daughter Loraenach runs the day to day activities. (Igmund, Thongvar in exile)
The Pale Jarl: Skald
Falkreath Jarl: Dengeir of Stuhn (Siddgeir in exile)
Hjaalmarch Jarl: Thonnir (Idgrod in exile, Sorli dead)
The Rift Jarl: Maven Black Briar (Laila in exile)
Haafingar Jarl: Erikur (Elisef dead)
Whiterun Jarl: Sinmir (Balgruuf in exile, Vignar dead)
Eastmarch Jarl: Wesley Stormcloak
Winterhold Jarl: Korir
Bruma Jarls: Bruma was gifted temporarily to the Nords by Pahlia Magus. It is the home to the exiled Jarls Igmund, Siddgeir, Idgrod, Laila, and Balgruuf, with Balgruuf leading informally. There are all sorts of other political refugees here such as former stewards, housecarls, guard captains such as Aldis, families of Jarls including the Gray-Manes and Battle-Borns, and Thanes such as Bryling. )

Summerset Isle: Thalmor Controlled. (Leader: Archduke Tyran Mithras)

Valenwood: Thalmor Controlled. (Leader: King Byzantine)


The news has rippled across Tamriel. The unimaginable has happened. The Ayleids have returned! The impenetrable fortress known as Tarnabye in Valenwood has opened for the first time in hundreds of years, and an Ayleid diplomat made contact with the Thalmor controlling Valenwood.

Secrets were exchanged, deals were made. After a day of intense negotiation the Thalmor agreed to forge an alliance with the small clan of Ayleids.

As it turns out, during the Alessian Rebellion era, the Goria - the Ayleid Clan that has returned - foresaw that man would win. They had never kept men as slaves before and decided that in order to preserve their way of life, the Ayleids of Tarnabye would put themselves in a dormant state - hibernation - for thousands of years until they felt it safe to awaken again.

The small clan of no more than seventy had attracted the attention of everyone in Tamriel. Criticism and slander was tossed around casually. Some revered the Goria Clan as the most enlightened of their kind. Others saw them as enemy slavers that were lying through their teeth. The Goria appeared cautious at first but eventually agreed to make a speech explaining why they were different from their brethren and why they deserved a second chance to live in current Tamriel.

Little did the Goria know that they've attracted the attention of an organization far more powerful than gossiping commoners...

The Awakened Clan was about to become a symbol for something much greater.


Yes, you! The story begins outside Tarnabye, the Ayleids just about to make their big speech to the public. You're playing the role of someone in the crowd that gathered to listen to the speech. The story will unfold from there!

I'm not going to give away many plot spoilers, but I will say the Marukhati (An ancient cult of Ayleid killers) will show themselves quickly into the story, and the plot will unravel from there. What I'll say now is that the plot is as much about political struggles as it is the quest to solve the problems the Marukhati introduce. But the political side of the story will be more of a side effect of the Main Quest.

Additionally, your characters might or might not be part of a prophecy.

Anyway, let's get this thing started, am I right?

Notice: Due to pressure by a Capuchin lover that will go unnamed, I will allow TWO PEOPLE to play as Ayleids. If you wish to be one of those two people please post it and then PM me so we can work out how you'll fit into the intro.

Otherwise, play as any of the ten races as normal. Remember, you can be anyone as long as you show up to hear the speech. Now here is a very detailed character sheet for you.

Class (Mage, Theif etc.):
Facial Features:
Physical Appearance:
Background (Can be revealed in story - but have one!!!):
Other (If any):
Weapons/Major Spells/Staves:


Wait, wait. I forgot something. Those thing called rules. Ugh!

Let's make it simple. No crap in the roleplay. Anything and everything else goes.*

This is for me to keep tabs on everyone.

Duruza: Aramith (Parent: Vaermina. Power: Illusion)
Eltee: Irriwen (Parent: Hircine. Power: Archery Mastery)
POMC: Beorn Ulfgard (Parent: Peryite. Power: Disease)
imperialkhajiit: J'dar (Parent: Nocturnal. Power: Thieving)
Mars: Kah'jihreed (Parent: Meridia. Power: Magicka resistance)
King A: Malatar
Gandalf: Lilly (Parent: Jyggalag. Power: Jyggalag's blade)
Powerflex: Elyntine Amris (Parent: Boethiah. Power: Lying)
Avron: Sebastien Geontene II (Parent: Sanguine. Power: Luck)
Savilius: Ormis (Parent: Clavicus Vile. Power: Charm)
Celissa: Selara
JV: Siaenach Whitebriar (Parent: Mehrunes Dagon. Power: Betrayal)
TSO: Tireace (Parent: Shegorath. Power: Sanity)
Leyyuce: Feather-Tail (Parent: Hermaeus Mora. Power: Knowledge)
Duh: Mario Fortunius (Parent: Namira. Power: Insect control)
*At the discretion of yours truly. "The Marukhati" is not responsible for any accidents, injuries, dismemberment, or death you or a loved one experiences while roleplaying. "The Marukhati" is not responsible for the urge to kill yourself you will have after you read the budding romance of King Acunasti and his latest love interest. Arch-Mage Matt is not responsible for any offense taken in the small text.

Ring-a-ding, baby.

Hi! I am a UESPF Moderator and you can PM me with any concerns you have, no matter how trivial. You can also use the report button - a feature that draws attention to a certain post and allows us to offer our own input.

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:38 am 
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I'm game, and I have a fun little idea. I'll finish up in a short while:

Name: Aramith
Race: Altmer
Gender: Male
Class: Mage
Hair: Aramith has long golden hair which is generally drawn up in a high knot, although when not tied back it flows down to his shoulders
Facial Features: Aramith has a stereotypically Elven face, with an angular jaw and high cheekbones and brow line. Prominent on his face are both his piercing grey-blue eyes and his slightly hooked nose. Aramith has no significant facial hair to speak of, although he sports a thin layer of stubble along his chin and jaw.
Clothes/Armor: Armamith is typically garbed in a hooded Mage's robes
Physical Appearance: Aramith is tall, but only about average hight amongst his own people. He is wiry and thin due to his lifestyle of devotion to his studies in Lore and the Arcane Arts. Like all High Elves he is what lesser races might consider enigmatic and relatively beautiful.
Personality: Aramith is an outwardly simple person who enjoys the peace and tranquillity of his study in the Arcane. While he is respected for his dedication, Aramith is somewhat a recluse and not prone to outward displays of emotion, often attributed to his bookish, and quiet nature.
Background: Aramith studied Magic for decades, venturing across Tamriel to study with organisations including the Synod, the College of Whispers and the College of Winterhold. Much of his past in his homeland of Alinor is unknown, and he does not speak often of home. What is known, is that Aramith grew up in the city of Alinor and learned under a wizen Master Carandial, who had been both a mentor and father figure for Aramith as he grew up.
Weapons/Major Spells/Staves: Aramith posses only a Mage's Staff, an instrument used to channel his Arcane powers

To trade fairly and freely is to honour the Three.

Beginner's Guide to Morrowind

Last edited by OblivionDuruza on Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:14 pm 
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Status: Conducting genocide with the Ayleids
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I call one of those Ayleid spots!

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:30 pm 

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What ever happened to Elsweyr?

To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace- General George Washington

If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near- Sun Tzu

When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:28 pm 
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Name: Irriwen
Race: Bosmer
Gender: F
Class : Huntress
Hair: Light brown and shoulder length wind braids.
Facial Features: She has dark tanned skin, and dark brown, huge eyes, which are easily her most notable trait. She has a rather angular face, with high cheekbones and a small, sharp chin. She has pale blue war paint slashing down across her left eye.
Clothes/Armour: Some light fur armour.
Physical Appearance: Very slight, quite thin, but an extremely fast runner.
Personality: Capricious. Her inner thoughts are fairly inscrutable, so outwardly the decisions she makes can seem random. She can shift from joyful to dead serious in half an instant, and she can be vengeful and cruel to those who wrong her, but the best of friends to those who do her right.
Backstory: I think I'll reveal in RP.
Other: Irri doesn't fear magic per se, but she doesn't really understand it and she is perpetually in awe of it.
Weapons/Major Spells/Staves: She tends to use bows, she has a yew longbow, an Iron Waraxe, and a skinning knife.

Last edited by Eltee on Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:35 pm 
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Name: Beorn Ulfgard
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Class (Mage, Theif etc.): Warrior
Hair: Brown, long, some braids
Facial Features: Normal nose, brown eyes, light beard
Clothes/Armor: Iron armour (Skyrim armour)
Physical Appearance: Muscular, intimidating
Personality: Although he looks rough, he is actually quite kind, however, he is prone to rages if his friends are endangered. Unlike his fellows, he stands up for the Dunmer.
Background (Can be revealed in story - but have one!!!): He was born in Bruma and hunted with his friends, dad and uncles in the Jerrals. He went on Mammoth hunts with his family too and joined the Stormcloaks, eventually becoming respected in their ranks
Other (If any): He saw his father murdered by the Thalmor and is distrustful towards them.
Weapons/Major Spells/Staves: Steel sword, banded iron shield, a few healing spells and one offensive spell

Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh
Splotila naveki Velikaya Rus’.

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:09 pm 

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Gender: Male
Facial Features: black nose, yellow eyes, and a regular cat mouth. His left ear has a bite in it.
Clothes/Armor: Only wears a brown tunic and white pants. He also wears a silver ring.
Physical Appearance: Black fur, slim build.
Personality: Besides the fact that he is an excellent thief, he is kind.
Background: Has always led a double life. He is know to everyone as a kind farmer. But when he needs to, he could take eveything in a blink of an eye.
Other: Usually keeps to himself, but isn't an outcast.
Weapons/Major Spells/Staves: carries a steel shortsword

To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace- General George Washington

If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near- Sun Tzu

When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:19 pm 
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You guys wanna see my 1-whole-page character sheet? :mrgreen:

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:22 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:24 pm 
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No, A- we want you to keep it hidden away in a notepad file for all eternity.

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:27 pm 
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Race: Khajiit
Class: Rogue
Clothes/Armor: Leather armour, with no helm.
Physical Appearance: This.
Personality: Rogueish. Charming and usually nice, but a backstabber. Not many scrupples, though he will not kill without reason and not cheat someone he respects.
Background: Will be revealed in story.
Other: Nay.
Weapons/Major Spells/Staves: A simple longbow and two steel daggers, one of which has a shock enchantment.

Boss makes a dollar
I make a dime
That's why I'm forum posting
On company time

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:30 pm 
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Nobody likes a wise-ass. :P

Name: Malatar “The Woodland Ghost”
Race: Ayleid
Gender: Male
Class: Hunter
Hair: Very dark brown, almost black. He wears his hair very long and in a traditional, masculine Ayleid style. It almost looks like dreadlocks, but with several beaded braids at the front.
Facial Features: Malatar has very high and very pronounced cheekbones. His facial features can be described as “delicately masculine”. His eyes are somewhat large and shockingly bright blue. His brows are thin, yet in a somehow bold way. It appears as though he is always frowning, yet it is hard to spot a wrinkle anywhere on his face. He is very handsome, but his harsh expressions chase most women away.
Clothes/Armor: Malatar wears a suit of light, uniquely crafted Elven armor designed to provide great protection and allow ultimate flexibility and movement at the same time. He has donned a cape, hood, and gauntlets purely composed of jungle leaves. It is perfect camouflage. In a forested region, the average man or woman could not spot him from as little as 20 centimeters away.
Malatar also wears many traditional Ayleid beads, totems, and jewelry. This is pretty much what his clothing/armor looks like.
Physical Appearance: Extremely well-toned build. Malatar has been forced into being at top physical shape since he could walk. Every day is spent training. He awakens, exercises extensively for 15 hours, eats a short meal, and sleeps. But he is not so muscular that it restricts his movement. He is built for agility and stealth.
Like all Ayleids, Malatar possesses a dark golden shade of skin.
Personality: Malatar is a stern Elven nationalist with an extreme distrust and paranoia of non-Ayleid individuals. While not a racist per se, he disagrees with a peaceful Ayleid-Human co-existence, believing it to be impossible. Despite the various human racial divisions such as the Nords and Imperials, Malatar still refers to all human peoples as ‘Nedes’.
Malatar has literally spent his entire life training. As a result, he has very little time to practice his social skills. To most, he comes off as an extremely harsh, disciplined, and humorless man. But he reaps many benefits from his lifestyle. Malatar is the most skilled of the Goria’s elites. He is revered and respected by his comrades. But to the Ayleid leaders, he is often considered a menace. He has been known to go “rogue” from time to time - not following the orders of his superiors.
Extremely harsh, extremely intelligent, extremely disciplined, and extremely proud of his racial background, Malatar is a dangerous individual. And he will stop at nothing to ensure the survival of his clan.
Background: Will reveal later in the RP.
Other (If any): Malatar is an expert in the fields of archery, swordsmanship, and the unique ways of Welkynd magic - an arcane art practiced exclusively by the Ayleid race. However, when using axes, blunt weapons, or staves, he possesses almost no skill at all. A master hunter, he knows the woodlands like the back of his hand. He is able to move through the forests as swiftly as a spirit without making a sound (hence the nickname “The Woodland Ghost”). But on the open field, he becomes highly disoriented and panic-stricken.
Weapons/Major Spells/Staves: A large, customized, almost futuristic-looking Elven bow with a primitive scope mounted near the handle. He also possesses a beautiful Elven longsword which was personally forged for him as a gift from his superiors. In addition, Malatar wields a well-sharpened Elven dagger for hunting (as well as a last-resort weapon).
Malatar is well-educated in the Welkynd arts. He uses a particularly impressive spell with which he is able to take on the form of a large golden lion for a limited period of time. He is also capable of casting weak healing spells, decent light spells, and destructive spells involving lightning.


"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:31 pm 

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Excited much?

To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace- General George Washington

If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near- Sun Tzu

When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:48 pm 
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Okay, lets give this a shot.

Name: Lilly.
Race: Nord.
Gender: Female.
Class: Sword-and-shield warrior.
Hair: Blonde, braided down one side, shoulder-length.
Phisical appearence:
Clothes/Armour: Stormcloak rank-and-file armour, fur boots and fur gauntlets.
Personality: Flirty, brave, bold, and all of that.
Background: Was a freelance adventurer for a few years, before getting caght up in skyrim's civil war. Joined the Stormcloaks aged 24.
Other: An expert in sword-and-shield combat. She once fought off a legion of Imperials with only her wardog Simon for support.
Weapons: Dwarven sword and steel shield, with a bow and steel arrows for ranged combat.

How's this?

One does not equal three.
Two does not equal three.
By induction,
Three does not equal three.
-unknown Redditor.

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 8:53 pm 
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Damn it, Matt, this sounds positively awesome. I wish I had enough time to participate...but I think you guys will out post me every time and I'll always be 20 posts behind. And I tend to be a tl;dr RPer. Might as well spare you all that pain and tragedy...but it's so tempting! :P


"[...] for the lives of gods are not what mortals think and matters that weigh only years to mortals weigh on gods forever."
The Tribunal Temple, Nerevar at Red Mountain

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 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:12 pm 
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imperialkhajiit wrote:
What ever happened to Elsweyr?

Hey, don't blame me, I tried to follow current lore as much as possible. Says the Wiki -- "During the Fourth Era, the Empire collapsed, and Elsweyr seceded from the Empire shortly after Black Marsh. It was recently split into two client kingdoms of the Aldmeri Dominion as Pelletine and Anequina."


Everyone is accepted, I'll PM King A in a second, and Avron is encouraged to join anyway!!

Ring-a-ding, baby.

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 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:13 pm 

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I'm not blaming you for anything. Sorry if it came out that way. Sorry

To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace- General George Washington

If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near- Sun Tzu

When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:22 pm 
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King Acunasti wrote:
Nobody likes a wise-ass. :P

Nobody likes a nationalist Ayleid with a scoped bow.

On an unrelated note, I'll have my character posted in a few short moments.

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:25 pm 
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Name: Elyntine Amris
Race: Dunmer
Gender: Female
Class: Spellsword
Hair: Very long, straight, and black, usually pulled back in a ponytail.
Facial Features: Elyntine's eyes are tilted slightly inward; this combined with her thin, angular eyebrows lends her an unintentionally harsh look.
Clothes/Armor: Elyntine wears a dark green tunic over chainmail, belted and with long sleeves rolled up to the elbow. She also wears leather bracers and boots, and two small gold rings adorn her right ear.
Physical Appearance: Fairly young (late twenties-early thirties), Elyntine is thin but muscled. Her skin has a bit more bluish tone than most Dunmer.
Personality: Elyntine is quiet, contemplative, and cautious, usually not the first to act. She is cynical, and cares not what others think of her, but is friendly when approached. She is good-natured and kind at heart. She likes children immensely.
Background: Will reveal in RP.
Other: She usually carries a wooden lyre with her. The fact that she is often mistaken for a bard because of this annoys her.
Weapons/Major Spells/Staves: Elyntine uses a steel longsword and occasionally a steel dagger that she carries as an all-purpose tool. She focuses on restoration and destruction magic, and has studied a bit in alteration. She knows fairly strong healing and flame spells.

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:26 pm 
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imperialkhajiit wrote:
I'm not blaming you for anything. Sorry if it came out that way. Sorry

Don't worry, I was kidding. :wink:

I think I'll start this Tuesday. Mondays are bad for me. You have until then to join.

Ring-a-ding, baby.

Hi! I am a UESPF Moderator and you can PM me with any concerns you have, no matter how trivial. You can also use the report button - a feature that draws attention to a certain post and allows us to offer our own input.

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:42 pm 
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Leyyuce wrote:
King Acunasti wrote:
Nobody likes a wise-ass. :P

Nobody likes a nationalist Ayleid with a scoped bow.

Hellz yeah!

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:17 pm 
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Arch-Mage Matt wrote:
...and Avron is encouraged to join anyway!!

Well, how can I resist! I'll try. Since I've never actually joined in the fun here on this part of UESP, I hope this first attempt is okay.

Name: Sebastien Geontene II
Race: Breton
Gender: Male
Class: Battlemage
Hair: Chestnut-colored, with a sprinkling of silver at his temples. Sebastien’s hair is short but wavy and always appears neatly combed.
Facial features: Sebastien has a broad face. He has a square chin covered with dark stubble that is trimmed into a short beard, thin, flat lips that seem forever cast into an uninterested frown, and a long, slightly hooked nose. His forehead is tall and prominent, as are his gray eyes, now beginning to show signs of age as wrinkles start their subtle gathering beneath his lower lids.
Clothes/Armor: Appearing no more out of place than any Breton in a crowd, Sebastien prefers to wear long sleeved shirts and leathered pants (simple clothes, albeit not without an elegant detail here or there about the collar or sleeve). Occasionally he wears a vest, but he is often not seen without a long, velvet green coat that looks as if it might be modestly enchanted. He owns but one set of mismatched steel armor, and often wears his arm bracers and boots despite his outfit. Upon his left hand is a single silver ring with a small ruby, a precious heirloom from his mother.
Physical Appearance: Sebastien appears well manicured, calm, and certain of himself no matter what situation he finds himself in. He is of average height and is only moderately in shape, without the bulging muscles of an adventurer or fighter, but he carries himself with the determination that he can easily outwit and outfight both. He walks with his chin held high, his eyes staring determinedly ahead and seemingly unnoticing of others in his immediate presence, and one hand often rests on the hilt of the longsword he carries at his hip. As do the Bretons of old, he presents himself as dignified and educated, and does not care who he might offend by doing so.
Personality: Sebastien has no trouble speaking his mind. He is stubborn, determined, and does not seem to care that his words can appear hurtful toward others, causing some to say he has the temper of a Dunmer, the arrogance of an Altmer, and the mannerisms of a stuck up, noble-blooded Breton, all of which are true. But that is not to say that he does not have his merits. He is a passionate and loyal friend, once won over, and his stubbornness means he will do what he says, no matter how he goes about it.
Background: Sebastien Geontene was born into a Breton family of high-class origins and named after a previous Sebastien who lived in the Third Era and was rumored to have been a Spymaster in the Blades, back when the Blades meant something to an Empire that has long since been crumbling. Sebastien II does not seem to think this is of any particular importance. He believes he has no allegiance to the Empire, the Thalmor, or any other of the Divine-forsaken authorities that believe they have a right to rule, and wishes only for the provinces to settle so the citizens may feel secure. As a youth he was educated in the arts of destruction, alteration, and restoration, and later went on to pursue training in heavy armor and one handed weapons, particularly swords. He is not the best warrior or mage, but he is more than capable, and above all he is cunning. He has never had a family of his own and has few emotional attachments as a middle aged man. He has a particular soft spot for history and books, and can often be found reading by candlelight, as well as always having a book on his person; he is also thus respectful of the ways and cultures of Tamriel's past. Well off financially and otherwise bored with his meaningless existence, in the past decade of his life he has taken to traveling Tamriel in hopes that he may soon find a purpose for his otherwise idle hands. Time, however, may show that he has more in common with his namesake than he would like to admit.
Other: Sebastien is a master rider, and there are few men or beast that can hope to catch him when he is on a horse.
Weapons/Major Spells/Staves: He is rarely without his silver longsword, which he handles well. His spells include a few potentially bothersome destruction spells (particularly when it comes to shock spells), some useful alteration spells (telekinesis, shield, light, and a detect life spell), and a handful of restoration spells (cure spells, restore health spells, and a fortify stamina spell). In battle he is more of a swordsman than he is a mage, but he is not abashed to use his magicka if need be.

I almost went with an Imperial just to make you all annoyed, but I figured a grumpy Breton was just as good. :wink:

Also, long character summary is long. *cough*


"[...] for the lives of gods are not what mortals think and matters that weigh only years to mortals weigh on gods forever."
The Tribunal Temple, Nerevar at Red Mountain

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 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:29 pm 
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That's what I'm talking about, Avron! A one-page character sheet! High five!

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:32 pm 
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You and I know, Acunasti, that the longer the character sheet, the better! So high five right back at cha!

Also, this is my first RP experience on the forums, so go easy on me, folks. That said, I'm going to retreat and stay on topic. And stuffs.


"[...] for the lives of gods are not what mortals think and matters that weigh only years to mortals weigh on gods forever."
The Tribunal Temple, Nerevar at Red Mountain

Find the S'wit:
ESO PC-NA: @Avron | Legends: nosoundcomes

 Post subject: Re: The Marukhati
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:15 am 
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King Acunasti is responsible for being [&@%!] at what's in the small text in the intro.

"Uhh...Shut up, Beavis!"

Bow to your mighty King of Monkeys!

Last edited by Avron the S'wit on Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Update: that isn't even a curse word. Curious.

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